Title: 1 Starting with f x, we compute
11/ Curve Sketching
A General Approach to Curve Sketching
1) Starting with f (x), we compute
2) Next, we locate all relative maximum and
relative minimum points and make a partial sketch.
3) We study the concavity of f (x) and locate
all inflection points.
4) We consider other properties of the graph,
such as the intercepts, and complete the sketch.
21/ Locating Relative Extreme Points
a / Critical Values
A number a in the domain of f such that
f(a)0 is called critical number or critical
value of f (we also call a value a (in the
domain of) a critical value id f(a) does not
exist). If a is a critical value then (a,f(a))
is called critical point.
3b/ First Derivative Test
4b/ First Derivative Test
Find the local maximum and minimum points of
5b/ First Derivative Test
Set up the chart
- Divide the real line into intervals with the
critical values as endpoints. - Since the sign of depends on the signs of
its two factors 9x 3 and 2x 1, determine the
signs of the factors of over each
interval. Usually this is done by testing the
sign of a factor at points selected from each
interval. - In each interval, use a plus sign if the factor
is positive and a minus sign if the factor is
negative. Then determine the sign of over
each interval by multiplying the signs of the
factors and using
- A plus sign of corresponds to an
increasing portion of the graph f and a minus
sign to a decreasing portion. Denote an
increasing portion with an upward arrow and a
decreasing portion with a downward arrow. The
sequence of arrows should convey the general
shape of the graph and, in particular, tell you
whether or not your critical values correspond to
extreme points.
6c/ Second Derivative Test
7c/ Second Derivative Test
Locate all possible relative extreme points on
the graph of the function
Check the concavity at these points and use this
to sketch the graph of f (x).
8c/ Second Derivative Test
The following is a sketch of the function.
(-3, 0)
(-1, -4)
93/ Find and Test the Inflection Points
Sketch the graph of
11(0, 2)