Title: WSNTG 9th Annual Conference
1WSNTG 9th Annual Conference
- Water Services Strategic Plans
- Fact or Fiction
2Bundled Wastewater Scheme Implementation
- William McEvoy
- Director of Services
- South Tipperary County Council
John Power Director Nicholas ODwyer Ltd.
- South Tipperary Co. Co. Perspective
- Preliminary Design / Procurement
- Ensure Value for Money
- Contract Award / Construction Management
- Establish Operation and Maintenance System
4Site Locations
- General Overview of South Tipperary Bundled
Scheme - Identify needs for wastewater treatment over the
next 20 years - Strategic approach to wastewater treatment in the
county - Identify options for operation and maintenance
- Identify / manage potential risks
- Establish best long term strategy
- Ensure value for money
6Plant Population Equivalents
7Scheme Drivers
- UWWT Directive
- Water Framework Directive
- Three Rivers Project (Suir, Boyne, Liffey)
- EPA Enforcement Unit
- Development Needs of Towns (Provide
- Identify Scope of Project
- Identify needs
- Value for money
- PPP Applicability
- Traditional vs. Design Build vs.
Design-Build-Operate - Procurement Method
- Restricted Procedure vs. Open Tendering
- Prequalify applicants to ensure suitability
- Compliance with EU Procurement Directives
- Criteria for selection Financial / Technical
9PPP Applicability
10Existing Works Asset Assessment
Sludge Acceptance Facilities
Phosphorus Removal, Stormwater Handling, Inlet
Works Upgrade
11Design-Build-Operate Selection
- Advantages
- Guaranteed Final Effluent
- Financial Penalties for Breach of Standards
- Guaranteed Level of Service
- Residual Value of Asset
- Capital Replacement Fund
- Greater Scope for Design Innovation
- Optimal Risk Allocation
- Emergency Procedures Guaranteed Response Times
12Bundled Scheme Selection
- Requirements for a Bundled Scheme
- Critical Mass
- Client / Contractor Co-operation and
Communication - Advantages of Bundled Scheme
- Economy of Scale
- Reduction in Client/Contractor Interface
- Potential for Value For Money
- Consistent Level of Service
- Long Term Budget Planning
- Increased Transparency in Cost Recovery (PPP)
13Existing Works Upgrades
- Clonmel
- Modifications to Cater for Storm Conditions
14Scope of Works
- 20 Year Bundled D.B.O. Contract for 12 Plants
1,000 80,000 PE - Construction of new WWTP and outfall
at Carrick-on-Suir - Construction of four smaller WWTPs
- Upgrading and expansion of seven existing plants
- Phased Implementation of Sludge Management Plan
15Tender Procedure
- Preliminary Design
- Planning Requirements
- Indicative Layouts
- Flexibility
- Tender Evaluation
- Technical / financial evaluation
- Value for money
- Compliance with planning
- Compliance with minimum requirements
16Project Organisation
17Design Element
- Planning
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Part 8 Planning
- Indicative Layouts
- Minimum Specification
- Minimum Client Requirements
- Fethard
- Increased Capacity
- Phosphorus Removal
- Stormwater Handling
- Sludge Acceptance Treatment
Carrick-on-Suir WWTP
18Process Evaluation
- Ballyclerihan WWTP
- ? 2,000 PE Plant
- ? Existing plant demolished
- ? Conventional activated
- sludge plant constructed
19O M Issues
- Interim O M Issues
- Programme for takeover
- Setup O M and emergency procedures
- Effluent standards during takeover period
- O M Issues
- Performance Management System
- Liaison Committee
- Monitor flow and load / Out of specification
influent - Plant Design Capacity
- Capital Replacement Fund
20O M Organisation
21Staffing Levels
- Site Personnel
- Clonmel
- Operator _at_ 14 hrs/day
- Technician _at_ 12 hrs/day
- Tipperary Town, Cashel, Carrick-on-Suir
- Operator _at_ 8 hrs/day
- Technician _at_ 2 hrs/day
- Fethard, Cahir
- Operator _at_ 5-7 hrs/day
- Technician _at_ 1-2 hrs/day
- Ardfinnan, Clogheen, Ballyporeen, Ballyclerihan,
Killenaule, Kilsheelan - Operator _at_ 1 hrs/day
- Technician _at_ ½-1 hrs/day
22Sludge Management
- Phased Implementation of Sludge Management Plan
- Client Responsibilities
- Liquid Sludge Transport (small plants/septic
tanks) - Contractor Responsibilities
- Dewatered Sludge Transport
- Sludge Acceptance / Screening / Dewatering
- Fully responsible for sludge treatment disposal
during Phase 1 - Liase with sludge drying contractor
- Joint Responsibilities
- Agree delivery schedules
- Monitor sludge quality
23Sludge Management
Council DBO Contractor
Phase 1 Lime Stabilisation (Cashel / Clonmel) 3
Phase 2 Thermal Dryer (Clonmel) (Separate
24Project Costs
- Design-Build
- Economy of scale
- Reduced design costs with three similar size new
plants - Savings of 20 on estimated D/B costs
- Estimated D/B Cost 22 million Tendered Cost
18 million - Operation Maintenance
- Cost per PE reduced by approximately 15 for
Clonmel - Cost per PE reduced by approximately 10 for
small plants - Other Costs
- Reduced administrative costs (South Tipperary Co.
Co.) - Reduced consultancy / preliminary design costs
25O M Costs / VFM Tender Assessment
South Tipp O M costs adjusted to reflect higher
level of treatment/service
26VFM Assessment
South Tipp O M costs adjusted to reflect higher
level of treatment/service
- Cahir
- Pumping Station Relocation, Phosphorus Removal
Stormwater Handling
27O M Cost Comparison
Note Costs per PE on graph not index linked
PE 82,000
PE 122,000
28Operation and Maintenance Costs
PE 82,000
PE 122,000
29O M Monitoring
- Role of South Tipperary
- Manage Operate Contractor
- Monitor Effluent Sampling Results
- Manage Influent to Plants
- Manage Non-Domestic Sector
- Role of Operator
- Comply with Legislative Requirements
- Comply with PMS and Tender Proposal
- Liaise with STCC / General Public
- Inform STCC of any Out of Spec Influent
- Inform STCC of any Non-Compliances
30Summary Benefits
- Faster Delivery of Projects
- Guaranteed Level of Service / Penalties
- Maintain Asset Value / Capital Replacement Fund
- Long-Term Budget Planning
- Transparency in Cost Recovery
31Summary Issues for STCC
- Pilot Scheme Learning Curve
- Lessons Learnt
- Partnership
- Monitor and Maintain Network
- Management Role for STCC
- Liaison Committee with Contractor/ STCC
32WSNTG 9th Annual Conference
- Water Services Strategic Plans
- Fact or Fiction