3The fictional man who married Mary English, Jr.
4The girl who craves attention and often runs away
to the woods
5The boy Susanna falls in love with changes his
mind about witchcraft
- Johnathan Hathorne
- What changes his mind?
6Titubas master owner of the home where the
circle meets
7Man working to end the witch hysteria in Salem
and neighboring villages takes in the English
8Woman who Sam Endicott says is a witch
9The main character in the story
1016 year old apprentice at the wharf who likes to
- John Dorich
- In real life, why was he important and unique?
11Father of Susanna highly respected ship owner
12Husband of Tituba claims to be afflicted
13The leader of the circle of girls has evil
14Old hag in her forties who knows what the circle
is about
15The one who accused Mary Bradbury of haunting
16Johnathans father who believed in witchcraft
17Elderly town matriarch who was hanged
18tall man from Boston imprisoned in his own home
19Black slave who told stories and performed
20Eleven year old member of the circle Rev.
Parriss niece
21Daughter of the reverend of Salem Village
22First person hanged known for wearing a red
23Witch Business
24What is Mary Bradbury accused of?
- Haunting ships at sea
- What business is she in?
25Susanna met with this person in the middle of the
night to decide if she was a witch
26Why was Giles Corey pressed to death?
- He refused to stand trial
27Explain the reasons the witch hysteria was able
to happen in Salem.
- Fears already in place (wolves, Indians, lack of
charter) long cold winter (nothing else to do)
Puritan culture (strict, boring)
28What happened to Tituba at the end of the novel?
- She was sold back into slavery
29Who were the first people to be accused as
- Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osbourne
30Witches were not supposed to be able to recite
- The Lords Prayer
- Who did, right before he was hanged?
32Susanna English does not join the circle because
33When Susanna goes to Ann Putnams house to bring
apple tarts, what does Ann tell her? (2 things)
- The girls are playing afflicted for sport
dont tell the truth or the circle will accuse
the Englishes
34Were all the girls in the circle eventually
35What does the new circle refer to?
- Joseph Putnams friends
- What do they do?
36How would the story have been different if
Susanna wasnt gentry?
- Probably would have been on the inside of the
circle more in common with the girls, not an
37Why might the girls in the circle have allowed
this to happen?
- Allowed it b/c they enjoyed the attention and
celebrity status it brought, free from chores and
Meeting, sheer entertainment value
38Why didnt the girls STOP it once it got out of
- May have started to believe their own lies fear
of punishment for what they had already done
39Where did the circle of girls begin meeting?
40Misc. important stuff
41What order from Boston was ignored by judges in
Salem in June?
- To use caution with spectral evidence
42On what ship did William leave Salem?
43On what ship did William return to Salem?
- The Amiable Tiger (spelling counts!)
44What does break charity mean? Give an example
from the novel.
- To break a promise or pact Mary Warren vs. the
circle about her master, Ann Putnam vs. Susanna
about crying out on Mary and Ann denies it
45How did Joseph and Elizabeth treat Susanna?
- Like family, they remained close
46What did Father English do about his religion
after the trials?
- Built a Church of England in Salem
47What was oyer and terminer?
48Who wrote the letter that contributed to the end
of the trials?
49How many people died as a result of the witch
50How did the people die?
- 19 were hanged, 1 was pressed to death, and 4
died in prison
51Was Susanna ever reunited with her parents?
52Why does Susanna return to Salem meeting house in
1706? How did she feel upon arriving and leaving?
- She comes to hear Ann Putnams apology. First she
was still angry and unforgiving. Later she felt
sorry for Ann and the hatred lifted.
53Who does Susanna finally tell what she knows?
54What does the word Salem mean?
- City of Peace
- Why is this ironic?
55Where do Susanna and Mary go when their father
flees to Boston?
- Joseph and Elizabeth Putnams house
56Most of the Salem witch hysteria took place in
what year?
57When Mother English was arrested, Susanna found
out what from Ann Putnam?
- The girls now believe their own lies
58Make sure to know your basic literary terms!