Title: California School Age Families Education
1California School Age Families Education
2What is the Cal-SAFE program?
- The California School Age Families Education
program is a continuous, school-based, community
linked program for expectant and parenting teens
and their children administered by the California
Department of Education.
3What is the Cal-SAFE Target Population?
- Expectant and parenting students who are enrolled
in school and their children
4What Types of Agencies can Operate a Cal-SAFE
- School districts or
- County offices of education
5Who is Eligible for Cal-SAFE?
- Expectant and parenting students, male and
female, age 18 and younger - Until age 19 one semester
- Student with an active IEP until age 22
- Child of Cal-SAFE student age 0 to 5
6What are the Goals of the Cal-SAFE Program for
the Adolescent?
- A significant number of students supported for
school success. - Continuous enrollment through graduation.
- Students will make progress toward education
7What are the Goals of the Cal-SAFE Program for
the Adolescent?
- Transition to postsecondary education or work
- Not become welfare dependent.
- Effective parenting skills
- No repeat births
8What are the Goals of the Cal-SAFE Program for
the Children of Teen Parents?
- No low birth weight babies
- Child Care and Development services
- Immunizations and health screenings
- Enhanced school readiness, progress toward
developmental goals
9What are the Cal-SAFE Program Requirements?
- Voluntary
- Open entry, open exit
- Meal supplements for pregnant and lactating
students - Parenting Education/Life Skills
- Child Care and Development
- County Service Coordination Plan
- Participate in Data Collection
10What are the Cal-SAFE Program Requirements?
- Compliance with Title IX
- Ensure right of students to participate in any
comprehensive school or educational alternative
programs in which they could otherwise enroll - Enter into partnership agreements to access
support services
11What are the Cal-SAFE Program Requirements?
- Intake, assessment, plan for support services
- Coordinate to the maximum extent possible with
the Cal-Learn Program and the Adolescent Family
Life Program
12What Support Services are Allowable in Cal-SAFE?
- Parenting and Life Skills Education
- Perinatal Education and Care
- Case Management
- Health Education including Reproductive Health
Care - Nutrition Education, Meal Supplements
- Safety and Violence Prevention
13Additional Allowable Services
- Support for the Teen Family
- Child and Domestic Abuse Prevention
- Enrichment and Recreational Activities
- Transition to College, Training, or Work
- Support for Extended Family
14Additional Allowable Services
- Transportation
- Outreach
- Staff Development
- Data Collection
15Child Development Services
- On or near site child care and development
services - Provided when the parent is attending school or
in any school approved activity - Participates in the Desired Results system
16Contact Information
- CDE consultants
- Juanita Weber
- jweber_at_cde.ca.gov, (916)319-0545
- Mitzi Inouye
- minouye_at_cde.ca.gov, (916)319-0546
17Contact Information
- Panel Members
- Annette Raichbart araichbart_at_fremont.k12.ca.us,
- Lori Gladding gladdingl_at_eurekacityschools.org,
- Karen Valentine
- kvalentine_at_nvusd.k12.ca.us
- Susan Kerhoulas
- susan-kerhoulas_at_sac-city.k12.ca.us
- Cynthia Garcia
- cagarcia_at_cutler-orosi.k12.ca.us