Title: Overview Strategic Plan 20062007
1OverviewStrategic Plan2006-2007
2Strategic Planning Process Spring Fall 2006
- Primary Goals (1) to update 2005 plan given
program re-organization, (2) develop strategies
to diversify funding-base
- Looked at internal and external issues
- Revised mission, vision, values
- Revised program descriptions, strategies, and
- Identified strategies to expand and diversify
funding base
3Members of Committee, Meeting Schedule
- Committee Chaired by Rick Jaramillo, Bank of
America, CC Board Member
- Other active participants included seven other
Board Members, five Partners Council members, two
other community members and Senior Staff
- Committee met eight times from April to November
- Process was facilitated by Joe Synan, Leadingwell
4Providing Context
- How many young children in region?
- Criteria for child well-being (poverty, education
of parents, access to early education)
- Rationale for investing in very young children
5Number of Young Children in Gulf Coast
- 2,069,657 children, 0 5 years, live in Texas
- 493,740 children 0 5 years, (almost 25 of
Texas total), live in Gulf Coast region
- 95 (468,303) of young children in Gulf Coast
region live in five counties (Harris, Ft. Bend,
Montgomery, Brazoria, Galveston)
Source Texas Kids Count, U.S. Census Data, 2003
6Population of Young Children in
Five Largest Counties
Of five most populous counties in Gulf Coast
Region, Harris County is by far the largest,
making up over three quarters of the young
children, birth through age five, in these
Source Texas Kids Count, U.S. Census Data, 2003
7Demographics of Young Children in Texas Gulf Coast
There is significant diversity among the 493,737
children 0 5, who live in the Gulf Coast
Source Texas Kids Count, U.S. Census Data, 2003
8Factors that Impact Child Outcomes
Family Income and Education
9Indicators Correlated to Child Outcomes Income,
Education of Parents
- Children showed more cognitive, language and
social competence when parents were more
educated, had higher incomes and provided home
environments that were emotionally supportive and
cognitively enriched.
Source National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development, The NICHD Study of Early
Child Care and Youth Development Findings for
Children up to Age 4 ½ Years, August 2006
10Correlation of Income and Education to
Vocabulary Development
Source Hart Risley, Meaningful Differences in
the Everyday Experience of Young American
Children, 1995
11Annual Household Income for Harris, Fort
Bend, Montgomery, Brazoria and Galveston Counties
Source American Community Survey, 2003
U.S. Census Bureau
for Houston
12Poverty Level falls far below what is necessary
to meet basic needs
- The federal poverty level for a family of three
is 16,600/yr., 20,000/yr. for a family of four
- To meet basic needs in Harris County area, family
of three needs 39,994 a year
- Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF,
replaced welfare) is 193/month(2,316/year)
for a family of three
Sources U.S. Health and Human Services, Federal
Poverty Guidelines, 2006 Center for Public
Policy Priorities, Family Security Index
13Child Poverty in Gulf
Coast Region
Nearly 70,000 young children, 0 5 years, live
in poverty in regions five largest counties
Source American Community Survey, 2003, U.S.
Census Bureau
14Educational Attainment of Adults Five Largest
Counties in Region
15Education Impacts Income!
Source U. S. Census Bureau, 2002
16Children in Child Care Number of Children in Car
e, Quality of Care
17Families with All Parents in the Workplace,
Children Under 6
- 55 of young children in 4 largest counties
(242,573 families) have all parents working
- Working parents choose between relative care,
residential care by non-family adult,
center-based care
Source American Community Survey, U.S. Census
Bureau, 2004
18Types and Numbers of Licensed Child Care Centers
and Registered Homes
- 2,058 licensed child care centers in Gulf Coast
- 2,464 registered family homes in region
- Unknown number of children in informal care by
relative, neighbor, friend, nanny.
19Licensing Standards -- Lead Teacher
20Licensing Standards -- Teacher to Child
21Child Care Centers Meeting Minimum Licensing
Monitoring Plans of Licensed Child Care
Monitoring Plans Defined 1 Requires frequent m
onitoring (3-5 months), problems with meeting
standards 2 More frequent monitoring (6-9 months
) due to past problems 3 Typically meets minimum
standards (visits 10-12 months)
22Number of Accredited Child Care Centers in Region
- 6 of the 2,058 licensed child care centers in 13
county Region are accredited by the National
Association for the Education of Young Children
Source NAEYC Website
23Case for Investing in Young Children Components
of Collaborative for Children Strategic Plan
24Why is it important to invest in Young Children?
Three Main Reasons
25Why is it important to invest in Young Children?
Source Neurons to Neighborhoods, The Science of
Early Childhood, National Academy Press, 2001
26Why is it important to invest in Young Children?
Economic Evidence
High quality early education is the most highly
leveraged education investment a community can
make with significant returns on investment.
