Designing Inputs, Outputs, and Controls - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Designing Inputs, Outputs, and Controls


Designing Inputs, Outputs, and Controls – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Designing Inputs, Outputs, and Controls

Designing Inputs, Outputs, and Controls
  • Major issue in the design of systems how to
    provide access to required information and at the
    same time protecting the information from damage
    (both accidental or intentional). Designing
    system controls is crucial, especially today when
    computer systems are built in an open environment
  • I. Integrity controls
  • Integrity controls are mechanisms and
    procedures that are built into the system to
    safeguard both the system and the information
    contained in the system
  • Most violations occur from inappropriate
    access. So, design of interface must consider the
    mechanisms to protect the system. However,
    integrity controls involve also many situations
    of regular systems use
  • E.g. how could we ensure that only a manager
    looks at sensitive pay information?
  • E.g. how does a company know that only authorized
    person can make corrections to a customer
  • Objectives of Integrity Controls
  • Ensure that only appropriate and correct
    business transactions occur (this objective
    focuses on identification and capture of input
    transactions to ensure that all important
    transactions are included and fraudulent ones are
    not entered)
  • Ensure that the transactions are recorded and
    processed correctly (controls are used to alert
    users to data-entry errors and system bugs that
    cause problems in processing and recording data)

  • Protect and safeguard the assets (including
    information) of the organization (protection
    against loss of information due to crashes,
    catastrophes, hackers etc.)
  • System Access Controls
  • Modern operating systems, networking software
    and Internet access all require implementation
    control mechanisms. These mechanisms control
    access to any resources including hardware,
    application programs and data files
  • System access controls are mechanisms that
    restrict or control what portions of the computer
    system a person can use
  • Includes controls to limit access to certain
    applications or functions, the computer itself or
    pieces of data
  • Most systems are built with the embedded in
    system software access control functions (it
    allows to apply the single control access scheme
    to every resource of IS). Extra controls can be
    added by the project team over and above those
    already provided by system software (it is
    expensive and requires technical expertise
    usually only standard, built-in controls are
  • Categories of users
  • In order to develop the access controls, we
    must identify categories of users. There are
    three categories of users (1) unauthorized
    users (2) registered users (3) privileges users

Unauthorized user is a person who are not
allowed access to any parts or functions of the
system (e.g. former employees and oustiders like
hackers) Registered user is a user who is
registered or known to the system and is
authorized to access some part of it. Different
levels of access are defined for different users
during design (e.g. permission only to view data
but not update them or update only certain data
fields) Privileged user is a user who has
special security access privileges to a system
(to the source code, executable programs and
database structure) usually system programmers,
application programmers, operators and system
administrators. They may have different levels of
security access system programmers have full
access to all components of the system and data
application programmers have access to the
applications themselves but often not to the
secure libraries and data files system
administrators have access to all functions of
the system and can control the register users
(special software helps to control access and
monitor access attempts) Figure 10-1
illustrates the various types of users and kinds
of access controls Various access controls are as
follows. Physically securing locations protect
physical equipment such as computers, hard disk
storage devices and backup data tapes. It cannot
protect software or the on-line data files
FIGURE 10-1 Users and access roles to computer
  • Managing User Access. The most common method
    for managing user access to IS is a user
    identifier (ID) and password
  • User IDs are defined by a standard algorithm
    which takes a combination of the user name or
    initials to develop the ID
  • Two techniques are used to define passwords
  • Computer can randomly generate and assign
    passwords (usually longer and more random, but
    hard to remember)
  • Each user can define his or her own password
    (easier to remember, not as complex and therefore
    not quite as secure
  • Some restrictions can be placed on the syntax of
    the password must be at least 8-10 characters
    long, contain both numbers and letters, both
    lower- and uppercase letters, easily guessed
    passwords such as names or birthdays should be
  • Security system should be organized so that all
    resources can be accessed using the same unique
    identifier and password (so dont have to know
    many of these within one organization otherwise
    users will write down and post their IDs and
    passwords near the computers)
  • Some companies require password changes every
    30 or 90 days
  • A final security step is keep record of
    attempted (unsuccessful) logons. It may simply
    indicate that the user mistyped or forgot a
    password, but may also indicate an attempted
    breach of security and should be investigated

