Title: Reasoning About Actions, Events, and Beliefs
1Reasoning About Actions, Events, and Beliefs
R N 10.3
2When Theres More than One Reality
- John is a person.
- John is an artist.
- John is wearing a black hat.
- John entered the room.
- Mary knows that John entered the room.
- Mary knows that someone came in.
- Mary doesnt know that John entered the room.
3Reasoning about Change
A situation is a possible world in which a set of
facts is true. Winnie is a bear. He is in the
park carrying his camera. He walked home.
Bear(Winnie, s0) Inpark(Winnie,
s0) Holding(Winnie, Camera1, s0) Ownerof(Camera1,
Winnie, s0) Home(Winnie, s1)
4Reasoning about Change
Winnie is a bear. He is in the park carrying his
camera. He walked home. One the way, he lost
his camera. Bear(Winnie, s0) Inpark(Winnie,
s0) Holding(Winnie, Camera1, s0) Ownerof(Camera1,
Winnie, s0) Home(Winnie, s2)
5Axiomatizing Change (and Stasis)
Give(Pooh, Piglet, Cherries) true if Pooh gave
Piglet cherries Precondition ?x, y, z, s0
Have(x, z, s0) ? Possible(Give(x, y, z,
s0)) Postcondition Give(x, y, z, s0) ?
Have(y, z, Result(Give(x, y, z, s0)))
6Axiomatizing Change (and Stasis)
Give(Pooh, Piglet, Cherries) an object
corresponding to an event Precondition
?x, y, z, s0 Have(x, z, s0) ? Possible(Give(x, y,
z, s0)) Postcondition Possible(Give(x, y, z,
s0))? Have(y, z, Result(Give(x, y, z, s0)))
Possible(Give(x, y, z, s0))? Have(y, z,
next-situation(Give(x, y, z, s0))) Result (or
next-situation) is a function that returns a new
7Asserting that an Event Happened
KM (new-situation) (_situation1) KM (have Pooh
Cherries) KM (a giving with (agent
Pooh) (object Cherries) (recipient
Piglet)) (_giving6) KM (do-and-next _giving6)
8Whats True in a New Situation?
- Winnie is a bear. He is in the park carrying his
camera. He walked home. - Bear(Winnie, s0)
- Inpark(Winnie, s0)
- Holding(Winnie, Camera1, s0)
- Ownerof(Camera1, Winnie, s0)
- Fluents - change with the situation
- Inertial fluents - can change but persist unless
told otherwise - Non-fluents - dont change from one situation to
the next (also called atemporal or eternal
9The Frame Problem
- Inferring things that stay the same
- Frame axioms
- ?x, y, s0 Have(x, y, s0) ? Have(x, y,
Result(Go(x, p))) - The issues
- Representing the facts concisely
- Inferring the facts efficiently
- What if there are rare situations that interfere
with the standard inferences?
10Reasoning About Beliefs
- Representing propositional attitudes
- An analog of the frame problem the complexity of
managing belief spaces - Referential transparency
11Representing Propositional Attitudes
Believes(Winnie, Has(Piglet, honey)) Problem?
12Representing Propositional Attitudes
Believes(Winnie, Has(Piglet, honey)) Problem? So
lution Modal logics
13Managing Belief Spaces
Believes(Winnie, Has(Piglet, honey)) Believes(Pigl
et, Has(Piglet, honey)) Enter Eeyeore What does
Eeyore believe?
14How Far Does It Go?
She knew I knew she knew I knew she knew.
15Referential Transparency
?x car(x) ? owns(Jan, x) car(s1) ? owns(Jan,
s1) ?x car(x) ? indriveway(x) car(s2) ?
indriveway(x2) color(x2, red) x1 x2 ? ?x
car(x) ? owns(Jan, x) ? color(x, red) But now
what happens if were reasoning about
belief Jimmy knew that Santa Claus left the
stockings. Mom Santa Claus Did Jimmy know that
Mom left the stockings?