Title: Williamsburg Bridge Presentation
1Waldo-Hancock Bridge
Cable Retrofit
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4Existing Bridge - Elevation
57 m
8.6 m
Cross Section Main Spans
6Wood Fillers
37 1 3/8 Dia. Pre-stressed Helical Strands
9 5/8 Diameter
Cross Section Main Cable
7Main Cable Deterioration
8Wedging Operation
Wedging Operation
9Stage 1 Surface shiny, some white areas
(zinc corrosion)
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16Stage 4 corrosion where strands touch (typ.)
Section Thru Main Cable
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1837 Wire Strand
Typical Wire Corrosion Patterns at Worst Location
19Multiple Wire Breaks
20Wire and Strand Testing
21Stage 4 Pitting
22Severe Stage 4 Section Loss
Stage 4
Stage 3
Stage 2
Assumptions at PP12E 14E North Cable
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27Strand Testing
Three Strand Specimens Tested 83 to 67 of
Original UTS
28Acoustic Monitoring
29Supplementary Strands
30Sequence of Construction
Tower and Bent Saddles, Anchorages Pulling of
Structural Strands Installing Strongbacks Cable
Bands Load Transfer
strengthen cables August 25 Mobilization on
site September 2 Start on-site work September
12 Placed first saddle concrete October
17 Started Load Transfer October 26 Completed
Final Steps Complete - 11 weeks after
first meeting
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37Free Cable Geometry
4.2 m
1.3 m
.36 m
.36 m
1.3 m
38Strand Pulling Operation
Rollers Crane
Reel Tensioner
39Load Transfer Sequence - First Stage
40Strongback Tie Rod
New Strands
Existing Cable
Threaded Tie Rod
Strong Back
Existing Suspenders
41Inclined Tie Rod
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43Original Tower Saddle
44Tower Saddle
45Tower Saddle Offset
46Installed tower extension
47Cable Bent
48Installed Cable Bent extension
49West Anchorage
Bed Rock
50East Anchorage
New Anchorage
Existing Anchorage
51East Anchorage
Bridge Bowl
Dywidag Rod
Steel Tube
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54Tensioner Position (For Strand Pulling Operation)
55High Tension Power Cable Tensioner Modified to
Accommodate Cable End (Bridge Bowl) Maintained
10-15 Kips of Tension During Strand Pulling
56Loading New Strand Spool onto Spool Stand / Brake
57Spool Stand/Brake
58Threading Bridge Bowl Onto Tensioner
59Overview of Entire Strand Tensioning Equipment
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61Pulling Device to Guide Bridge Bowl Over the
Saddle Rollers
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65Hydraulic Winch for Pulling Strand
66Installing Cable Clamps on Existing Suspender
67Installation of New Suspender Hanger Blocks
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