  • Controlling Access with Visibility is an
    important type of control which determines what
    each user actually sees and must be integrated
    into the application system itself
  • Designers define and develop the various levels
    of visibility and access
  • Visibility controls are defined by
  • The various classes of registered users, and
  • Which functions, screens, forms, fields, reports
    etc. will be available to those classes of users
    (e.g. a salespeople may be able to see their own
    orders, sales and commissions a supervisor may
    be able to view the performance of salespeople in
    his /her jurisdiction
  • Level of visibility increases with the level of
    authority and responsibility in an organization
  • Input Integrity Controls
  • Input integrity controls are used with all
    inputs mechanisms (from specific electronic
    devices to standard keyboard inputs)
  • Input controls are an additional level of
    verification that helps reduce errors on input
    data (e.g. an input device cannot ensure that all
    the necessary fields have been entered so need
    this additional level of verification or control)

  • Error Detection and Elimination
  • Historically the most common method to ensure
    correct input was to enter data twice (called
    keypunch verify). One person would enter the data
    and a second person would reenter it on equipment
    that would then verify that two inputs were the
    same (not used today)
  • Common techniques that are used today to verify
  • Field combination controls, i.e. review various
    combinations of fields to ensure that the correct
    data is entered (e.g. on an insurance policy the
    application data must be prior to the policy
    issue date)
  • Value limit controls, i.e. check numeric fields
    to make sure that the amount entered is
    reasonable. (e.g. the quantity of an ordered item
    is not greater than its quantity in stock)
  • Completeness controls is an integrity control
    to ensure that all necessary fields on an input
    form have been entered (e.g. if children are
    entered on a form, then that their birthdays must
    also be entered)
  • Data validation controls, i.e. ensure that
    numeric fields that contain codes are correct
  • E.g. bank account numbers might be created with a
    7 digit field and a trailing check digit to make
    an 8 digit account number
  • The check digit is based on the previous seven
    digits, and the system recalculates it (using
    data entered) as the data-entry person enters the
    account number with check digit
  • If the results dont match an input error has

  • Transaction logging is a technique whereby all
    updates to a database are recorded with the
    information of who, when and how the update was
  • Any update to a database is logged with this
    audit information such as user ID, date, time,
    input data and type of update
  • The main idea is to create an audit trail of all
    updates to the database that can trace any errors
    or problems that occur
  • Objectives
  • To discourage fraudulent transactions (since it
    is known who accesses)
  • Provides a possible recovery mechanism for
    erroneous transactions if all transactions are
    recorded system can recover from errors by
    unapplying the erroneous transactions
  • Output Integrity Controls
  • Purpose of output controls is to ensure that
    output arrives at the proper destination and is
    correct, complete and accurate
  • Destination controls is integrity controls to
    ensure that output information is channeled to
    the correct persons
  • In the past, when most output was in printed
    form, a distribution control desk collected all
    the printed reports from the nightly processing
    and distributed them to the correct department or

  • Reports may contain confidential information,
    so good idea is to use cover sheets to identify
    person to get output
  • Today businesses can place printers in each
    location that needs reports (however, it is still
    a good idea to print a cover sheet with
    destination and report heading information)
  • Electronic output to other systems is usually
    provided in two forms
  • On-line transaction-by-transaction output
  • Must ensure that each transaction has routing
    codes identifying the correct destination
  • The output transaction will have verification
    codes to permit the receiving system to verify
    the accuracy and respond with an acknowledgement
  • Many of those controls are now built into the
    network transmission protocols
  • A single data file with a batch of output
  • Controls should identify the contents, version,
    date, and time of file
  • Normally, a system produces a data file on
    magnetic tape or disk, and another system must
    find that file
  • Special beginning and ending records may contain
    date, time, version, record counts, dollar
    control totals etc to avoid situations when e.g.
    Fridays transactions get run twice

  • Controls for computer screen output are not as
    widely used as for printed reports
  • Normally, this situation is controlled by the
    user controls
  • In some instances destination controls limit what
    information can be displayed on which terminal
    (used for military or other systems that host
    computer terminals in secure areas and provide
    access to the systems information to anyone who
    has access to the area
  • Completeness, accuracy and correctness controls
  • We can ensure completeness and accuracy by
    printing control fields on the output report.
    They may contain the following items
  • Date and time of report printing
  • Date and time of data on the report
  • Time period covered by the report
  • Beginning header with report identification and
  • Destination or routing information
  • Pagination in the form of page of
  • Control totals and cross footings
  • End of Report trailer
  • Report version number and version date

