Title: TGC LVL1 Commissioning
1TGC LVL1 Commissioning
- 27 Nov 2006
- Hironori Kiyamura
- Kobe University
- Introduction
- Data sample Software
- Method
- How to calculate trigger efficiency for TGC.
- Analysis
- How to choose muon samples.
- How to decide which muon is triggered.
- Results
- Pt vs Trigger efficiency
- validation
- Position dependency of trigger efficiency
- Luminosity vs Sigma/Efficiency
- Summary Outlook
- It is important for commissioning how to measure
LVL1 muon trigger efficiency using real data. - Analysis method has to be fixed before ATLAS
experiment starts. - Key points,
- Collect LVL1-unbiased samples.
- Select muon tracks without knowing MC truth.
- For this study,
- Muons in Z -gt mm process can be a good probe.
- Using simulation data,
- We have developed an analysis tool.
- Validate this method by comparing with the result
of single muon samples.
4Data sample Software
- Data sample (No background is included so far)
csc11.005151.McAtNloZmumu.simul.HITS.v11004103 - generator cut (selection efficiency 89)
- Mmm gt 60GeV, at least 1 mhlt2.8, ptgt5GeV
- cross section 1662pb(after above cut)
- In this study, about 40pb-1 data are used.
- Software
- Athena 11.0.42
- TGCcabling-00-00-31 TrigT1TGC-00-01-15
- With these packages, digitization and
reconstruction are performed and AOD files are
5Muon kinematics (MC truth)
- This sample is appropriate for study for high
Pt(40GeV) region. - There is enough data in endcap region.
- Two muons from Z are well-isolated from each
6Method Analysis
Leg technique
- The events triggered by MU20 are used.
- Look for a triggered muon based on LVL1 ROI.
- Look for another muon of decay products from Z.
(named probe muon) - Trigger efficiency for Endcap is calculated using
the probe muon. - If both muons from Z are MU20 ones, both of them
can be used to the calculation. - Use only well-measured muons (i.e. combined muon
8Step.1 (triggered muon selection)
- Matching between reconstructed muon and LVL1 ROI
is based on dR. - Parameters are defined as follows
- dh hrec hROI, df frec fROI
- h and f of reconstructed muon are at IP.
- h and f of LVL1 ROI are at the center of ROI.
- dR (dh2 df2)1/2
- Look for the nearest ROI to reconstructed tracks
within dR of 0.1. - If it is found, the muon is decided to be
9step.2 (probe muon selection)
- Reconstruct invariant mass(Minv) of triggered
muon and another muon. - When Minv Mz(91.19GeV) is less than 10GeV,
the muon pair is regarded to be from Z. -gt probe
muon is found.
- When more than one pair are found,
- the pair with Minv nearest to Mz is chosen.
Minv of two muons
- Selection efficiency is about 50 .
- Fraction of events with more than 1 pair is less
than 0.01.
10Step.3(trigger judgment)
- Matching scheme is the same as step.1.
- Performed only for endcap region. (1.05lthlt2.4)
- For 20GeV muons, 99.9 of triggered muons are
included within 0.1 of dR.
Selection efficiency
12Pt vs Trigger efficiency
Fitting results
Comparison with the results using single muon
- In trigger efficiency calculation using single
muon samples, there is no matching ambiguity and
reconstruction bias. - By comparing with the results of single muon
samples, it can be seen if the method is without
bias or not. - Comparison is performed at pt6GeV, 20GeV, and
40GeV. - Eta distribution of muon is different in Z(mm)
and single muon samples, and trigger efficiency
has position dependency. - To be compared with the results of single muon
samples, the results of Z(mm) samples are scaled
to have flat eta distribution.
14Results of Comparison
dR0.1 is not sufficient for low pt muons. -gt
other matching scheme is needed.
Pt vs Trigger efficiency for MU06
Pt vs Trigger efficiency for MU20
Results of single muon
Results of single muon
15Summary table of the comparison
- The table shows that the results of Z(mm) and
single muon samples are consistent with lt 1 at
20GeV and 40GeV. - -gt It comes to be sure that the method used in
this study is unbiased and promising for high Pt
16Position dependencyof trigger efficiency
17Eta dependency of trigger efficiency
Only muons with pt gt 30GeV(at plateau) are used
for both results. Calculate only for endcap
Eta vs trigger efficiency
Eta vs trigger efficiency
- charge h gt 0
- charge h lt 0
There is position dependency for trigger
Covered by RPC.
18Trigger efficiency for each sector
19TGC geometry
Geometry acceptance of TGC is 100.
- In simulation geometry, muon trigger system is
divided to 8 octants. - Octants are constructed completely same.
- Each octant is divided to 2 regions named Forward
and Endcap. - Forward/Endcap is divided to 3/6 sectors,
respectively. - For each sector, trigger efficiency is calculated.
Endcap the red region 1.05ltetalt1.92 Forward
the green resion 1.92ltetalt2.4
20Trigger efficiency at plateau for each sector
Use only muons with pt gt 30GeV
It will be recovered with improved coincidence
Sector number
21Luminosity vs Sigma/Efficiency
- Sigma/Efficiency is calculated
- for trigger efficiency at plateau.
- at luminosity of 10pb-1, 20pb-1, 50pb-1, 100pb-1
by scaling the results to each point.
For both MU06 and MU20, trigger efficiency at
plateau can be measured with an error of about
0.1 with data of 100 pb-1.
22Summary Outlook
- Evaluate LVL1 endcap muon trigger efficiency
using Z(mm) samples and the method looks
promising for high pt region. - Result is consistent with those of single muon
samples. - Take into account HLT for event selection.
- Improve matching scheme rather than using dR
matching at IP. - For more detailed position dependence of trigger
efficiency - use track extrapolator and use dR on TGC
chambers. - use segments (hits) of LVL1 and reconstructed
muons.(need ESD) - Using J/Y(mm) for trigger efficiency in low pt
region. - Perform also for Barrel.
24dR of several Pt
For high pt muons, more than 99.9 of muons are
included within 0.1 of dR. For low pt muons,
larger range of dR has to be applied.
25Trigger efficiency for single muon
- Results of these three ways are consistent.