Title: Ergonomics
- What is ergonomics?
- What are applications in the workplace?
- What are Musculoskeletal Disoders (MSDs)?
- What are activities at this site?
- What you can do.
3What is Ergonomics?
Make things user-friendly
Work smarter, not harder
Use the rules of work
Fit the task to the person
4Applications for Ergonomics
Home Leisure
5Safety, Quality, Efficiency
6Principles of Ergonomics
7Work in Neutral Postures
8Maintain the S-Curve of the Spine
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14The Neck
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16Keep Elbows in and Shoulders Relaxed
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18Keep Wrists in Neutral
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22Summary Neutral Postures
Neck straight
Shoulders relaxed
Elbows at sides
Wrists in neutral
Back with S-curve
- To work smarter, work in neutral postures
- Evaluate and modify
- work method
- tools
- workstation design
24Reduce Excessive Force
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- Think of what you do.
- Think of ways to reduce excessive force.
- Thousands of ways, only some examples here.
30Keep Everything in Easy Reach
31Reach Envelope
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35Work at Proper Heights
36Height elbow drawing
Most work at elbow height (sitting or standing)
37Height elbow hi/lo drawing
Exceptions Heavy lower Precision higher
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40Reduce Excessive Motions
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44Minimize Fatigue and Static Load
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49Minimize Pressure Points
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55Provide Clearance
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58Move, Exercise, Stretch
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63Maintain a Comfortable Environment
64Lighting and Glare
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Dampening Material
- Posture
- Force
- Reach
- Heights
- Motions
- Static load
- Pressure points
- Clearance
- Stretch exercise
- Environment
68Putting on Your Ergonomics Glasses
69Making Improvements
70Fix and Adjust What You Can Yourself
71Think Before You Work
72Make Ergonomics Part of Daily Worklife
73Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
Wear and tear Injuries
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- Soreness, pain, discomfort
- Numbness or burning
- Pins and needles
- Limited range of motion
- Weakness and clumsiness
76Basic Message to Everyone
If you think you may have a problem Get it
checked out
77Risk Factors for MSDs
- Awkward Postures
- Force
- Repetitive Motions
- Static Load
- Pressure Points
- Vibration
- Temperature Extremes
78Risk Factors for MSDs
- Physical Condition
- Diseases and Conditions
- Apply what you learn here
80What You Can Do
- Request help for any problems
- Be willing to try new methods
- Know whats adjustable
- Get it checked out
- Exercise and keep in shape
- Think about off-the-job activities
- Learn more about ergonomics
81Activities at This Site
- TeamErgo
- Surveys
- Plans
- etc