Welcome 1st Grade Parents! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome 1st Grade Parents!


Welcome 1st Grade Parents! Please take a seat near your child s desk. Take a moment to write him/her a note of encouragement!! We will begin shortly! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome 1st Grade Parents!

Welcome 1st Grade Parents!
  • Please take a seat near your childs desk. Take
    a moment to write him/her a note of
    encouragement!! We will begin shortly! THANKS!

Welcome to Curriculum Night!
Mrs. Suzanne Rotert

National Common Core Standards and
Harcourt/Trophies Harcourt/Trophies provides
students with a wealth of opportunities to read a
rich variety of texts. It provides explicit,
systematic phonics instruction to build word
recognition skills that enable students to become
efficient decoders. Comprehension instruction in
Trophies is rigorous, developmental, and
spiraled. Students are instructed in whole
groups, small groups, as well as independently.
There are leveled books for additional practice,
reinforcement, and enrichment. Harcourt Common
Core Differentiated reading groups Small group
instruction daily!
I Can Write!
Writing is the process of children expressing
their thoughts in written form. They begin
expressing their ideas through words and pictures
and putting these ideas into writing. This is a
developmental approach to writing and helps
students build confidence in their ability to put
thoughts on paper without getting caught up in
the mechanics. As time goes on, we will build
upon their skills. We also incorporate writing in
all other academic areas throughout the day. We
use the DNealian style of letter formation to
teach students to write legibly. Grip, letter
formation (websites) Family Journals-free writing
Writers Workshop VIP book/ Friendly letters
First Grade provides instruction and practice in
spelling, grammar usage, and mechanics in daily
lessons. Spelling instruction is linked to
phonics instruction. All skills of conventions
are applied in purposeful writing activities.
Students will be evaluated through their daily
writing, as well as teacher prepared assessments.
A weekly spelling list that coincides with the
weekly reading selection will go home with the
homework packet. Please practice these words with
your child. Weekly tests Spelling words
challenge words- do not memorize! Have fun
practicing with chalk, flour, shaving cream, and
writing in the clouds
National Common Core Standards
  • Our Math program involves the students conducting
    investigations and solving problems in a variety
    of ways. We will be focusing on computation,
    problem solving and reasoning. Most activities
    involve the use of hands-on manipulatives. These
    manipulatives help the children to learn and
    better understand math concepts.
  • Higher order thinking questions at home, car,
    flashcards, counting snacks-How do you know that?
    Have your child explain!
  • Less paper! More hands on and thinking
    experiences. Math journals are kept at school

  • First Graders will be introduced to the
  • Inquiry process
  • Life science, physical science, earth and space
  • Health promotion, human body, environmental

First Graders will be introduced to Experts
videos Families People from other cultures
People today and long ago Holiday origins and
traditions Responsibility of citizenship in a
free society Symbols, icons, and traditions of
the United States Maps and globes Life skills
Please check the specials calendar in back of
your childs Homework Folder. Its also on my
website to ensure your child comes to school each
day with proper shoes and clothes so that s/he
may participate on P.E. days.
First graders will participate in music class
regularly. They will also participate in Art
Masterpiece multiple times throughout the year.
Volunteers? FIELD TRIPS-Made possible by your tax
credit money donations
Your child will bring home a personalized Daily
Work Folder each day. This folder will help your
child learn to be responsible and organized. It
also provides a place to put notes or graded
papers your child needs to take home. Please
check the folder every day. Homework will be
due each Friday. ?On level ?Challenge level-
after fall break
Sight Word Lists
A list of sight words will be sent home weekly
for you to practice with your child. This is in
ADDITION to weekly spelling words. Once your
student passes the current list, they will be
given a new list to practice.
Book Orders
Every couple of months you will find a book
order in your childs homework folder. There are
wonderful age appropriate books to choose from at
a very reasonable price. Your participation is
entirely voluntary. To order books, please send
the completed order form back in an envelope with
a check made out to the appropriate book club or
you can order online. We will mail the order as
a class and the books usually arrive within two
to three weeks.
  • Singing! Songs to help us learn
  • Student Star-poster,
  • Birthdays- store bought food only
  • Lunch Money (Send name on
  • baggy or envelope PLEASE!)
  • Mylunchmoney.com
  • CLASS SNACKS- Must be individually wrapped!
  • (We do not have time to pass out items that
    arent prepackaged.)
  • Water Bottles-Please label them
  • Volunteers Classroom Calendar on the website.?
  • Secret Readers
  • Homework Folders- use as a resource too!
  • Newsletters - weekly
  • Rainy Day Procedures

  • The instruments for assessing your childs
    progress are
  • Teacher notes when needed to communicate
    individual student achievements, misbehaviors, or
    academic concerns.
  • Progress Reports
  • Quarterly Report Cards
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • Data notebooks- your child will full out their
    data and will monitor their own progress!

Students will not receive letter grades in 1st
grade. However, much of their work will be
scored using a percentage scale in order to
determine level of mastery (converts to MS, P,
AC). Every week the children will be assessed
in reading, spelling, and mathematics. These
tests will usually be administered on
Fridays. Please take the time to look them
over each week and review any skills or areas of
improvement with your child.
  • We use the Stoplight system (Green, Yellow, Red)
  • Students that choose to follow the rules can
    earn Kind Card punches and other rewards
    (Treasure Box)
  • Quiet Cubes
  • Likewise, there will be consequences for
    students that CHOOSE to break the rules
    (changing their card and writing a Think About
    It sheet, time outs, parent contact, or in
    extreme cases a visit to the principals office,
    etc. )
  • After Winter break, the kids will earn classroom
    money instead of kind card punches


Please visit our classroom website regularly for
up-to-date information. http//www.cusd80.com//Dom
ain/3522 Please sign up for e-alerts!
  • Please feel free to contact me anytime you have
    questions. I am always here for you and your
    child! You can do this in a variety of ways
  • Write a note
  • Send an email (Ill get back with you within 24
  • Call

The best recipe for your childs success is that
we collaborate and work together to meet your
childs needs! Remember to never compare your
child to other siblings or friends. Each child
will learn at his or her own ability level. I
will differentiate my teaching so that your child
can reach their fullest potential!
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