Title: II' Surviving Office Politics In A Christians Way
1II. Surviving Office Politics In A Christians
- GCF Retreat Workshop
- 1 May 2004
2A Warm-up Question
- A sister in your company has been designated to
succeed a top dog, but she worries about your
ability to survive the power play. - Shes seeking your counsel,
what would you advise her ?
3 Outline
- Lessons from real cases II
- The clues for survival
- The key to success
- Lessons from real cases III
- The humility of service
- The road to sanctity
- References
4- Lessons from real cases II Source of wisdom
5Case 1
- Shortly after your new boss has come into play,
he receives an anonymous letter complaining your
partiality towards some staff. He shows the
letter to you, - what would you do ?
6Case 2
- When your boss subtly put his boy into your team,
- what would you do ?
7Case 3
- When an important project fails, everybody is
passing the buck and making you a scapegoat. - What would you do ?
8Case 4
- When your boss tries to make you an accomplice
against companys tendering procedure, you know
if you reject it he will make your life hell
ruin your career. - What would you do ?
9To fight or to flight, you need to calculate
What are the biblical ethical norms ?
After all, be accountable for your decision !
Do you get the power you need ? Are your guts
up ?
Whats on stage ? Whats behind the scene ?
10 Outline
- Lessons from real cases II
- The clues for survival
- The key to success
- Lessons from real cases III
- The humility of service
- The road to sanctity
- References
11- The clues for survival
- Master the art of invisibility
12Strategies for survival
- Be in the crowd, but not of the crowd
- Make your boss look good
- Detach from blame credit
- Keep your P/E low
13Strategy I Be in the crowd but not of the crowd
14The mob
- At these words the whole audience was filled with
indignation. - They rose up and expelled him from the town,
leading to the brow of the hill and intending to
hurl him over the edge. - But he went away through their midst and walked
away. - - Luke 428-30 -
15The idol, the victim and the mob
- Pilate said to the Jews, Behold, your King !
- They therefore cried out, Away with Him, away
with Him, crucify Him ! - Pilate said to them, Shall I crucify your King
? - The chief priests answered, We have no king but
Caesar. - So he then delivered Him to them to be crucified.
- - John 1914-16 -
16Strategy I Be in the crowd but not of the crowd
- Be corporate chameleon blend into the mob but
closely observe its movement - Dwell in the shadow of others
- Beware of insult by omission
- Avoid attaching to celebrity or becoming a
groups idol / a scapegoat - Remember, all scapegoats start by being different
17Strategy II Make your boss look good
18The boss
- I dont want any yes-men around me. I want
everyone to tell me the truth even if it costs
them their jobs. - - Samuel Goldwyn -
19The golden rules
- Rule 1 The boss is always right.
- Rule 2 If the boss is wrong, please refer to
rule 1.
20Strategy II Make your boss look good
- Never go around your boss
- Tell him what he wants to hear, even when he
claims that he wants dissenting views - If he wants something dropped, drop it
- Be sensitive to his wishes so that you anticipate
what he wants - Dont report something that he doesnt want
reported, but cover it up. Do what your job
requires, and keep your mouth shut - - Robert Jackall, Moral Mazes The World of
Corporate Managers -
21Strategy III Detach from blame credit
22The blame
- God asked, Have you been eating of the tree I
forbade you to eat ? - Adam replied, It was the woman you put with me
she gave me the fruit, and I ate it. - Then God asked the woman, What is this you have
done ? - The woman replied, The serpent tempted me and I
ate. - - Gen 311-13 -
23The credit
- "There are two kinds of people, those who do the
work and those who take the credit. Try to be in
the first group there is less competition
there." - - Indira Gandhi -
24The blame and the credit
- The seven phases of a project
- Enthusiasm
- Illusion of progress
- Panic
- Disillusionment
- Search for the guilty
- Punishment of the innocent
- Praise / honors for the non-participants
25Strategy III Detach from blame credit
- Accept blame (for others) in small ways it tends
to inspire loyalty - Practice creative incompetence
- Avoid winning battles but losing the war
- Dont get caught in the clash of Titans
- Share credit win yourselves friends
- Remember, blame follows credit
26Strategy IV Keep your P/E low
27Political price-earnings ratio
28Peter Lynchs Rules
- Buy a stock with a boring name
- Buy a stock that does something boring
- Buy a stock that is boring and disagreeable at
the same time
29The Peter Principle
- In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to
his or her level of incompetence.
30Strategy IV Keep your P/E low
- Be the worker low visibility, high utility
- Trade higher security for lower pay
- Peter Lynchs Rules boring can be a hidden
asset - Avoid the Peter Principle
- Remember, low risk low return
31The ethics of survival
- Work is a curse, filled with conflict of
interests therefore, our obsession is with
security - Should security be our ultimate value ?
- Should low P/E compromise ROI (Return on
Investment) (Gods given talents, resources,
opportunities) ? - Possible conflict between obedience to our boss
and obedience to our values - How far are we willing to stretch our integrity
in order to survive ? Without our integrity, who
is it that survives ?
32The parable of dishonest steward
- The master praised the dishonest steward for his
astuteness. For the children of this world are
more astute in dealing with their own kind than
are the children of the light. - Use Money, tainted as it is, to win yourselves
friends, and thus make sure that when it fails
you, they will welcome you into the tents of
eternity. - - Luke 168, 9 -
33 Outline
- Lessons from real cases II
- The clues for survival
- The key to success
- Lessons from real cases III
- The humility of service
- The road to sanctity
- References
34- The key to success
- Focus on your goal
35Strategies for success
- Bank on your competency
- Play positive
- Confront the darkness
- Detach from your enemies
36The parable of talents
- His master said to him, Well done, good and
faithful slave you were faithful with a few
things, I will put you in charge of many things,
enter into the joy of your master. - - Matthew 2521, 23 -
37What is success ?
- What do I want ?
- The true measure of success is achieving your own
goal, not someone elses
38Strategy I Bank on your competency
- Know what youre good at
- Do what youre passionate youll do it well
- Set your goal and focus on it
- Dont borrow other peoples desires and goals
- Make things happen
- Deliver what you advertise
- Be the CEO and yield high ROI
- Remember, high risk high return
39Strategy II Play positive
- Know the big picture
- Volunteer for special tasks
- Dare to be different
- Ally with right people
- Collaborate with peers
- Tell the truth
- Be professional
- Choose your battles
- Have fun
40Strategy III Confront the darkness
- Aware beware of the 48 laws of power (Appendix
2) - Political problems are primary and technical
problems are secondary - When it isnt broke, dont fix it
- When in Rome do as the Romans
- Be in the office, but not of the office
- Know when to hold and when to fold
- Remember, be as formless as possible
41The 48 laws of power
42The 48 laws of power
43The 48 laws of power
44Strategy IV Detach from your enemies
- Dont chase what your competitors have focus on
your own - Love yourself as your neighbors you become what
you hate so as to succeed - Befriend your enemies convert them
- There are no real enemies, only paranoid
projections - Remember, the only real competitor is your own ego
45The ethics of success
- Work is creative, playful self-expression and
self-actualisation - Is self-actualisation our ultimate value ?
- Our obsession is with winning
- For whom for what are we fighting ?
- Possible conflict between defeating our rivals
and protecting our values - Have your competitors disappeared ? If not, you
have not achieved success
46Your feedback / questions, please