Title: AskWhyKy.org
- Providing 24/7 Reference Service to all
2Overview of AskWhyKy
- What is AskWhyKy?
- History of the consortium
- Cost
- Requirements for participation coverage schedule
3The Chat Experience
4Librarians view Monitoring the chat
5Log onto QuestionPoint
Enter User ID and Password
6Launch the chat
Launch chat
7Review your alert settings
Click here to view and change settings
8Review your alert settings (contd.)
(1) Make and save changes
(2) Return
9Select queue(s) to monitor
(1) Select queue
Kentucky queue
Global queue
Practice queue
10Wait for a question
New questions will appear here.
11Customers viewAsking a question
12Customer selects their library
Customer selects their library
13Customer provides information for librarian
Select anonymous session
Provide information
(2) Type question
(3) Connect
14Librarians view Answering the question
15Alert will tell you that new patron has arrived.
Click OK
16Pick up the question
Hover to preview question, click to answer
17Respond to customer
(3) Send
View patron information
(2) Type response here
18Customers viewChat
19The customer will see your response.
20Librarians view Chat
21Locate answer and send response.
(2) Send
(1) Copy and paste the URL from your web browser
to send a web page to the customer.
22Customers viewChat
23Customer will see the web page load in left frame.
24Customer responds.
25Librarians view Chat
26Say goodbye with the closing script.
(1) Select the script you want to use
27End the session.
Click here to end
28Select resolution and close.
29Review of Tools We Just Used
- Alerts
- Patron Information
- Sending web pages
- Scripts
30More Tools for Librarians
- Policy pages
- Co-browsing
- Follow up
- Customer surveys
- Question history
- Statistics
- Tutorials
- Knowledge base
31Before you join Considering online reference
32Staff Concerns
- Can we handle another service point?
- Will we have to change our policies?
- How does the technology work?
- What about quality control?
- What if I get a question I cant answer?
33Preparing for Chat Reference
- Lots and lots of reading
- Classes and seminars
- Visited libraries doing chat reference
- Prepared a report
- Installed IM on staff computers
- Tried the service as a patron
- QuestionPoint training
- Practice, practice, practice
34Our Experience
35Lexington Public Librarys Experience
- Havent answered that many questions yet
- Patrons are finding us without marketing
- So far hasnt been a huge change in the way we do
things - Most staff is comfortable with the software
- Site administrators job does take time
36Types of Questions(January mid-March)
- Circulation - 4
- Local History/Kentucky Room- 5
- Library Services 4
- General Reference 5
- Readers Advisory 1
- Taxes 1
- Net Library 2
- Homework - 1
37How to get involved
38Q A