Title: Medicaid Infrastructure Grants
1Medicaid Infrastructure Grants Asset Building
- National Consortium for Health Systems
Development - Audio Conference Call July 25, 2006
- Joe Entwisle, Health Disability Advocates/NCHSD
2MIGs Asset Building
- Purpose of this topical call
- Learn about how asset building programs can
further the objectives of the MIGs - Hear about the range of strategies MIGs can
employ to become more engaged in asset building
in their state and - Find out about how other MIGs have been involved
in asset building in their state.
3MIGs and Asset Building Programs
- Medicaid Buy-in programs are really a first step
in asset development ability to set up or keep
independence accounts and access much needed
services - Asset building programs serve as an incentive for
Buy-in participants to increase their earnings - Medicaid Infrastructure Grants are focused on
systems change that promote competitive
employment and building infrastructure to sustain
the support those changes
4MIGs and Asset Building Programs
- Intertwined goals of Asset Building Programs
MIGs - Both programs support and encourage employment
- Both create an environment that enables financial
self-sufficiency - Financial literacy prepares individuals future
for competitive employment
5Asset Building Programs People with
- Utilization Very low utilization of asset
building programs by people with disabilities --
especially within Medicaid buy-ins. Programs
are largely marketed to other low-income
populations (TANF). - Integration with work incentives Existing asset
building tools can work in conjunction with each
other AND with other work incentives programs. - Program implementation People with disabilities
often have trouble accessing information on how
to enroll and participate in asset building
6Asset Building Tools
- Individual Development Accounts (IDAs)
- Work Incentive Related Strategies
- Family Self Sufficiency
- Student Earned Income Exclusion
- Tax Related Strategies
- Earned Income Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
7Asset Development Tools (cont.)
- Trust Funds
- Family Trust Funds
- Court ordered Trust Funds
- Pooled Trust Funds
8Role for MIG in Asset Building Programs
- Assess existing asset building programs and
resources. - Facilitate systems change and policy development.
- Initiate and support effective education
outreach plans.
9MIG Role in Asset Building Program Development
- Assessment
- Concrete ideas for involvement
- Identify and map asset building programs
available in the state how many are available
to people with disabilities? How are people
accessing those programs? Or --include asset
building programs in existing mapping efforts. - Potential outcome resource guide that people
with disabilities and providers can use to
increase utilization of programs.
10MIG Role in Asset Building Program Development
- Assessment
- Concrete ideas for involvement
- Assess how existing asset building programs mesh
with existing public benefits and work incentives
programs do Medicaid Buy-in resource limits
serve as a barrier to participation in asset
development programs? Should there be a tie
between asset building programs to other services
like benefits planning? - Potential outcome Identify programs and systems
challenges and create policy recommendations on
how they can be improved.
11MIG Role in Asset Building Program Development
- Facilitate Policy Development
- Concrete Ideas for Involvement
- Convene key stakeholders to address issues such
as - System challenges eliminating programmatic
barriers and identifying challenges with delivery
systems (program coordination) - Adequacy of existing asset building programs do
existing programs meet the expressed needs of
people with disabilities? - Program participation issues How do we know a
consumer is ready for asset development programs?
What needs to be in place to ensure that
consumers are accessing programs when they need
12MIG Role in Asset Building Program Development
- Facilitate Policy Development
- Concrete Ideas for Involvement
- Convene key stakeholders to address issues such
as - Leveraging funding for asset building resources
--While the MIG can not use grant dollars to
provide services, it can use its position to
leverage other dollars and jump start programs. - Consumer Credit Counseling programs
- Financial institutions
- Trust development programs
13MIG Role in Asset Building Program Development
- Facilitate Policy Development
- Concrete Ideas for Involvement
- Convene key stakeholders to address issues such
as - Identify strategies to maximize asset development
programs - Assess unified entry points to programs
- Create incentives to coordinate services for
maximum benefit - Support the development of asset building
14MIG Role in Asset Building Program Development
- Education Outreach
- Concrete ideas for Involvement
- Create plan for outreach and education
- Are current IDA programs marketing to people with
disabilities? Are they reaching the MIG
population? - What is the message of the outreach efforts
focused on working building assets? - Targeting the outreach what points within the
system make sense? e.g. Benefits planning
programs, financial literacy programs
15Examples Asset Development Strategies in Action
- Sarah is an SSI beneficiary who opens a PASS
plan using earnings from work for down payment on
small business start up. - In this scenario the PASS plan allows her to
- Maximize her SSI benefit
- The opportunity to open an IDA that matches
earnings placed in PASS - Qualify for EITC for additional match in PASS/IDA
- And have her taxes processed at VITA for free!
16State Examples
- WA State IDA Initiative
- Abbey Cooper
- World Institute on Disability
- Megan ONeil
17(No Transcript)