Title: What is the Internet
1What is the Internet?
DeKalb County School System Designed by Monika
T. Davis, ITS
2Did You Know That
- The words Internet and World Wide Web are
often used interchangeably.
3Internet vs. World Wide Web
- The Internet is a large collection of computers
all over the world that are connected to one
another in various ways. - used to describe the entire system of networked
computers - No one organization owns or controls the
4Internet vs. World Wide Web
- The World Wide Web is a collection of information
or web pages contained on the computers connected
to the Internet. - web pages that can contain text,
- graphics, sound, and video
5Internet vs. World Wide Web
You use the Internet to access or travel on the
World Wide Web
6Did You Know That
- The Internet was created by an organization
called ARPA for the U. S. Department of Defense
to decentralize our defense system.
7How does the Internet work?
8How does the Internet work?
Every computer connected to the Internet has to
have an Internet Protocol Address or IP Address
to be recognized or accounted forkinda like your
Social Security Number.
IP Address ?
9How does the Internet work?
There are two main kinds of computers on the
Web Servers Host web pages, email, databases,
etc. (ie. Yahoo, CNN, DeKalb County Schools)
Workstations Individual computers used by everday
The workstation sends a requests data and the web
server sends the answer back.
10How does the Internet work?
This happens simultaneously with millions of web
servers and workstations!
11How can I get access to the Internet?
- DeKalb County Schools
- Log into the Internet by entering a username and
password on the workstations. - Double-Click the Internet Explorer (blue E), to
access the World Wide Web. - Unless there is a technical problem, the
Internet and the World Wide Web are always
12How can I get access to the Internet?
- At Home
- Own a computer with a modem and have a working
telephone line. - Hire an Internet Service Provider.
- (AOL, Earthlink, BellSouth, etc.)
- Connect computers modem to the wall, install
necessary software, and configure IP Address. - Connect to the Internet and access the WWW.
When using regular Dial-Up, you DO NOT have a
continuous connection to the Internet? Why?
13Internet Speed?
Local Area Network at Work
Dial-Up at Home
14What is a Browser?
- A program that lets you view and explore
information on the World Wide Web. - The most common is the Internet Explorer.
- Thanks to Good Ole Billy Boy
- Some computer use Netscape Communicator.
What was the very first browser was called?
15What is a website address?
16URL Uniform Resource Locator
http// www.yahoo.com
Hypertext Transfer Protocol These are the
internet rules. You dont need to type this
17URL Uniform Resource Locator
http// www .yahoo.com
Stands for World Wide Web. All URLs do NOT
start with WWW!
18URL Uniform Resource Locator
http//www. yahoo .com
Host Company or entity providing information.
19URL Uniform Resource Locator
http//www.yahoo. com
Domain category which determines the type of
information the host is supplying.
20URL Uniform Resource Locator
Nomenclature for most K 12 Institutions.
ie. http//www.caddo.k12.la.us
21Now lets do some surfing!