Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
1Important UNIX Utilities
2Regular expressions
- Used by several different UNIX commands,
including ed, sed, awk, grep - A period . matches any single characters
- .X. matches any X that is surrounded by any two
characters - Caret character matches the beginning of the
line - Bridgeport matches the characters Bridgeport
only if they occur at the beginning of the line
3Regular expressions (continue.)
- A dollar sign is used to match the end of the
line - Bridgeport will match the characters Bridgeport
only they are the very last characters on the
line - matches any single character at the end of the
line - To match any single character, this character
should be preceded by a backslash \ to remove
the special meaning - \. matches any line end with a period
4Regular expressions (continue.)
- matches any line that contains no characters
- is used to match any character enclosed in
- tT matches a lower or upper case t followed
immediately by the characters - A-Z matches upper case letter
- A-Za-z matches upper or lower case letter
- A-Z matches any character except upper case
letter - A-Za-z matches any non alphabetic character
5Regular expressions (continue.)
- () Asterisk matches zero or more characters
- X matches zero, one, two, three, capital Xs
- XX matches one or more capital Xs
- . matches zero or more occurrences of any
characters - e.e matches all the characters from the first e
in the line to the last one - A-Za-z A-Za-z matches any alphabetic
character followed by zero or more alphabetic
6Regular expressions (continue.)
- -0-9 matches a single dash or digit character
(ORDER IS IMPORTANT) - 0-9- same as -0-9
- -0-9 matches any alphabetic except digits and
dash - a-z matches a right bracket or lower case
7Regular expressions (continue.)
- \min, max\ matches a precise number of
characters - min specifies the minimum number of occurrences
of the preceding regular expression to be
matched, and max specifies the maximum - w\1,10\ matches from 1 to 10 consecutive ws
- a-zA-Z\7\ matches exactly seven alphabetic
8Regular expressions (continue.)
- X\5,\ matches at least five consecutive Xs
- \(.) is used to save matched characters
- \(.\) matches the first character on the line
and store it into register one - There is 1-9 registers
- To retrieve what is stored in any register \n is
used - Example \(.\)\1 matches the first two
characters on a line if they are both the same
9Regular expressions (continue.)
- \(.\).\1 matches all lines in which the first
character on the line is the same as the last.
Note (.) matches all the characters in-between - \()\(\) the first three characters on the line
will be stored into register 1 and the next three
characters into register 2
- Used in extracting various fields of data from a
data - file or the output of a command
- who
- bgeorge pts/16 Oct 5 1501
( - abakshi pts/13 Oct 6 1948
( - tphilip pts/11 Oct 2 1410
(AC8C6085.ipt.aol.com) - who cut -c1-8,18-
- bgeorge Oct 5 1501 (
- abakshi Oct 6 1948 (
- tphilip Oct 2 1410
- Format cut -cchars file
- chars specifies what characters to extract from
each line of file.
11cut (continue.)
- Example -c5, -c1,3,4 -c-10-15 -c5-
- The d and f options are used with cut when you
have data that is delimited by a particular
character - Format cut ddchars ffields file
- dchar delimiters of the fields (default tab
character) - fields fields to be extracted from file
12cut (continue.)
cat /etc/passwd rootx01Super-User//sbin/sh
daemonx11/ binx22/usr/bin sysx33
/ admx44Admin/var/adm lpx718Line
Printer Admin/usr/spool/lp uucpx55uucp
Admin/usr/lib/uucp listenx374Network
Admin/usr/net/nls nobodyx6000160001Nobody/
noaccessx6000260002No Access
User/ oracle10167DBA Account/export/home/o
racle/bin/csh webuser102102Web
User/export/home/webuser/bin/csh abuzneidx103
100Abdelshakour Abuzneid/home/abuzneid/sbin/csh
13cut (continue.)
cut -d -f1 /etc/passwd root daemon bin sys adm
lp uucp nuucp listen nobody oracle webuser abuznei
14cut (continue.)
cat phonebook Edward 336-145 Alice
334-121 Sony 332-336 Robert 326-056 cut
-f1 phonebook Edward Alice Sony Robert
- Format paste files
- tab character is a default delimiter
16paste (continue.)
cat students Sue Vara Elvis Luis Eliza cat
sid 578426 452869 354896 455468 335123 paste
students sid Sue 578426 Vara 452869 Elvis
354896 Luis 455468 Eliza 335123
17paste (continue.)
