Welcome to Back to School Night! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to Back to School Night!


Welcome to Back to School Night! Second Grade Team Ms Claybourn Mrs Lawrence Mrs Durocher – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to Back to School Night!

Welcome to Back to School Night!
  • Second Grade Team
  • Ms Claybourn
  • Mrs Lawrence
  • Mrs Durocher

Thank You Thank You
  • Thank You!!!

Second Grade CurriculumLanguage Arts
Houghton Mifflin
  • Reading
  • The students are assessed in reading three times
    a year for literacy skills in phonics,
    comprehension and fluency
  • Four reading groups are formed
  • 1) EIRM or intensive
  • 2) Strategic
  • 3) Benchmark
  • 4) Challenge
  • These groups are flexible so students can move in
    and out of groups to fit their needs.

Dive! Formerly known as RTI
  • Dive will start in October for all students.
  • This is a district wide program.
  • One of the three teachers will lead a specific
    reading group.
  • The goal of Dive is to provide targeted
    instruction to meet the needs of all students.
  • Early Intervention Reading Model

The Anthology
  • Students will be using the same anthology
    regardless of reading level for teaching
    comprehension strategies and skills. However, the
    enrichment group will read additional leveled
    readers to extend and enrich vocabulary.
  • A.R. Computerized Reading Program Tracks
    Additional Independent Reading and checks for
    basic comprehension. All students can participate
    during Sustained Silent Reading each day.
  • AR. Accelerated Reading is a bit of a misnomer
    because this program can be used for all levels.
    Goals can be set for individual readers.
  • Be a reader! Read Aloud to Your Child!!

Practice Books
  • These are the student workbooks that reinforce
    the phonics skills and vocabulary that are being
  • The workbooks stay at school until the entire
    book is completed, then it gets sent home.
  • 2nd Grade Focus is comprehension and vocabulary

Journal Writing
  • Students write in their journals for 30 minutes
    everyday. Understanding what a paragraph is and
    how to write more descriptively and for different
  • Most of the time, the students will get to free
    write in their journals. Sometimes a topic is
    given such as a school event, science or social
    studies topics.
  • Every child will have a writing partner who is
    not their elbow seat partner. Students ask each
    other questions about their partners writing and
    in doing so improve their writing by engaging in
    speaking and reflective thinking.

  • On Mondays students receive a spelling list and
    various spelling activities are done throughout
    the week.
  • Monday and Tuesday are preview days. Thursday or
    Fridays are test days. Words will be dictated and
    sentences written.
  • Second graders will use a tricky word spelling
    list in their desks to look at while journal
  • Spelling achievement will be monitored by
    observing spelling mastery in daily writing and
    in writing assessments.

Math Houghton Mifflin
  • Math Homework Book will be sent home. Pages
    assigned will be posted on class website on
    Fridays and due following Friday.
  • This program teaches the students to use various
    problem-solving skills to arrive at an answer.
    Not only do they use pictures to show their
    thinking, they are asked to explain it as well.
    Explaining to their friends how they got the
    answer is an important part of language and logic
  • Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental
    strategies. By the end of 2nd grade know from
    memory all basic addition and subtraction facts.
    From memory means about a 3 second oral response.

Science FOSS Kits
  • Students participate in fun, hands-on science
  • - Balance and Motion
  • - Rocks and Soil
  • - Insects and Plants

Social Studies Scott-Foresman
  • These are consumables that the students take home
    after every lesson.
  • Topics include
  • Long Ago and Yesterday Ancestors
  • Map Skills
  • Our Government
  • Producers and Consumers
  • People In History Biography

Health The Great Body Shop
  • Safety, Nutrition, Stay Active, and Emotional
  • Dress your second grader in tennis shoes or comfy
    shoes all week

  • Primary music is led by Adrienne Larsen.
  • She is asking for 1 or 2 parent volunteers
    to help with instruments and awarding stickers.
  • Students have music lessons every other Tuesday
    for 40 minutes 820 -920.
  • She will continue to have music share days when
    parents are invited to observe and participate in
    a music lesson with their child.

Library and Computer
  • Library is once a week for 30 minutes on
    Thursdays 1230 to 100.
  • Students may check out 2 books and may take one
    book home to read. Please keep in your childs
    backpack when they are not reading it.
  • Students who do not return their library books
    may not check out a new book the following week.
  • Students will have the opportunity to go to the
    computer lab once a week for 20 minutes.

  • Homework will be posted on line at iusd.org/ea
    next week!
  • The Math Homework Book should be kept in your
    childs backpack, The hard copy of that book is
    not replaceable but is online and pages can be
    printed at home.
  • Spelling Practice, alphabetical order and
  • 20 minutes of reading each night. Use a reading
    log to record reading or any sheet of paper.

Snack and Lunch
  • Money may be deposited into your childs
    electronic debit account for snack and lunch.
    Please avoid sending cash.
  • Lunch costs 3.25 Breakfast costs 2.50
  • Also, please provide a healthy protein and/or
    carb snack at recess for your child. No sugary
    snacks please.
  • FREE and REDUCED Lunch applications are DUE OCT.
    1st each and every year.

Implementing Common Core?
  • During the 2014-2015 school year all IUSD
    elementary teachers will have continued training
    on the CA Common Core State Standards.

How will the CCSS affect students this year?
  • In IUSD, we have had a long commitment to
    continuous improvement. The IUSD Continuous
    Improvement Efforts have been developed to help
    guide effective instructional strategies in the
    classroom. The CIEs, coupled with the CCSS,
    should provide students more opportunities with
    problem solving, collaboration, research and

Where can parents find more information?
  • Throughout the year, there will be parent
    information via the IUSD News Flash, IUSD website
    and regional parent nights.
  • Resources for parents
  • K-8 Californias Common Core Standards Parent
  • www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/stpagu.asp

  • In order to avoid food allergies please choose a
    birthday book from the list of recommended
    science reading to build and refresh our
    classroom library.
  • Use a photo and dedication to personalize and
    wrap with paper. We will sing happy birthday at
    the beginning of the day!

  • Discovery Science Museum will visit with an
    grade level assembly Balance and Motion
  • Travelling Scientist from Orange County Dept of
    Insects and Critters
  • Social Studies Group from San Diego Long Ago and
  • COST FOR ALL FIELD TRIPS PTA is supporting
    this 1,000 per grade level.

Volunteer Opportunities
  • Parent Volunteers
  • Room Parents
  • Plan end of trimester activities for our class
  • Serve as a liaison between the classroom and PTA
  • Help in the classroom/Home
  • Copy Cats
  • Grab Bag
  • Marble Jar Healthy Treats
  • Music Lessons Every Other Tuesday 820 to 920
  • Conferences 30 minutes
  • Conferences will be held on the week of
  • October 20th through October 25th . Please sign
    up tonight!
  • These will be minimum days but one day Oct 21st
    is a NO STUDENT DAYconferences all day long

Please Choose Parent Conference time at round
table before you leave
  • Oct 20 through Oct 25
  • Thank You for being here this evening!!!
  • Sheila Claybourn 949 936 5725
  • sheilaclaybourn_at_iusd.org
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