Title: Ken Dahl
1WWA District 3/ RACES Region3http//www.wwa-distr
- July 22, 2005
- Montesano, WA
- Introductions
- Agenda Review
- County Review and 2004 Plans
- Thurston Tom, KA4VVA
- Grays Harbor - Doyle
- Lewis Bill, AC7SR
- Mason Jean, AA7JK
- Pacific Bob, N7CVW
- District 3 Review
3Agenda contd
- 2005 Training
- Incident Command System
- Public Service Events (Eventing)
- Section Wide Drills
- Quarterly EOC Exercises
- Other ARRL ECC, WA State EMD, FEMA, Red Cross,
4Agenda contd
- SET 2004
- Adjournment of District 3 Meeting
5Lewis County, WAKen, K7TAG Acting EC/RO
6Mason County, WAJean Kroum, AA7JK ECJane
Giveans KD7CPV RO
7Pacific County, WABob Cline, N7CVW EC/RO
8Thurston County, WATom Dennis, KA4VVA EC/RO
9Grays Harbor County, WADoyle Wenzel, N7UJK EC/RO
10District 3 2005 ARES Accumulated Public Service
Time - YTD Total Hours
5,688.5 (_at_32.50/Hour 184,876.25) Total
Miles 24,625.5 (_at_
0.405/Mile 9,973.33) Total Value to Customers
194,849 Total Net Sessions
215 Total Events 10 Emergency
8 Members 160 (-13)
11SET 2004
- WWA Section 6th in Country 1982 Points
- District 3 825 Points
- Thurston 295 Points
- Lewis 157 Points
- Pacific 144 Points
- Grays Harbor 121 Points
- Mason 108 Points
- 100 Participation from the District including
all ECs filed their annual Report Only 11
units in the section filed!!!
- 2005 Training
- Incident Management
- Incident Command System (ICS) IS-195 Basic
Incident Command System - National Incident Management SystemIS-700
National Incident Management System (NIMS) - National Response PlanIS-800 National Response
Plan (NRP), an Introduction
13Training contd
- Developing and Managing Volunteers IS-244
Developing and Managing Volunteers - All volunteers come to us for their own personal
reasons. - No one Has To Be Here
- Our job is to understand and satisfy their
personalgoals and desires. - REMEMBERIf you are doing it alone, you are
doing it wrong!
14Training contd
- Nets
- Local (check into your neighbors net)
- District 3 Net (1915 local every Sunday)
- WSEN (Mondays 1800 Local Saturday 0900
Local 3985 kHz) - Take a turn as Net Control
- Local Exercises (Road Rallys, Marathons,
Parades, Walks, Bicycle Races, etc.) They also
give your unit visibility - District 3
- Quarterly EOC Exercises 5th Saturday of every
monthNext on Saturday, July 30, 2005
15Training contd
- ARRL SET 2005, Oct. 1, A statewide exercise
based on state RACES Plan! Stay tuned for more
information - Other
- ARRL ECC Classes
- WA State EMD Classes
- FEMA Emergency Management Institute Independent
Studyhttp//training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/ - American Red Cross
- NOAA SkyWarn Weather Spotter
16Training contd
- WWA ECC Training Course
- Subset of ARRL ECC Courses (no cost alternative)
- Train the Trainer (DECs) in 4 Q 2005
- Tested at Communications Academy 2005
- Mass deployment in 2006
- Bulletin Board on District 3 Web Page for
upcoming Public Service and Training
Opportunitieshttp//www.wwa-district3-ares.org/ - Training from other Counties in District 3
17Team Building
- We always need new members
- Less than 10 of the Hams are members of an
organized emergency services organization - We do not have the resources to allow rivalries
- Spontaneous Volunteers must be planned for and
recruited after an event. - It takes 4.5 persons for a single position for a
24 hour shift with breaks. How Many Shifts can
Your Unit Cover?
18Team Building
- All Team Members do not need to be SAR Qualified
- ARES Only Members provide a trained pool that can
be documented in an emergency - NCS can be a home station
19Training contd
- Other Business
- Medical Services
- Equipment has been ordered and is being delivered
- Installation is being arranged
- Need District 3 Medical Services Coordinator
- Other Business????
- A FREE alternative to Microsoft Office
- http//www.openoffice.org/
- If you like and use it, please donate to help
keep this free tool
21Adjournment Have a Great 2005!!