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Where is it being done? Illinois approx $2.22/ton. Iowa $3.25 ... Where is it being done? ... Where is it being done: Ohio, Eaton County, Genesee County. 16. 16 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Solid Waste Advisory Committee
  • Waste and Hazardous Materials Division
  • October 23, 2009

September 11, 2009, SWAC meeting accomplishments
  • Discussed and re-evaluated criteria
  • Discussed all funding options brainstormed at
    July SWAC meeting
  • Agreed to complete an evaluation of each funding
    option as homework
  • 9 responses received

Process Goals
  • Discuss level of funding necessary
  • Evaluate top five funding options
  • Choose funding option(s)
  • WHMD will submit funding proposal outline to DEQ
    management for fiscal year (FY) 2011 on Monday
  • Funding proposal write-up due November 9, 2009

Todays Objectives
  • Discuss level of activity to be funded
  • Current (39 Full Time Equivalent FTE)
  • Core (42 FTE)
  • Future (?? FTE)
  • Examine the top five funding options
  • Decide which funding option(s) will be
    recommended to Governor
  • FY 2011
  • FY 2012

Budget Update
  • Governor signed FY 2010 DNR/DEQ budget PA 118
  • Includes 1.5 million transfer from Solid Waste
    Management Fund Perpetual Care Account to Solid
    Waste Management Staff Account
  • 3.1 million projected from Solid Waste surcharge
  • Will spend 5.3 million for current program in FY

SWMP Activities
Other Programmatic activities not being done
Required by Statute, not being done
  • Solid Waste Planning - last round of Plan updates
    were initiated in 1997, completed in 2002.
  • Beneficial use follow-up
  • Community support for recycling
  • Compost inspections
  • Routine post-closure inspections at landfills
  • Prohibited waste jurisdiction verification
  • Ground water monitoring audits

  • As homework, SWAC members evaluated all funding
    options against criteria using the following
  • 0 No/ does not meet criteria
  • 1 Maybe/ no strong feeling either way
  • 2 Yes/ meets criteria
  • Responses were compiled and averaged.

Funding Options and SWAC evaluation
  • 13.Dedicated sales tax on products that generate
    waste (9.79)
  • Plastic bag tax (9.88)
  • Dedicated sales tax on products that generate
    waste (9.79)
  • Expanded Bottle Bill (9.6)
  • Property tax on waste management systems (9.57)
  • DEQ consulting fees (9.39)
  • Incomplete, withdrawn or denied applications
  • Fee on all diverted material (8.55)
  • Land application fee (8.07)
  • Beneficial reuse application fee (7.83)
  • Local fees back to state (7.1)
  • Fees on processing scrap metal (5.38)
  • Revised Penny Plan (16.9)
  • Solid Waste Surcharge (13.8)
  • Expanded half-back deposit (13.6)
  • Generation Fee (12.7)
  • Surcharge on waste at other disposal areas (12.3)
  • License waste haulers (11.9)
  • Review fees (11.3)
  • Increased application fees (11.3)
  • Inspection fees (11.2)
  • Sales tax on waste disposal services (11.1)
  • Deposit escheats (10.4)
  • Garbage bag/ compost bag tax (10.2)

Revised Penny Plan
  • Description adds an additional 0.01 to all
    retail transactions over 2.
  • Primary Payer Anyone making a purchase over 2
  • Total estimated revenue 42 million
  • Most recent proposal (HB 5612 of 2008) proposed
    revenue would go towards supporting recycling
    programs. A Revised Penny Plan would fund DEQ
    programs. (see next slide for more detail)
  • Collection system Department of Treasury will
    collect (similar to sales tax?)
  • Comments received Should be classified as a
  • Where is it being done?

