Title: Thesis Evolution: An Example
1Thesis Evolution An Example
- Initial Thesis In examining representations of
womens body images in Latino and Western
culture, many differences are evident.
Evidence Body size differences present in
celebrity images in Western womens magazines
such as Jane Magazine and Latino magazines such
as Latina!.
Complication What specifically are these
differences? Where is the tension in your
claimwhat are you saying that could be argued?
What is your original claim that moves beyond
obvious observations?
2Thesis Evolution An Example
- Revised Thesis The binary between Western and
Latino perceptions of beauty and body image is
evidenced by a divisive distinction between
proper weight and acceptable sizes of
distinctive female features such as body
curvature, hip size and buttocks size.
Evidence Distinctions between Latino and Western
eating habits, traditional body representations
in Latino magazines, media representations of
Selma Hayeks sexy curves and J Los
million-dollar ass
Complication Are both of these perceptions of
body image equally accepted? Is one given more
priority? So what (what does this reveal)?
3Thesis Evolution An Example
- Revised Thesis The traditional Latino
perception of beauty and body image, evidenced by
a more realistic portrait of womens sizes and
body curvature, hip size and buttocks size, has
in recent years given way the Western ideals of
slimness, as many Latina women are encouraged to
fix the features that signify cultural
Evidence Advice in Latino magazines to slim
down those hips and buttocks, episodes of
Extreme Makeover in which Latina participants
seek to adjust facial and body features to be
more mainstream
Complication Good, but what do we now with JLo
and Selma Hayek? Their features are very Latina,
and also play a major role in their
marketability. Why is it that they are not
seemingly victim to Western ideals? What role
does ecomonic class and celebrity play?
4Thesis Evolution An Example
- Final Thesis The societal pressure for Latino
women to conform to the Western beauty ideal,
including fixing features such as body
curvature, hips, and buttocks size, distinguishes
itself along lines of class and celebrity Latino
women in the entertainment industry have the
luxury of banking on their difference to
distinguish themselves, while Latino women in
mainstream society must conform to cultural
standards that frown upon difference.