Title: Willie Whole Note
2Hello! Im Willie Whole Note. Im the father of
the Note Family. I live in the Land of Music and
its my job to build songhouses. I own the Treble
Bass Construction Company. As you can see, Im
quite a round fellow. Inside a songhouse, my
notes look like a circle. They are never shaded
in. Did you know that I hold my sound longer than
the other notes? Thats right. Youll have to
take a big breath before you sing a whole note!
3When I make a songhouse, Im in charge of putting
all the whole notes inside. I use to build them
by myself, until I met my wife, Helen. As I was
walking home from work one day, a beautiful lady
note was singing a delightful song. It was love
at first sight!
4Helen is a wonderful designer. She helps me build
my songhouses now. She gives them each a
different style, like rock and roll, country, or
even classical. Its much more exciting when we
work together.
5Helen and I have three children. Youve already
met Quincy, our teen-aged son. Ellie Eighth Note
is our middle child and Susie Sixteenth is the
baby. The children help us build songhouses, too.
So do our family pets, sometimes! Well, its time
to get to work. So-long and keep on singing!