Title: Your 1st Grade Teacher
1Your 1st Grade Teacher
2When I Was In First Grade
Wow, have I changed!
. . I looked like this!
My favorite color was purple, my favorite food
was mashed potatoes, and my favorite cartoon was
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
3When Im Not Teaching I
. . play basketball
. . take bike rides
. . spend time with my son Alex
4My Favorite Vacation Spot Is
. . Wildwood, New Jersey!!
Wildwoods boardwalk is huge and is packed with
many games, rides, and restaurants. My vacation
isnt complete until I eat some famous Curley
My favorite ride on the Wildwood boardwalk is the
SpringShot, which shoots you into the air like a
cannon ball.
5My Favorite Foods Are
. . pancakes!!
. . pizza!!
. . spaghetti!!
. . and cake!!
6My Best Subject In School Was
. . English!!
In first grade I loved to read books and write
This is a poem I wrote when I was is first grade
Roses are red, Leopards like to run, I love
school because it is so much fun!!
7My Plans For You This Year Are
. . be able to read at least 100 sight words!
. . locate the main idea and details of a story!
. . write numbers up to 100!
. . use simple maps and globes!
. . add and subtract numbers up to and from 10!
. . and so much more!!
8Our Classroom Rules Are
- Always do your best on your work!
2. Listen when someone else is speaking.
3. Show respect to others and to yourself.
4. Always share your supplies.
5. Have fun and learn a lot in school!
9(No Transcript)