Title: National and Texas Symbols
1National and Texas Symbols
Created by Patience Horner
The purpose of this presentation is to help
second grade students acquire the knowledge of
the symbols of their nation and state. This
particular presentation would be best utilized as
a re-teaching tool located at a computer for the
student to access on his or her own.
3United States of America
The United States of America is full of
traditions and symbols lets take a look at a
few of them now.
4The American Flag
- The American Flag is our countrys best symbol.
5The flag stands for many things
The red and white stripes stand for the 13
original states in the Union
6The 50 stars stand for the fifty states in the
United States
7Colors of the Flag
Blue is for justice
Red is for strength
White is for innocence
8We salute the flag by saying the Pledge of
I pledge allegiance to the Flag
Of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One Nation under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.
9The Bald Eagle
The bald eagle was chosen as our national emblem
in 1782.
10Facts about the Eagle
Eagles almost became extinct because of bug spray
They have great eyesight
Males weigh up to 8 pounds
They build huge nests some are the size of a
pickup truck
Females weigh up to 12 pounds
11Uncle Sam
12Who is Uncle Sam?
Uncle Sam is the nickname given to the United
States Government
It came from a man named Samuel Wilson who gave
meat to the United States Army
13Now lets talk about our home state of
15Texas has its own flag
16The white stands for strength
The blue stands for loyalty
The red stands for bravery
17The Texas Bird
The Mockingbird
18The Texas Flower
The Bluebonnet
Insert as many slides as you need and then paste
text and/or insert a picture. Youll want to
change the font color to white for readability,
and to match the rest of the slides.
(2.14) Citizenship. The student understands
important customs, symbols, and celebrations that
represent American beliefs and principles and
contribute to our national identity (B) identify
selected symbols such as state and national birds
and flowers and patriotic symbols such as the
U.S. and Texas flags and Uncle Sam
20Websites Resources
Texas State Symbols and Emblems http//www.stateho
usegirls.net/tx/symbols Flay Day and Patriotic
Symbols http//www.vickiblackwell.com/flag.html M
icrosoft ClipArt Gallery
Williams Jr., Earl P. (1987) What You Should Know
About the American Flag. MD Maryland
Historical Press Johnson, Linda Carlson (1992)
Our National Symbols. CT The Millbrook Press