Penny Plan (cont.)
  • 2008 version (HB 5612) included following
  • Fifty percent of the funds will go to the local
    units of government for recycling and waste
    diversion programs operated by the local units.
    Money distributed is in proportion to the money
    spent on recycling the previous year.
  • Forty percent of the funds will be distributed as
    grants to fund persons with recycling and waste
    diversion programs, including governmental and
    nongovernmental entities.
  • Ten percent of the funds will be used for a
    comprehensive public litter abatement program
    that includes education about, and advocation of,
    litter abatement.
  • The last signed bill analysis completed by DEQ
    staff estimated 6 additional FTEs would be
    required to administer these recycling and litter
    abatement programs.
  • DEQ has not supported the Penny Plan in the past
    as it has included a provision to repeal this
    funding mechanism if the Bottle Bill is expanded.

Solid Waste Surcharge
  • Description Current solid waste surcharge for
    Type II landfills is 0.07 per cubic yard or
    0.21 per ton. As waste goes down, so does
    surcharge revenue.
  • Primary Payer Landfill owners collect from
  • Estimated Total Revenue past proposals have
    incorporated a graduated increase over a period
    of years.
  • November 2008 proposal graduated increase
    ending at 0.37/ton over a period of five years.
  • Increase to 7.50/ton would provide 136.9
    million based on 2008 waste data.
  • Annual surcharge for captive Type III landfills
    would also be increased. (see next slide)
  • Collection system already in place
  • Comments received The sustainable argument
    could be addressed if the fee were increased as
    the state had increased success in utilizing
  • A small surcharge might be marketable. It
    already has worked in Michigan and other states.

Other States surcharges
  • Where is it being done?
  • Illinois approx 2.22/ton
  • Iowa 3.25 to 4.75/ton
  • Wisconsin 5.90/ton
  • Ohio 3.50/ton (proposed 4.75)
  • Pennsylvania 4/ton

Solid Waste Surchargeproposed Type III fee
Expanded Half-Back Deposit
  • Description A 0.10 deposit is paid on an
    expanded list of beverage containers and 0.05 is
    returned at time of redemption.
  • Primary Payer Anyone purchasing a beverage
  • Estimated Total Revenue 400,000,000/year
  • Collection system similar to current system,
    the state would just keep half
  • Comments received Need allowance for and
    method to direct funds redemption/take back
    centers to take pressure off stores.
  • NO. Deposits prevent comprehensive recycling
    from being implemented.
  • Concern that there will be a huge education
    program needed as well as a new state program to
    manage this.
  • Where is it being done? Nova Scotia has half
    back deposit on all beverage containers except

Generation Fees
  • Description A fee is applied to all waste
    generators by type does not depend on how much
    is generated- flat fee
  • Primary Payer residential, commercial and
    industrial waste generators
  • Estimated Total Revenue 3 to 12/ton
  • Collection system would need to be developed
  • Comments received not enough info to
  • PAYT but it would be hard to market to the
  • Where is it being done Ohio, Eaton County,
    Genesee County

Surcharge assessed on waste disposed at other
disposal areas.
  • Description Currently the solid waste surcharge
    is only assessed on waste in landfills, it is not
    charged on waste sent to municipal solid waste
    incinerators, materials sent to Material Recovery
    Facilities (MRFs), or yard clippings sent to
    registered composting facilities.
  • While Michigans 3 municipal solid waste
    incinerators currently are not required to report
    waste volumes to the DEQ, the DEQ understands
    that the volumes represent approximately
  • 5 percent of the total volume of solid waste
    disposed of in Michigan each year. This would
    amount to 2,855,994 cubic yards in 2008.
  • According to the 2001 Recycling Measurement
    Project completed by the MRC (the most recent
    data available), approximately 5,431,026 cubic
    yards of material were processed by MRFs.
  • In 2008, 1,103,897 cubic yards of yard clippings
    were at registered compost sites.

Expanded Surcharge (cont.)
  • Primary Payer Landfills, Incinerators, MRF
    owners and/or registered compost facilities
  • Where is it being done?
  • Estimated Total Revenue If the current
    surcharge was extended to include all listed
    disposal options it would generate an additional
    657,364 annually.
  • Could assess different rates for different
    disposal options
  • Collection system Already set up and working,
    would have to include Incinerators, MRFs, and/or
    registered composting facilities.
  • Comments received It is fair and may encourage
    recycling since it supports a PAYT system.

