Title: MINTgruppen
1Kaisu Sammalisto Tech.Lic, MBA Dean for
Environmental Management kso_at_hig.se
2From Government Directive to Sustainable
Development in Swedish Universities 230 public
agencies including 35 universitiesto implement
EMSsince 1996
3Perceived Development
- 1. Government directive
- 2. EMS implementation in higher education
- 3. Awareness among faculty and staff
- 4. Greening of courses/research/
campus management - 5. Knowledge/awareness/ action
competence among the students - 6. Decisions/actions for
sustainable development - A more sustainable society
6Degree of target reaching and how it was measured
8Towards Sustainable Development via ISO 14001
- 1996 First environmental review and policy
- 1999 Government directive for HiG
- 2001 Feasibility study for certification
- December 2001 University Board decision
- Implementation of ISO14001
- Certification July 12, 2004
- Continued development of EMS
- Dean for environmental management (50)
- Project group
- two teachers
- an administrator
- two students
- an industry representative
- Environmental council
- 11 environmental co-ordinators and project group
12(No Transcript)
13What does it look like today
14Success factors
- University president has the key role
- Plenty of discussion in
- University management group
- Environmental council
- Department meetings
- Training of faculty and staff
- Further implementation by
- Evaluation of courses and research projects
- Audits and continuous improvement
- Website, magazine, e-mail, newspapers
- Breakfast debates, lectures
- Student papers and assignments
15 Conclusions
Government directive important starter for many
Staff and faculty engagement essential
Reporting requirement important for continuation
Academic debate increases awareness
Eye opener for the wider concept of sustainability
Audits important for continuation after