  • II. Design of System Inputs
  • In designing inputs for the system, the
    developer must must perform four tasks
  • Identify the devices and mechanisms that will be
    used to enter input
  • High-level review of the most-up-to-date input
    methods (usually is done through electronic forms
    by end user, but todays technology include
    scanning, reading, transmitting devices that are
    faster, more efficient and less error-prone)
  • Identify all system inputs and develop a list
    with data content of each
  • Provides the link between the design of the
    application software, and the design of the
    system and user interfaces
  • Determine what kinds of controls are necessary
    for each system input
  • Identify control points and level of security
  • A statement of policy and control requirements
    should be done before beginning the detailed
    design of the electronic forms
  • Design and prototype the electronic forms (the
    windows the user works with) and other inputs
  • Begins by creating user dialog scenarios and
    sketches of screens
  • Sometimes working prototypes of electronic forms
    can be made (helps ensure that the forms
    acceptable to the users)
  • Graphical programming languages (e.g. Visual
    Basic, PowerBuilder) are useful

  • Identifying Devices and Mechanisms
  • Objective of any form of data input is to enter
    new, error-free data into the system or to update
    information with error-free data
  • Several rules help reduce input errors
  • (1) Capture the data as close to the originating
    source as possible
  • (2) Use electronic devices and automatic entry
    whenever possible
  • (3) Avoid human involvement as much as possible
  • (4) If the information is available in electronic
    form anywhere, use it instead of reentering it
  • (5) Validate and correct information at the time
    and location it is entered
  • Many firms design systems that enable the
    capture of data at the same point the data are
    originally generated
  • E.g. instead of having person fill out insurance
    application form that then has to be mailed by
    the insurance agent and then entered into the
    computer, can simplify by having agent entering
    directly into laptop
  • One of the biggest sources of errors is from
    users making mistakes in typing fields and
    numbers. Many methods allow data to be captured
    without human keystroking
  • Magnetic card strip readers, bar code readers,
    optical-character recognition readers and
    scanners, touch screens and devices, electronic
    pens, digitizers (e.g. digital cameras and
    digital audio devices)
  • E.g. at grocery stores scanners identify prices
    from UPC codes, automatic weighting machines
    weight and price the produce

  • Reuse the information already in the computer
    instead of reentry multiple times what not only
    creates general errors but also creates multiple
    copies of the same information. It requires
    extra level of controls to synchronize various
    copies, changes must be made to all copies of the
    data and when an error occurs, it is very
    difficult to know which copy is correct
  • Electronic data interchange (EDI) is an
    approach to reduce the need for user input
    (either with a scanning device or with the
    keyboard). An idea to have an interface directly
    from another system
  • Input information, such as purchase orders,
    invoices etc. passes between systems in separate
    organizations, but may be applied within the same
    organization enterprise resource planning
    systems (ERP) make company-wide integration
  • System-to-system transaction interface may be
    based on languages like XML (extensible markup
    language) an extension to HTML
  • Like HTML consists of embedded formatting
    information to transmit texts
  • Extends HTML by adding self-defining data
    structures to send data fields
  • Figure 10-2 illustrates a simple XML
    transaction that transfers customer information
    between systems

FIGURE 10-2 A system-to-system interface based on
  • Developing the list of inputs and data
    requirements of each
  • The objective of this task is to ensure that
    the designer has identified all the required
    inputs to the system and specified them correctly
  • Fundamental approach includes
  • Identifying all information flows that cross the
    system boundary
  • Idea is the same for traditional and
    object-oriented approaches but the detailed
    techniques vary
  • Developing the list of inputs using structured
  • During design using structured techniques, one
    of the first tasks is to define the automation
    boundary. Figure 10-3 is an example of an
    automation boundary on a DFD (several of the
    inputs are time-card information updates to tax
    rate tables updates to employee files)
  • It is possible to draw the automation boundary
    on a high-level DFD, but sometimes better to work
    from DFD fragments or even more detailed DFDs.
  • For complex models you define system inputs by
    looking at each DFD fragment and creating the
    system boundary on each fragment
  • Designer analyzes each DFD fragment to determine
    inputs required
  • Data flows that cross the boundary on the DFDs as
    inputs correspond to triggers for external events
    in the event table
  • Objective is to create a preliminary list of
    the inputs from examining the diagrams

