Title: Student Spotlight
1Student Spotlight
Amanda is a junior at Jackson Co. High
School and a welding student under the direction
of Welding Instructor John Estridge at the
Jackson Co. ATC. She was recently
nominated as a KY Tech Student of the Year and
has received many other honors and awards
including Outstanding Math Achievement,
Outstanding Science Achievement, Outstanding
Student Achievement, eight years perfect
attendance, National Honor Roll Student of the
Week and the Principals Award at Jackson County
High School. Amanda has been named as a
Governor's Scholar. She has served as reporter
for her local SkillsUSA chapter, president of the
Student Leadership Club and Bible Club student
council member. Her community service
includes participating in the local SkillsUSA
annual Walk-a-Thon, creating and handing out
greeting cards at the local nursing home and
volunteering at the annual basketball camp as an
instructor. I like my technical education
program because its not only fun, but all the
teachers are really friendly, says Amanda. Mr.
Estridge has helped me get the classes I need to
receive welding certificates. He has also helped
me get a welding job in order to get the
experience I need. Mr. Moore has also been
helpful in various ways such as talking to me
about college and the classes I need to become a
welding teacher. Amanda plans to attend
college and receive a degree in Career and
Technical Education so she can return to her ATC
and become a welding instructor someday.
Amanda MartinStudent Spotlight 10February 1,