Title: December Kindergarten News
1December Kindergarten News
Please be sure to send a healthy snack for your
child. Healthy snacks include fruit, crackers,
cheese, pretzels . . . We are still seeing a lot
of cookies, chips, candy, and sweets.
Its hard to believe were half way through the
school year! It has been so much fun to watch
the children learn and grow in many different
ways. The second semester will move at a quicker
pace with expectations being a bit higher. We
are working towards being independent learners!
Wish List
Small (bathroom size) white Dixie cups Pennies
(to use for math)
Skills to work on at home . . . Tying shoes and
buttoning/zipping coats Letter identification
and letter/sound identification Practice reading
and writing Word Wall Words see web
site Writing numbers 0-20 using correct
formation Writing sentences using spaces
between words, sounding out words, starting with
a capital letter. Creating patterns
What we are learning this month . . . Reading
Fairy Tales identify characters, setting,
problem, and solution in a story, sequence of
events, retelling, making predictions Writing
writing from top to bottom, left to right, using
spaces between words, using punctuation, adding
to a story, rereading to double check Social
Studies Character Values, Holiday Customs and
Traditions Math Patterns, Measurement Phonics
breaking words apart to hear each sound.
Please be sure your child is turning in his/her
homework on the correct due dates! A lot of
homework notebooks are being turned in not
completed. Incomplete work will lower your
childs citizenship grades.
IMPORTANT DATES Dec. 1st - 5th
Holiday Store children can purchase gifts for
family and friends. Dec. 11th Progress
Reports Dec. 19th Holiday party
Happy Birthday!
12th Linsey W. 19th - Patrick A.
Travis D. 20th Nicholas J. 31st Justyne H.
2nd Mrs. Murphy 3rd Alexa T. 4th Idalia
E. 5th Tristen T.