- The option s tells paste to paste together lines
from the same file not from alternate files - To change the delimiter, -d option is used
18paste (continue.)
paste -d '' students sid Sue578426 Vara452869
Elvis354896 Luis455468 Eliza335123 paste -s
students Sue Vara Elvis Luis Eliza
ls paste -d ' ' -s - addr args list mail memo
name nsmail phonebook programs roster sid
students test tp twice user
- sed (stream editor) is a program used for editing
data - Unlike ed, sed can not be used interactively
- Format sed command file
- command applied to each line of the specified
file - file if no file is specified, then standard
input is assumed - sed writes the output to the standard output
- s/Unix/UNIX command is applied to every line in
the file, it replaces the first Unix with UNIX
20sed (continue.)
- sed makes no changes to the original input file
- s/Unix/UNIX/g command is applied to every line
in the file. It replaces every Unix with UNIX.
g means global - With n option, selected lines can be printed
- Example sed n 1,2p file which prints the
first two lines - Example sed n /UNIX/p file, prints any line
containing UNIX
21sed (continue.)
- Example sed n /1,2d/ file, deletes lines 1
and 2 - Example sed n /1 text, prints all lines from
text, showing non printing characters as \nn and
tab characters as
- The tr filter is used to translate characters
from standard input - Format tr from-chars to-chars
- Result is written to standard output
- Example tr e x file to x and prints the output to the standard
output - The octal representation of a character can be
given to tr in the format \nnn - Example tr \11 will translate all to tabs
23tr (continue.)
24tr (continue.)
- Example tr a-zA-Z lower case letters in file to their uppercase
equivalent. The characters ranges a-z and
A-Z are enclosed in quotes to keep the shell
from replacing them with all files named from a
through z and A through Z - To squeeze out multiple occurrences of
characters the s option is used
25tr (continue.)
- Example tr s multiple spaces to one space
- The d option is used to delete single characters
from a stream of input - Format tr d from-chars
- Example tr d from the input stream
- Searches one or more files for a particular
characters patterns - Format grep pattern files
- Example grep path .cshrc will print every line
in .cshrc file which has the pattern path and
print it - Example grep bin .cshrc .login .profile will
print every line from any of the three files
.cshrc, .login and .profile which has the pattern
27grep (continue.)
- Example grep smarts will give an error
because will be substituted with all file in
the correct directory - Example grep smarts
- By default, sort takes each line of the specified
input file and sorts it into ascending order
cat students Sue Vara Elvis Luis Eliza sort
students Eliza Elvis Luis Sue Vara
29sort (continue.)
- The n option tells sort to eliminate duplicate
lines from the output
30sort (continue.)
echo Ash students echo Ash students
cat students Sue Vara Elvis Luis Eliza Ash Ash
sort students Ash Ash Eliza Elvis Luis Sue Vara
31sort (continue.)
- The s option reverses the order of the sort
- The o option is used to direct the input from
the standard output to file - sort students sorted_students works as sort
students o sorted_students - The o option allows to sort file and saves the
output to the same file - Example
- sort students o students correct
- sort students students incorrect
32sort (continue.)
- The n option specifies the first field for sort
- as number and data to sorted arithmetically
33sort (continue.)
cat data -10 11 15 2 -9 -3 2
13 20 22 3 1 sort data -10
11 -9 -3 15 2 2 13 20 22 3
34sort (continue.)
sort -n data -10 11 -9 -3 2 13 3
1 15 2 20 22 sort 1n data -9
-3 3 1 15 2 -10 11 2
13 20 22
35sort (continue.)
- To sort by the second field 1n should be used
instead of n. 1 says to skip the first field - 5n would mean to skip the first five fields on
each line and then sort the data numerically
36sort (continue.)
sort -t 2n /etc/passwd rootx01Super-User/
/sbin/sh daemonx11/ binx22/usr/bin sy
sx33/ admx44Admin/var/adm uucpx55u
ucp Admin/usr/lib/uucp nuucpx99uucp
Admin/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/lib/uucp/uucico l
istenx374Network Admin/usr/net/nls lpx718
Line Printer Admin/usr/spool/lp oracle10167
DBA Account/export/home/oracle/bin/csh webuser
102102Web User/export/home/webuser/bin/csh y
- Used to find duplicate lines in a file
- Format uniq in_file out_file
- uniq will copy in_file to out_file removing any
duplicate lines in the process - uniqs definition of duplicated lines are
consecutive-occurring lines that match exactly
38uniq (continue.)
- The d option is used to list duplicate lines
- Example
- cat students
- Sue
- Vara
- Elvis
- Luis
- Eliza
- Ash
- Ash
- uniq students
- Sue
- Vara
- Elvis
- Luis
- Eliza
- Ash