Title: Michael Dworschak, GSI
1First direct Penning trap mass measurements on
transuranium elements with SHIPTRAP
- Michael Dworschak, GSI
- for the SHIPTRAP collaboration
- Introduction
- SHIPTRAP setup
- Direct mass measurements for Z gt 100
- Conclusions
3Regions of interest at SHIPTRAP
Heavy Elements
proton emitters
NZ, rp-process
- Strong repulsive force due to large number of
protons - Stability of SHE only due to shell
effects - For nobelium T(SF) gt T(alpha)
4Spontaneous Fission
? disrupting force
? backdriving force
E / MeV
? scission point
5Shell corrections in the region of heavy elements
6Deformation in the region of heavy elements
P.Möller et al. At. Data and Nucl. Data Tab. 59,
185 (1995)
7The Recoil Separator SHIP
velocity filter
5 MeV/u
0.1-1 MeV/u
Mastertitelformat bearbeiten
8The SHIPTRAP set-up
9Principle of Penning Traps
Cyclotron frequency
- PENNING trap
- Strong homogeneous
- magnetic field
- Weak electric 3D
- quadrupole field
end cap
ring electrode
10Ion Motion in a Penning Trap
- Motion of an ion is the superposition of three
characteristic - harmonic motions
- axial motion (frequency fz)
- magnetron motion (frequency f)
- modified cyclotron motion (frequency f)
- In an ideal Penning trap the frequencies of the
radial motions obey the relation
Typical frequencies q e, m 100 u, B 7
T ? f- 1 kHz f 1 MHz
11TOF Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Time-of-flight resonance technique
Scan of excitation frequency
Injection of ions into the trap and excitation of
radius r-
Excitation near fc ? coupling of radial motions,
1 m
Ejection along the magnetic field lines ? radial
energy converted to axial energy
Time-of-flight (TOF) measurement
12TOF Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Time-of-flight resonance technique
1 m
13TOF Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Time-of-flight resonance technique
1 m
Resolving power
14Mass determination
Relation between cyclotron frequency and mass due
Fluctuations of magnetic field due to temperature
and pressure changes -gt Calibration needed
Determine atomic mass from frequency ratio with
a well-known reference mass
Normally 85Rb or 133Cs are chosen as reference
15SHIPTRAP Performance
A 147
Mass resolving power of m/dm 100,000 in
purification trap ? separation of isobars
16Direct Mass Measurements above Z 100
- energy matching of reaction products to trap's
energy scale - high efficiency to deal with very low production
rates - 1 atom/s _at_ Z102 (s ? mb)
- 1 atom/week _at_ Z112 (s ? pb)
- high cleanliness for low background
- stable and reliable operation over extended time
17Production of nobelium isotopes
4.5MeV/u about 1013 particles / s
200 keV/u about 1 particle / s
18Production of nobelium isotopes
Fusion probability increasing with beam energy
Survival probability of compound nucleus
decreasing with beam energy
19Direct Mass Measurements of 252-254No
20Direct Mass Measurements of 252-254No
- August 2008
- 206-208Pb(48Ca,2n)252-254No
- doubly-charged nobelium ions extracted
- low production rates
- -gt about 4 h for each resonance
- 133Cs used as reference mass (same q/m ratio)
21Direct Mass Measurements of 252-254No
Results in agreement with previous AME
values ME uncertainties in the order of 10-30
First direct mass measurements in the region Z gt
22Principle of mass determination with a decay
23Definitions in the Atomic Mass Evaluation
Primary data determined by at least two
independent measurements
Secondary data determined by only one measurement
24Combining the results from a decays and Penning
- Difficulties
- decays not between ground states
- "broken" a-chains
- energy summing with conversion electrons
25Combining the results from a decays and Penning
- Difficulties
- decays not between ground states
- "broken" a-chains
- energy summing with conversion electrons
26Combining the results from a decays and Penning
27Link to island of stability
- Combine new, directly measured masses and
a-decay spectroscopy - Determine the masses of short-lived higher-Z
To be determined a-decay of 262Sg (15)
28Direct Mass Measurements of 255Lr
Extend direct mass measurements to higher Z
- April 2009
- 209Bi(48Ca,2n)255Lr
- rate of incoming particles for 255Lr only 0.3
ions/s - singly and doubly-charged ions extracted
255Lr nuclide with lowest rate ever measured in a
Penning trap
29The Route to SHE
- increase sensitivity and efficiency
- (non-destructive) detection system with
single-ion sensitivity - new cryogenic gas cell
- improve primary beam
- access to more neutron-rich nuclides
- hot-fusion reactions with actinide targets
- connection to gas-filled separator TASCA
30Summary and Outlook
- First direct mass measurements of nobelium
isotopes have been performed with SHIPTRAP - Using results from direct mass measurements more
primary nuclides could be obtained - Nobelium isotopes linked to superheavy elements
by a-decay chains - Next step go to higher-Z nuclides
- In the long-term future Penning traps can
contribute to identify long-lived SHE
31SHIPTRAP Collaborators
M. Dworschak, D. Ackermann, K. Blaum, M. Block,
C. Droese, S. Eliseev, E. Haettner, F. Herfurth,
F. P. Heßberger, S. Hofmann, J. Ketter, J.
Ketelaer, H.-J. Kluge, G. Marx, M. Mazzocco, Yu.
Novikov, W. R. Plaß, A. Popeko, D. Rodríguez, C.
Scheidenberger, L. Schweikhard, P. Thirolf, G.
Vorobjev, C. Weber
Thank you for your attention !
32(No Transcript)
33Penning trap basics
Relevant for mass measurements
34Cyclotron frequency measurement
off res.
on res.
m r w
35Super Heavy Elements
GSI elements Z 107-112
- how heavy can the elements be?
- location of the island of stability?
- structure of SHE?
- stability due to shell effects
- ? accurate binding energies needed
36TOF Cyclotron Resonance Curve
TOF as a function of the excitation frequency
off res.
on res.
Resolving power
Determine atomic mass from frequency ratio with
a well-known reference mass.