Title: Hormonal therapy and Cognitive Function
1Hormonal therapy and Cognitive Function
Raj Persad FRCS
- Increasing frequency of PCa diagnoses
- Younger patients
- Longer duration of therapy
- ?adverse cognitive effects
3(No Transcript)
Favours castration
Favours Casodex 150 mg
Physical capacity
Emotional well being
Sexual interest
Social function
Activity limitation
Bed disability
Overall health
Treatment effect and 95 2-sided CI
Iversen et al J.Urol 2000 164 1579-1582
5Early Non-metastatic PCa
- Endocrine therapy too early in the course of
the disease is at best of no value - and maybe
even harmful
6- For
- Survival, QoL, urinary function, pain
- Cassileth, Qual. Life Res., 19921323
- Against
- poorer emotional, physical and sexual function
- hot flushes and fatigue
- Herr, J Urol 2000.1631743
7Early vs Deferred Endocrine Therapy Survival
Difference ?
MRC-study, Messing-study, Bolla-trial, RTOG
85-31, Granfors-study, EPC data,
Endocrine therapy per se?
Tumor Burden
PSA T-1/2 pT3 cT-3/4 N
8- Sparse evidence exists on which to draw concs.
- LHRH analogues in women ? 6-56 memory decline
reported (verbal memory and capacity for new
learning) - Reversed by oestrogens
- In men link between falling testosterone levels
and neuropyschological function (visual memory
and visual-spatial performance) reversed by
9- Androgens have an effect on brain development
- prenatally
- Oestrogens Androgens have different effects in
adult brain (verbal and visual-spatial functions
respectively). - Suppression of either will give selective defects
10How can we measure cognitive effects
- A highly specialised area of clinical psychology
- Battery of tests assesses broad areas of
cognitive function - Tasks
- Auditory/verbal memory
- Visual memory
- Working memory and attention
- Processing speed
- Intelligence
11- Intelligence gauged from Nat. Adult Reading
Test. The no. of errors is used to predict full
scale IQ - Verbal ability using verbal fluency task
- Verbal Memory using the Rey Auditory-Verbal
Learning Test - Visual memory using Complex Figure Task
- Visual-spatial memory using spatial pairing of
2D figures - Working memory capacity using two Wechsler
Memory Scale - III tasks
- Processing speed using the Kendrick assessment
of cognitive ageing
12Results to date
- Jenkins et al, BJUI 2005, 96 48-53. LHRHa for 6
months - Significant cognitive decline on at least one
task in 47 patients vs 17 controls. Most were
related to tasks of spatial memory and ability. - Green et al, BJUI 2002, 90427-432. 77 men
randomised to CPA, Lupron, Zoladex or
surveillance - Patients had decline in tasks requiring complex
information processing vs controls
13Results (cont.)
- Cherrier et al, JUrol 2003, 1701808-11. 9 months
of androgen deprivation. - 50 of patients showed clinically significant
decline in 7 of 8 tasks (unfortunately recording
of control group decline not recorded accurately) - Finnish study Salminen et al, Br J Cancer 2003,
89971-6. Patients received LHRHa for 12 months - Actually showed improvement but cog. defects
already noted at baseline and progress could not
be compared with controls who were only recorded
at baseline
- Many studies use different tests some not
validated - Some tests assess overlapping areas of cognition
- Difficult to control for variables of age and
intelligence (ie in some tasks older pt may have
poorer function from the outset)
- Cognitive effects difficult and time consuming to
measure - In men decline in visual memory and
visual-spatial performance are main areas of
decline noted to date - Task performance not necessarily related to T
level - Potential benefit of NSAA over LHRHa
16Can we avoid or prevent cognitive effects?
- Dont get prostate cancer
- Dont get advanced disease with need for
long-term hormonal therapy - Consider Intermittent therapy if ADT necessary
- Consider ?NSAAs preferrable
- If long-term ADT, consider risks/benefits with
fully informed patient as with other potential
harms of long term ADT