FIGURE 10-3 Automation boundary on a system-level
  • Figure 10-4 shows the Create new order detailed
    DFD with the automation boundary superimposed.
    All of the processes are automated along with the
    data files ( Figure 10-3 has examples of manual
    processes). The new order information data flow
    and real-time link to the credit bureau are two
    inputs. The input for the user interface will be
    the new order information, while the real-time
    link to the credit bureau will be an electronic
    system interface, so not all inputs originate
    with users.
  • As a result, a list of high-level inputs are
    determined (Figure 10-5 is a list of inputs for
  • It does not provide enough detailed information
    to design the inputs themselves.
  • To complete the list of inputs, the additional
    information may be needed from data flow
    definitions and structure charts
  • In structure charts the designer defines
    individual program modules and data couples
  • Each input data flow diagram may translate into
    one or more physical inputs on the structure
    chart (in Figure 10-6 the New order data flow on
    the DFD might be expanded into four separate data
    couples on the structure chart, which in tern
    identifies three modules that get data from
    outside the system Get customer information,
    Get order information and Get credit card
  • Next step is to analyze each module and data
    couple and list the individual data fields for
    each data couple (this analysis consists of
    reviewing the elements in the data stores to
    ensure that all elements on the data stores can
    be built based on the input data couples

FIGURE 10-4 The Create new order DFD with an
automation boundary.
FIGURE 10-5 List of inputs for the CSS.
FIGURE 10-6 Structure chart for Create new order.
  • Figure 10-7 shows the data couples associated
    with each data flow as well as the data fields to
    be associated with each data couple listed the
    data couples and the associated data elements
    that will be needed. Each item in the data couple
    column becomes part of an electronic input data
    form or an input/output form
  • Developing the list of inputs using the
    Object-Oriented methods
  • Sequence and design diagrams are used
  • Sequence diagrams identify each incoming
  • The design class diagrams contain the
    pseudocode to verify the characteristics of the
  • In the sequence diagram, every message that
    goes from an actor (e.g. Customer, Clerk etc.) to
    an object represents an input to the system
  • In OO models, the boundary between actors and
    objects is more explicit than in structured
  • Figure 10-8 is the sequence diagram for the
    telephone order scenario of the Create new order
    use case. Five separate messages go from the
    Clerk (actor) are
  • CreateCustomer (Customer information)
  • CheckStatus (CustomerName, PhoneNo)
  • CreateOrder (Order information)
  • AddToOrder (ProductID, Description, Qty)
  • FinishOrder()

FIGURE 10-7 A data flow and the data couples and
data elements making up an input.
FIGURE 10-8 Sequence diagram for Create new order.
The series of messages indicates that
potentially five electronic input forms will be
required. Additional analysis of the messages
themselves supplies information about the data
fields on the message To create a more thorough
analysis of the messages, the developer should
consult the design class diagram for the
receiving object class. Each input message has a
destination a particular object class (within
the object class, a method is defined in the
design class diagram to process the message For
each input message you can list the data
parameters that will be needed (passed with the
message) see Figure 10-9 as an example of a
table that lists each input message and the data
field that must be passed with the message The
class diagram focuses primarily on the
application classes a complete design requires
user interface classes to be added to the class
diagram User-interface classes can be added
directly to the class diagram Todays
programming languages contain component libraries
to develop the user interface (Visual Basic, Java
etc. have components to build windows and input
screens) UML provides an additional notation to
identify user-interface classes (a small circle
to denote an interface for a class) Figure
10-10 is a partial class diagram from RMO that
shows five interface classes (the name for each
interface class begins with the letter I - to
indicate it is an interface class)
FIGURE 10-9 Input messages and data parameters
from the sequence diagram.
FIGURE 10-10 Customer and order classes with
interfaces for the input forms from the Create
new order sequence diagram.
  • Designing and Prototyping Input Forms
  • Good design principles dictate that the paper
    form and its electronic counterpart should have
    the same general layout and sequence of data
  • Since the paper form will be used to enter the
    information into the system, the electronic and
    paper version should mirror each other and both
    should be designed together
  • Figure 10-11 is an example of customer order
    form for RMO. It is used by customers who make
    purchases by mail through the catalog, but even
    those who order by telephone use the form as a
    working document to assist them in collecting
    information before they call
  • III. Design of System Outputs
  • Primary objective of system outputs is to
    present relevant information in the right place
    and the right time to the right people
  • Historically, the most common method of
    presenting output information has been in the
    form of printed textual reports. New techniques,
    such as charts and diagrams, provide many more
    options for presentation, emphasis and
    summarization of information

