Title: Reducedorder modeling of stochastic transport processes
1Reduced-order modeling of stochastic transport
Swagato Acharjee and Nicholas Zabaras
Materials Process Design and Control
Laboratory Sibley School of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering188 Frank H. T. Rhodes
Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY
14853-3801 Email zabaras_at_cornell.edu URL
Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory
2Research Sponsors
U.S. AIR FORCE PARTNERS Materials Process
Design Branch, AFRL Computational
Mathematics Program, AFOSR
Mechanical Behavior of Materials Program
and Integration Engineering Program
Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory
3Outline of Presentation
Motivation why lower dimension models in
transport processes Stochastic PDEs
overview Model reduction in spatial domain Model
reduction in stochastic domain Concurrent model
reduction applied to stochastic PDEs Natural
Convection Example problems Conclusions and
Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory
4Why Lower Dimension Models ?
Transport problems that involve partial
differential equations are formidable problems to
Probabilistic modeling and control are all the
more daunting.
Need to come up with efficient solution methods
without losing out on accuracy or physics.
Binary Alloy Solidification
Flow past a cylinder (Stochastic Simulation)
(Badri Narayanan, Zabaras 2004)
Higher order statistics
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5Overview of stochastic PDEs Heat diffusion
Deterministic PDE
Stochastic PDE
? random dimension Primary variables and
coefficients have space time and random
dimensionality stochastic process
Primary variables and coefficients have space and
time dimensionality
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6Spatial model reduction
Suppose we had an ensemble of data (from
experiments or simulations)
POD technique (Lumley) Maximize the projection of
the data on the basis. Leads to the eigenvalue
problem C full p x p matrix leads to a large
eigenvalue problem with p the number of grid
Is it possible to identify a basis
such that it can represent the variable as
Introduce method of snapshots
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7Method of snapshots
Method of snapshots (Lumley, Ly, Ravindran.)
Leads to the basis
Eigenvalue problem
which is optimal for the ensemble data
- Other features
- Generated basis can be used in the
- interpolatory as well as the extrapolatory
mode - First few basis vectors enough
- to represent the ensemble data
C n x n matrix n ensemble size
Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory
8Model reduction along the random dimension
Fourier type expansion along the random dimension
Generalized Polynomial chaos expansion (Weiner,
Karniadakis) Hypergeometric orthogonal
polynomials from the Askey series
Is it possible to identify an optimal basis
Basis functions in terms of Hermite polynomials
such that it can represent the variable as
Orthogonality relation
Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory
9Generalized polynomial chaos expansion - overview
Chaos polynomials (random variables)
Stochastic process
Reduced order representation of a stochastic
processes. Subspace spanned by orthogonal basis
functions from the askey series.
Number of chaos polynomials used to represent
output uncertainty depends on
- Type of uncertainty in input - Distribution of
input uncertainty- Number of terms in KLE of
input - Degree of uncertainty propagation
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10Reduced order subspaces
Random dimension
- Generated using truncated GPCE
Basis functions
Inner product
Space dimension
- Generated using POD
Basis functions
Inner product
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11Concurrent Reduced order problem formulation
Expansion along random dimension
Subsequent Expansion in a POD basis
?ij corresponds to the jth basis function in the
expansion of the ith GPCE coefficient
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12Analogy of the reduced models with FEM
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13Natural convection in stochastic domain
Governing Equations
Initial Conditions
Boundary Conditions
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14Natural convection in stochastic domain
Governing Equations for GPCE formulation
Solution scheme based on a SUPG/PSPG Stabilized
FEM technique for the analogous deterministic
problem (Zabaras,2004 , Heinridge, 1998)
Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory
15Concurrent model reduction applied to natural
Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory
16Example problem 1 Uncertainty in Rayleigh number
vx vy 0
Functional form for Ra(?)
q 2.5t
vx 0 vy 0
vx 0 vy 0
Other parameters Darcy number 7812e-6 Porosity
1.0 Diffusivity 1.0 Grid size 50x50
vx vy 0
Basis info
- Total 90 snapshots from third-order SSFEM
simulations - 30 snapshots at equal intervals with
- 30 snapshots at equal intervals with
- 30 snapshots at equal intervals with
- Using 4 out of a possible 90 basis vectors for
the energy and momentum equations. 1D order 3
GPCE used for random discretization
DOFs in SSFEM energy equation 10404 DOFs in
SSFEM momentum equation - 31212 DOFs in CRM
energy equation 16 DOFs in CRM momentum
equation - 32
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17Uncertainty in Rayleigh number - results t 0.2
Mean Velocity - x
Mean Velocity - y
Mean Temperature
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18Uncertainty in Rayleigh number - results t 0.2
SD Velocity - x
SD Velocity - y
SD Temperature
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19Uncertainty in Rayleigh number - results t 0.4
Mean Velocity - x
Mean Velocity - y
Mean Temperature
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20Uncertainty in Rayleigh number - results t 0.4
SD Velocity - x
SD Velocity - y
SD Temperature
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21Uncertainty in Rayleigh number MC comparisons
Final centroidal velocity
MC results from 2000 samples generated using
Latin Hypercube Sampling
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22Example problem 2 Uncertainty in porosity
vx vy 0
KL expansion for e(?)
Exponential covariance kernel
q 2.5t
vx 0 vy 0
vx 0 vy 0
e0 0.8, s0.05 , b10
vx vy 0
Other parameters Darcy number 7812e-6 Rayleigh
Number 1e4 Diffusivity 1.0 Grid size 50x50
Basis info
- Total 90 snapshots from third-order SSFEM
simulations - 30 snapshots at equal intervals with e0 0.5 s
0.05 - 30 snapshots at equal intervals with e0 0.6 s
0.03 - 30 snapshots at equal intervals with e0 0.7 s
0.02 - Using 5 out of a possible 90 POD basis vectors
for the energy and momentum equations. 2D order 3
basis used for random dimension
DOFs in SSFEM energy equation 26010 DOFs in
SSFEM momentum equation - 78030 DOFs in CRM
energy equation 50 DOFs in CRM momentum
equation - 100
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23Uncertainty in porosity - results t 0.2
Mean Velocity - x
Mean Velocity - y
Mean Temperature
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24Uncertainty in porosity - results t 0.2
SD Velocity - x
SD Velocity - y
SD Temperature
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25Uncertainty in porosity - results t 0.4
Mean Velocity - x
Mean Velocity - y
Mean Temperature
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26Uncertainty in porosity - results t 0.4
SD Velocity - x
SD Velocity - y
SD Temperature
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- Concurrent Model reduction applied to thermal
transport. - GPCE in the random domain, POD in the spatial
domain. - Captures all the essential physics of the problem
without signicant loss of accuracy - Quite generic applies to other PDEs also.
- Useful tool for fast solution of complex SPDEs
especially when previous simulation data is
available. - Speed up of several orders of magnitude compared
to full model MC sampling.
Relevant Publication "A concurrent model
reduction approach on spatial and random domains
for stochastic PDEs", International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Engineering, in press
Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory
More complicated input uncertainties, higher
degree of randomness. Other stochastic PDEs
. Application to stochastic Inverse problems.
Inverse problem - POD based control of texture
for desired properties (Acharjee, Zabaras 2003)
GPCE based Stochastic inverse heat conduction
(Badri Narayanan, Zabaras 2004)
Required design temperature readings
Objective function
Temperature sensor readings
Unknown flux
Normalized hysteresis loss
Reconstructed heat flux with comparisons to
analytical mean
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