Title: Dia 1
1 Arto Willman Development manager Education
office, Oulu
Ritaharju School of the Future
Future School Of Finland City of
Oulu Pasi Mattila - Jukka Miettunen
2Challenges for the future school
- Increasing paradoxes (for example Individual vs.
collective) - Intensity of changes
- Growing amount of information
- Globalization (networks of people, cultures and
organizations) - Complex relations
- Value pluralism
- Technological development
3Tradition in education
- Individual, teacher, classroom, and subject
oriented school culture - Lack of pedagogical dialogue and collaboration
- Administration oriented leadership culture
- Conservatism
- Cap between private and public arenas in school
- Low hierarchy (stress the importance of
teachers professional and personal autonomy)
4Elements of Future Leadership
- Vision and strategy based (proactive, value and
student oriented) - Divided responsibilities
- Focused on the professional competencies and
pedagogical leadership - Learning oriented leadership
- Dynamic working cultures (change oriented)
- Improve organizational learning capacity and
supportive structures - Need of dialogue, coordination, communication,
value steering, and collaboration
5Management renewal process
- Main principals
- Clarity (top to down, down to top)
- More effective contract management
- Responsibilities of the supervisors in the
management system - The structure that permits good HR management
- Teamwork as a part of the operation model
- Development of leadership skills
6New management system of the Education Office
City Board
Deputy Mayor responsible for the services
Board of Education
Education office Head of the administration Financ
ial manager, manager of HR Support services
Education department Manager of basic
education Manager of upper secondary education,
Centre of special education services
Regional Headmasters, school headmasters and team
2-3 y. program
Teaching profession
Future School
21th century learning skills 21th century
learning environments 21th schools
New management system Ritaharju Smart
Schools Future School projects Microsoft School
of the Future Program (SOF) Research Enterprise
co-operation Collaboration International
relations Community
Management culture and structure
Support services Technology / pedagogy Further
education Supportive learning center (OPPIS)
Technological solutions Networks, learning
platforms, learning an teaching technology
Pilot schools
Environment, school buildings school network
Other schools
Strategies, Curriculum, Oulu Inspiring network
8Ritaharju Comprehensive School
- School of the Future, Philadelphia
- Taiwan
- Singapore
- England
- Oulu, Finland
- Nacka, Sweden
- München, Germany
- Amiens, France
- Kheyton Knowley, England
- County Meath, Ireland
- York, Canada
- Hermosillo, Mexico
- Santiago, Chile
- Sao Paulo, Brasil
- Doha Qatar, Qatar
- Hong Kong, China
9Ritaharju comprehensive school
- Wigwam
- Winning plan for the school of 700 students
- Multi functional building
- Day care, education, youth work , library
- Modified space solutions
- Comprehensive school
- 7-16 year old students
- Special education and immigrant teaching services
- One of the 12 schools elected by Microsoft for
the School of the Future Program (SOF) - Development objectives
- Future learning (basic, media, learning skills,
mastery of human well being) - Teachers role and competencies
- New technological practices for learning
- Future learning environment
- Supportive collaboration and community culture
- new structures and leadership
- Student welfare
- Active citizenship and community service
10Future vision of Ritaharju community
- People
- knowing each other and caring
- Activity
- active citizenship and communication
Ritaharju a vivid heart of a modern village
- School
- heart of the community
- Infrastructure
- technology for people
- Collaboration
- open, innovative, inspiring
11Oppilasalueet (homebase)
- Opetus ja oppiminen Ritaharjun koulussa