FIGURE 10-11 RMO catalog order form.
  • The tasks in this activity accomplish four
  • Determine the type of each output (historically
    all outputs were produced in standard paper
    reports, now many options to provide
    information). The purpose is to evaluate the
    various alternatives and design the most
    appropriate approach
  • 2. Make a list of specific outputs required based
    on application design (normally, this list is
    specified during the analysis phase as part of
    system requirements). During design, the task is
    to coordinate the production of those outputs
    with the modules (structured techniques) and
    methods (object-oriented techniques)
  • 3. Specify any necessary controls to protect the
    information provided in the output (often
    organizations implement controls on the inputs
    but forget to protect output reports, which also
    contain sensitive information)
  • 4. Design and prototype the report layout (today
    users can develop their own reports using tools
    and preformatted outputs ad hoc reports,
    i.e.reports that are not predefined by a
    programmer/analyst but designed as needed by a
    user. Many systems provide a simplified graphical
    tool to permit the users to formulate queries in
    SQL and produce ad hoc reports
  • Determining the Type of Output
  • In the beginning of the computerized are, one
    has been thought that paper reports would no
    longer be needed. In fact, just opposite has
    happened. Business systems generate more paper
    than ever! One of the most difficult aspects of
    output design is to decide what information to
    provide and how to present it.

  • Types of reports
  • There are four types of output reports
    detailed reports, summary reports, exception
    reports and executive reports
  • (1) Detailed reports are used to carry out the
    day-to-day processing of the business, they
    provide working documents for people in the
  • Contain detailed information on business
  • A report may be for a single transaction or
    contain information about e.g. a particular
  • A clerk might use the report to research overdue
  • (2) Summary reports are reports that summarizes
    detailed information over a period of time or
    some category (e.g. daily or weekly summary of
    all sales transactions)
  • Often used by middle management to track
    departmental or division performance
  • (3) Exception reports are reports that contains
    only information about nonstandard or exception
    conditions they is only produced when a normal
    range of values is exceeded
  • (e.g. a report that shows the accounts that are
    past due)
  • (4) Executive reports are summary report from
    various information sources that is normally used
    for strategic decisions by top management (e.g. a
    summary of activities within the company or
    industry-wide averages to access the competitive
    strengths or weaknesses of the company)

  • Internal versus External Outputs
  • Printed outputs are classified as internal and
    external outputs.
  • Internal output is a printed report or document
    produced for use inside of the organization
    (includes types of reports discussed above)
  • External outputs are printed documents, like
    statements, notices, form letters, and legal
    documents, produced for use outside of the
    organization (e.g. bank monthly statements you
    get in the mail)
  • Some external outputs are called turn-around
    documents (they include a portion that is
    returned to the system as input, e.g. a bill with
    a payment stub you fill out and send back)
  • Figure 10-12 shows example of an internal
    output, an inventory report for RMO. The record
  • A detailed and summary section (called a control
    break report)
  • The detailed section lists the transactions of
    records from the database
  • The summary section provides totals and recaps of
    the information
  • The report is sorted and presented by product

FIGURE 10-12 RMO inventory report.
External outputs can consist of complex,
multiple-page documents (e.g. a set of reports
and statements you receive with your car
insurance statement Parts of the report are
customized to individual recipients of the report
(sometimes documents are printed in color with
special highlighting or logos, printed on
high-quality laser printers Figure 10-13 is
example of report for survivor protection from an
employee benefit booklet (the text is standard
and the numbers are customized to the individual
employee Screen Output There is various types
of screen output, each serving a different
purpose In most instances, screen output is
formatted like a printed report, only displayed
electronically (can include detailed and summary
sections, multiple pages, columns of data with
headings, just as printed report) However, an
electronic report can be dynamic, the user can
have a real-time interchange (e.g. contain links
to further information) One technique used
called drill down is the ability to link a
summary field to its supporting detail and enable
users to view the detail dynamically Figure
10-14 is a summary report on products, however if
the user clicks on a hot link for any product, a
detailed report pops up with the list of
inventory items, the quantities on hand etc.
FIGURE 10-13 A sample employee benefit report.
FIGURE 10-14 A summary report with drill down to
the detailed report.
  • Another output technique called linking, i.e.
    connecting two or more reports electronically so
    that information from one links to information in
    another (concept is similar to browsing pages on
    the Internet, and can also be used in business
  • Another dynamic aspect of electronic reports is
    the capability to view data from different
    perspectives (e.g. option to view data by region,
    by sales manager, by product line, by time period
    or compared to last seasons data). Instead of
    printing all these reports, electronic format
    permits the different views to be generated only
    as needed
  • Graphical and Multimedia Presentation
  • The graphical presentation is based on tools
    that permit data to be presented in charts and
    graphs making reporting more user-friendly than
    just text. It allows to businesspeople using
    information for strategic decision making by
    looking for trends and changes.
  • Todays systems maintain massive amounts of
    data, much more than people can review. The only
    way to use this data is by presenting it in
    graphical form (bar charts, pie charts etc).
  • Figure 10-15 illustrates a bar chart and a pie
  • Multimedia outputs have become available only
    in the last several years
  • Users can see graphical, animated presentation of
    information on the screen
  • Users can have audio description of salient
  • Combining visual and audio output is powerful way
    to present information
  • (video games are pushing progress in this area)

