Title: The DG JRC promoting collaboration with
1 The DG JRC promoting collaboration with
Romanian ST organisations Joint Research
Centre European Commission http//www.jrc.cec.eu.
2DG JRC within the EU Institutions
Committee of the Regions
Court of Auditors
The European Parliament
The Council of Ministers
Economic and Social Committee
Court of Justice
The European Commission 2004-2009 (the College
25 Commissioners)
President Jose-Manuel Barroso
Research Commissioner Janez Potocnik
3JRCs Mission
to provide customer-driven scientific and
technical support for the conception,
development, implementation and monitoring of EU
policies the JRC functions as a centre of
science and technology reference for the EU,
independent of special interests, private and
4The structure of the JRC
7 Institutes in 5 Member States ? 2650 staff
? 300 M/y budget ( 40 M/y competitive)
- IE - Petten The Netherlands
- Institute for Energy
- IRMM - Geel Belgium
- - Institute for Reference Materials and
Measurements -
- ITU - Karlsruhe Germany
- - Institute for Transuranium Elements
- IPSC - IHCP - IES - Ispra Italy
- - Institute for the Protection and Security of
the Citizen - - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection
- - Institute for Environment and Sustainability
- IPTS - Seville Spain
- - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
5JRC Work Programme 2003-2006 (1)
3 core competencies Food, Chemical Products and
Health (food safety quality, food chain
consumer protection, GMOs, chemical products,
alternative testing methods, biomedical
technologies, health environment) IRMM, IHCP
and IPTS (mainly) Environment and Sustainability
(air, water soil quality, land resources,
sustainability issues, climate change, ecosystem
monitoring, energy technologies) IES, IE, IPTS
and IHCP (mainly) Nuclear Safety and Security
(waste treatment storage, nuclear
non-proliferation, reactor safety, radiation
monitoring, basic actinide research). ITU, IE,
6JRC Work Programme 2003-2006 (2)
Horizontal activities Techno-Economic Studies
(technology techno-economic foresight,
statistical methods for analysis of economic
indicators). IPTS Reference Materials and
Measurements (reference materials methods,
certified reference materials, radionuclide
metrology, neutron data measurements).
IRMM Public Security and Antifraud (antifraud
technologies, cybersecurity, technological
natural emergencies, humanitarian aid) IPSC, IES,
IPTS (mainly)
7JRC towards FP7Future Priorities
- Support to the Lisbon Process (digital divide,
econometric tools, interplay between innovation
and regulation, standards and references in
support of growth, ) - Increasing Internal and External security
(addressing terrorist threats, combating
proliferation of CBRN, support border control, )
- Understanding of the relationship between
Environment and Health (exposure to harmful
agents -especially with respect to children-,
epidemiological studies, public health studies,
enviro- and toxico-genomics, chemical stressors,
) - Sustainable Agriculture (integrated use of
agricultural resources, protection of the
agri-environment and of the landscape, social
issues, monitoring impact of changes in the use
of the European land, ...)
8JRC Enlargement Integration Action
- Strategic Objectives
- To help the New Member States and Candidate
Countries take up and implement the EU acquis
in areas of JRC competence - To contribute to the development of the European
Research Area
- Tools
- Workshops training project cooperation
dedicated temporary positions short visits - About 100 enlargement workshops/year involving
some 4000 experts
9JRC Enlargement and Integration Action Five
Intertwined Instruments
- Focus JRC core projects on specific
- Enlargement needs
- Networks and Indirect Actions
- Host experts, research fellows
- Advanced training courses and workshops
- Information and awareness actions
10 Increasing JRC collaboration with Romania
- 39 Romanian researchers are currently working at
the DG JRC institutes within projects of interest
to JRC and Romania - 32 JRC networks and projects involve Romanian
partners covering core competence areas of the
JRC - 320 Romanian experts participated in 102 JRC
specialised workshops in 2005 dealing with ST
aspects of the EU acquis - 8 JRC workshops organised in Romania in 2005
11(No Transcript)
12JRC - Project Knowledge System integrates
JRCCORDIS databases
13Adrese de web ale institutelor JRC(1)
- Institutului pentru Energie (The Institute for
Energy IE), Petten, Olanda - http//ie.jrc.cec.eu.int/
- Institutul pentru Elemente Transuranium
(Institute for Transuranium Elements - ITU) ,
Karlshruhe, Germania - http//itu.jrc.cec.eu.int/
- Institutul pentru Prospectarea Studiilor
Tehnologice (Institute for Prospective
Technological Studies IPTS) , Sevilia, Spania. - http//www.jrc.es/home/index.htm
14Adresele de web ale institutelor JRC(2)
- Institutul pentru  Materiale de Referinta si
Masuratori ( Institute for Reference Materials
and Measurements - IRMM), Â Geel, Belgia. - http//www.irmm.jrc.be/html/homepage.htm
- Institutul pentru Protectia si Securitatea
Cetatenilor ( Institute for Protection and
Security of Citizen - IPSC) , Ispra, Italia. - http//ipsc.jrc.cec.eu.int/
- Institutul pentru Sanatate si Protectia
Consumatorilor (Institute for Health and Consumer
Protection - IHCP) , Ispra, Italia . - http//ihcp.jrc.cec.eu.int/
- Institutul pentru Mediu si Durabilitate
(Institute for Environment and Sustainability -
IES) , Ispra, Italia - http//ihcp.jrc.cec.eu.int/
15JRC contacts whom to contact, where?
At the JRC institutes IPSC carmelo.addabbo_at_ec.eu
ropa.eu IES arwyn.jones_at_jrc.it IHCP
nicholas.nicholson_at_cec.eu.int IPTS
adriana.cristoiu_at_ec.europa.eu EI
roger.hurst_at_ec.europa.eu IRMM doris.florian_at_ec.eur
opa.eu ITU victor.esteban-gran_at_ec.europa.eu
JRC, Brussels giancarlo.caratti_at_ec.europa.eu mil
Gateway http//www.jrc.cec.eu.int/enlargement
16DG JRC Robust Science for Policy
MakingThank you for your attention