Funding Option Discussion
  • Which options should we focus on?
  • Can any of these work together to provide a
    portfolio approach?

Increased Application Fees
  • Description Increase construction application
    fees to be more aligned with those of the other
    states in the region.
  • Require annual license fee as opposed to one fee
    every five years.
  • Remove discount if renewal fee is license is
    renewed one year prior to expiration.
  • Primary Payer Landfill owners
  • Total Estimated Revenue unknown

Review Fees
  • Description
  • Remedial Action Plans (2-3 a year). Current
    language exists in the legally enforceable
    agreements included in most RAP that allows the
    DEQ to provide a Summary of Response Activity
    Costs to the facility along with a demand for
    payment of those costs within thirty days of the
    notice, however the DEQ has chosen not to bill
    for these costs.
  • Construction documentation (approx. 31 last year)
  • Quarterly monitoring reports (for both active and
    closed facilities),
  • Plan revisions (lechate recirculation plans,
    minor plan revisions and hydro geological
    monitoring plan revisions).
  • Primary Payer Landfill owners
  • Total Estimated Revenue If the DEQ began
    charging 1,500 for each RAP review, 4,500 would
    be generated annually. Charging 1,000 for each
    construction documentation review would generate
    31,000 annually

Other DEQ Fees
  • Incomplete, Withdrawn or Denied Applications
  • Description If a construction fee is not
    complete the fee is returned to the applicant, if
    it is withdrawn or denied, 1/2 of the fee is
    returned to the applicant. A legislative change
    could end this practice.
  • Primary Payer Landfill owners
  • Estimated Total Revenue unknown
  • Inspections
  • Description an average of 877 compliance
    inspections are conducted each year (includes
    inspections beyond quarterly inspections).
  • currently 166 licensed solid waste facilities in
    Michigan including landfills, solid waste
    impoundments, transfer stations, and processing
  • If each of these facilities was inspected four
    times a year, this would result in 664 annual
    compliance inspections.
  • 82 construction inspections and other closing and
    post closure inspections were reported last year.
  • Primary Payer Facility owners
  • Estimated Total Revenue unknown

Other DEQ Fees
  • DEQ Consulting Fees
  • Description a consulting fee would be assessed
    technical assistance phone calls and visits
    provided by DEQ staff.
  • requires increased tracking of time by the DEQ
    employee, as well as a billable system to be put
    in place.
  • may be a flat hourly rate, or may vary depending
    on the experience or class of the employee
    (similar to private consulting fees).
  • Primary Payer Anyone seeking DEQ consult
  • Estimated Total Revenue If we assume half of all
    SWMP employees spend one hour a day providing
    technical assistance to customers, the DEQ would
    log 43,680 consulting hour a year. Billed at a
    very conservative rate of 50 an hour, this
    amount of consulting would generate 2.1 million

  • Beneficial reuse application fees.
  • Description Approximately 10 requests to
    beneficially re-use material are made each year.
    A quick survey of other states that charge an
    application fee for beneficial re-use (approx. 7
    states) charge anywhere from 50- 5,000
  • Primary Payer Anyone applying for beneficial
  • Estimated Total Revenue unknown
  • Land application fees
  • Description The volume of material land applied
    in Michigan is unknown
  • Primary Payer Anyone land applying waste
  • Estimated Total Revenue Assessing a 0.21 per
    ton fee on this waste would generate 3,300

Beneficial Reuse
  • Equitable
  • Broad Based
  • Reliable and Enforceable
  • Easy to Pay and Collect
  • Sustainable
  • Marketable
  • Encourages choices consistent with the goals of
    the Solid Waste Policy
  • Provides long term funding
  • Provides short term funding

Next Steps
  • Future meeting dates
  • Friday, November 6 930 a.m. 3 p.m.
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