Title: Michael Landis - Historian - An Excellent Researcher
1Michael Landis - Historian
History Professor Published Author Educator
2(No Transcript)
3Michael Landis (Historian) can formulate and
deliver a wide range of courses utilizing various
techniques, including one-to-one coaching, group
workshops, and ongoing support with experience of
presenting outstanding results for individuals
within a challenging and fast-paced academic
4Michael Landis (Historian) is adept at
identifying ways to improve overall program
understanding and ensure a high-quality delivery
and world-class learning experience.
5Michael Landiss significant book reviews include
The Stormy Present Conservatism and the Problem
of Slavery in Northern Politics, 1846-1865,
published in the Journal of the Abraham Lincoln
Association and Lincoln and the Decision for War
The Northern Response to Secession in the Journal
of the Early Republic 29.
6Michael Landis (Historian) was awarded the
Beautification Award by Ballston Spa Business
Professional Organization in November 2020 for
the SCHC exhibit Coping with Crisis. In addition,
Michael Landis has several media appearances,
such as the Interview on the topic of Attack on
the US Capitol The Center for Public Integrity
(Washington, DC) in 2021.
7Michael Landis (Historian) has taught courses
like Age of Jackson (1815-1845), Slavery and the
American South and Western Civilization and World
II to different levels at various educational
Find out more about him at his official site