FIGURE 10-15 Sample bar chart and pie chart
  • Making a list of specific reports based on the
    application design
  • The objective of determining the list of
    reports is to ensure that each of the required
    outputs is specified correctly
  • The basic approach is similar to design of
    system inputs. Outputs are responses in the event
    table data that flow from the system to some
  • For structured techniques, outputs are data flows
    that cross the system boundary
  • For object-oriented techniques, outputs are
    messages that originate on internal classes and
    whose destination is an actor
  • However, the uses of input and output are
    different. Whereas the data content of the input
    forms must support the needs of the database, the
    data content of the outputs must support the
    information requirements of the report users
  • Using Structured Models
  • Identifying the outputs is essentially the same
    as that of building the list of inputs from the
    data flows that cross the system boundary
  • In Figure 10-4 the Create new order DFD there
    are three outputs
  • A confirmation to the customer
  • A notice to shipping
  • A payment transaction report that goes to the
  • The tasks are similar task to what we did for
    inputs, i.e. building a table of the DFD outputs,
    defining exactly what reports are needed and
    determining the data fields

  • We look at the data couples and the report
    requirements to verify that the structure chart
    modules are consistent with the structure of the
    output report identify data couples to include
  • An analysis of the data couple being sent to
    the module and the data fields on the output
    report will verify that the application has been
    designed correctly to generate the report
  • Figure 10-6 shows a single-record-output (such
    as confirmation slip to a customer) the module
    and data are correct to produce that information
  • Figure 10-16 is an example of the table of
    system outputs. Two more columns are added
  • A column for files or tables that will be
    required to produce the report
  • An indication of whether the report is for a
    single instance of the file or includes a large
    set of records such as the entire file
  • Using Object-Oriented Models
  • Outputs are indicated by output messages in
    sequence diagrams (the message originates from an
    object internal to the system and has as
    destination an external actor)
  • In Figure 10-8 the output message Confirmation
    ( ) is an example of an output message
  • A review of all the output messages generated
    across all sequence diagrams provides the
    consistency check against all required outputs
    identified from analysis phase

FIGURE 10-16 A table of system outputs with data
  • Output messages that are based on individual
    object (or record) are usually part of the
    methods of that object class
  • To report on all objects within a class, a
    class method is used (a class method is a method
    that works on the entire class of objects, not a
    single object)
  • E.g. a customer confirmation of an order is an
    output message that contains information about a
    single order object
  • However, to produce a summary report of all
    orders for the week, we need a class method that
    looks at all the orders in the order class and
    sends output information for each one with an
    order date within the weeks time period
  • In Figure 10-10 the class method
    ListLargeAccounts () sends output messages for a
    report that lists all accounts whose purchase
    have been gt 10,000
  • An interface class (the circles) can be added to
    represent this output interface
  • Designing and Prototyping Reports
  • Two principles to keep in mind during design of
    output reports
  • What is the objective of the report
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • Designers must decide on the level of detail
    and format of the report ,so must know objective

  • Without careful consideration, a report can
    easily get information overload (the problem of
    providing too much information to users without
    providing techniques to organize and search the
  • Same kind of problem when search Internet and get
    too many results
  • The format of the report is also important.
    Every report should have a meaningful title to
    indicate the data content
  • The report should contain a heading that lists
    information such as the date
  • The report should be paginated
  • Labels and headings should be used to ensure
    the correct interpretation of the data. Charts
    should be clearly labeled with identification of
    units of measure and a legend (Figure 10-12 shows
    labels and headings on the report)
  • Control breaks should be used to divide the
    data into meaningful units
  • Use of lines, boldface and different size fonts
    makes reports easier to read

Todays lecture Chapter 11 Designing Inputs,
Outputs and Controls For next lecture Chapter
12 Human-Computer Interaction
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