Three longitudinal studies have demonstrated that
quality early education contributes to
- Reduced special education costs, lower grade
repetition, higher high school graduation and
college participation rates.
Source Perry Preschool Project, Abecederian
Project, Chicago Parent Child Study, Texas AM
Bush School of Government and Public Service
27Why is it important to invest in Young Children?
Community Benefit
80 of new jobs in our economy require an
education beyond high school.
- Children who reach kindergarten school ready
are more likely to master reading and math and be
able to succeed in higher level courses using
thinking skills required by the jobs of the
21st Century economy.
- Children who complete high school and go on to
college will generate higher incomes, have lower
involvement in the criminal justice system and
reduced dependence on social services.
28Mission Revised
New Mission Building a strong educational found
ation for young children to succeed in school and
29Vision Revised
New Vision
for the Texas Gulf Coast Region
Quality early education and care for all
children, beginning at birth.
30Values Revised
- Excellence
- Knowledge
- Professionalism
- Collaboration
- Diversity
- Accountability
31Collaborative for Children Investing to Achieve
our Vision
32Family Engagement
- Highlights of Plan Key Strategies
- Expanding investment in parent education
- Staff trained on Positive Behavior Support
- Staff trained on Practical Parenting Curriculum
- Launching Quality Indicator System to provide
parents with additional information on quality of
early education programs
33Family Engagement
- Highlights of Plan
- Key Strategies (continued)
- Promoting Single Point of Entry
- for parents trying to determine
- eligibility for early education
- programs
- Maintain national accreditation
- of Child Care Resource and Referral System
- Expand parent volunteer training in schools to
provide part-time assistant to teachers in PreK
and K classrooms
34Family Engagement
- Measuring Impact
- 2006 Goal of serving 18,000 families, with
60,840 children
- 2007 Goal of serving19,800 families, with
66,920 children
35Example of Metric in Family Engagement
Calls to Resource and Referral Center
Total Clients Served Q 1-3 2005 13,029
Total Clients Served Q 1-3 2006 14,817 ( 13.7)
36Provider Engagement
- Highlights of Plan Key
- Expand visibility at professional development
conferences with information tables,
- Make better utilization of
- website to promote services,
- training opportunities
- Introduce fees for service training program
37Provider Engagement
- Highlights of Plan Key Strategies
- Continue to impact quality of early
- education programs through
- Program Assessment and Quality
- Improvement Plan development
- Mentoring Directors and Teachers
- Modeling appropriate practices in classrooms
- Offering Professional Development through
- Providing financial resources and incentives
(scholarships, bonuses for course completion)
- Coaching centers on achieving national
38Provider Engagement
- Measuring Impact
- 2006 Goal of partnering with approximately 200
- education programs and
- 2,500 directors and teachers
- serving 37,500 children
- 2007 Goal of partnering with 250 early
education programs and 3,000 directors and
teachers serving 45,000 children
39Example of Assessment Results of Bright Beginn
ings Quality Improvement Initiative
Source Bright Beginnings Evaluation, University
of Houston School of Education Frank Porter
Graham Child Development Center, Environmental
Rating Scales, national tool used to assess early
education programs
40Community Engagement
- Highlights of Plan Key Strategies
- Speakers Bureau
- Speaker toolkit to include video making
- case for investing in early education,
- presentations tailored to different
- audiences
- Plan lecture series inviting nationally known
experts in field to share latest scientific and
economic research related to early childhood
- Partner with medical community to improve early
literacy and healthy development of children
41Community Engagement
- Highlights of Plan Key Strategies (continued)
- Plan and begin to pilot major early childhood
initiative, with goal to increase school
readiness, third grade reading levels, and high
school completion - City of Houston
- HISD, other school districts
- Texas Childrens Hospital
- Others
42Community Engagement Legislative Agenda 2007
- State Legislative Agenda for 2007
- Increase professional development resources for
infant/toddler classrooms
- Improve quality and expand access to
- Increase training for child care directors and
teachers, with special focus on teachers of
infants and toddlers
- Increase reimbursement rates for
- child care programs participating in
subsidized child care
43Community Engagement
- Measuring Impact
- 2006 Prepare tools for Speakers Bureau, develop
legislative agenda
- 2007 Speakers Bureau volunteers recruited and
trained, Speakers Bureau promoted to business,
medical, faith-based and parent groups Progress
made on at least two of four items in legislative
agenda pilot launched for major early education
44Partner with Us to Achieve our Vision for the
children in the Gulf Coast Region!
- Dr. Kevin Krull, Texas Childrens Hospital
Brain development in preschool children is a
rapid dynamic process. Early intervention and
prevention are essential! - The WorkSource Our region needs to improve the
quality of early childhood education and provide
access to PreK programs for more children.
- HISD College graduation starts in
- We have a bold vision for our region and need
your help to achieve it!