Title: Stochastic Network Interdiction
1Stochastic Network Interdiction
- Introduction
- Model Formulation
- Dual of the maximum flow problem
- Linearize the nonlinear expression
- Sample Average Approximation
- Decomposition Approach
- Computational Results
- Further Work
- Network Interdiction Problem
4Introduction (cont.)
- Stochastic Network Interdiction Problem (SNIP)
- Uncertain successful interdiction
- Uncertain arc capacities
- Goal minimize the expected maximum flow
- This is a two-stages stochastic integer program
- Stage 1 decide which arcs to be interdicted
- Stage 2 maximize the expected network flow
- Applications
- Interdiction of terrorist network
- Illegal drugs
- Military
- Directed graph G(N,A)
- Source node r?N, Sink node t?N
- S Set of finite number of scenarios
- ps Probability of each scenario
- K budget
- hij cost of interdicting arc (i,j) ?A
6Formulation (cont.)
where fs(x) is the maximum flow from r to t in
scenario s
7Formulation (cont.)
- uij Capacity of arc (i,j) ? A
- A A ? r,t
- ?ijs
- yijs flow on arc (i,j) in scenario s
8Formulation (cont.)
Maximum flow problem for scenario s
9Formulation (cont.)
The dual of the maximum flow problem for scenario
s is
Strong Duality, we have
10Formulation (cont.)
11Formulation (cont.)
12Linearize the nonlinear expression
- Linearize xij?ijs
- Let zijs xij?ijs
- xij 0 ? zijs 0
- xij 1 ? zijs ?ijs
- Then we have
- zijs Mxij lt 0
- ?ijs zijs lt 0
- ?ijs zijs Mxij lt M
- where M is an upper bound for ?ijs , here M 1
13Formulation (cont.)
14Formulation (cont.)
15Sample Average Approximation
- Why?
- Impossible to formulate as deterministic
equivalent with all scenarios - Total number of scenarios 2m, m of
interdictable arcs - Sample Average Approximations
- Generate N samples
- Approximate f(x) by
16Sample Average Approximation(cont.)
- Lower bound on f(x)v
- Confidence Interval
17Sample Average Approximation(cont.)
- The (1-?)-confidence interval for lower bound
Where P(N(0,1) ? z?)1- ?
18Sample Average Approximation(cont.)
- Upper bound on f(x)
- Estimate of an upper bound (For a fixed x)
- Generate T independent batches of samples of size
N - Approximate by
19Sample Average Approximation(cont.)
- Confidence Interval
- The (1-?)-confidence interval for upper bound
Where P(N(0,1) ? z?)1- ?
20Decomposition Approach
- Recall our problem in two-stages stochastic form
21Decomposition Approach (cont.)
22Decomposition Approach (cont.)
- E?Q(x, ?s) is piecewise linear, and convex
- The problem has complete recourse feasible set
of the second-stage problem is nonempty - The solution set is nonempty
- Integer variables only in first stage
- Therefore, the problem can be solve by
decomposition approach (L-Shaped method)
23Computational results
SNIP 4x9 example
Note 1. Only arcs with capacity in ( ) are
interdictable 2. The successful of
interdiction 75 3. Total budget K
24Computational results (cont.)
Note Optimal objective value in
Cormican,Morton,Wood10.9 with error 1
25Computational results (cont.)
SNIP 7x5 example
26Computational results (cont.)
Note Optimal objective value in
Cormican,Morton,Wood80.4 with error 1
27Further work
- Solving bigger instance on computer grid
- Using Decomposition Approach
28Thank you