Title: Parshah Emor VayiqraLeviticus 21:1 24:23
1Parshah EmorVayiqra/Leviticus 211 - 2423
Wayne Ingalls
- Vayiqra 21 Priests, High Priests and Defilement
- Vayiqra 22 Eating the Offering
- Vayiqra 23 YHWHs Appointed Times
- Vayiqra 24 Tamid and Talionis?
3The Traditional Blessing Before the Torah Portion
Baruch atah Adonay Eloheynu melech ha'olam,
asher bachar banu mikol-ha'amim, venatan lanu
et-torato Blessed are You Adonai our Elohim,
King of the Universe, who has chosen us from all
peoples and has given us His Torah.
Baruch atah Adonay, noten hatorah Blessed are
You - Adonai, Giver of the Torah.
4Vayiqra/Leviticus Chapter 21
Vayiqra/Leviticus 211
Vayyomer YHWH el-Mosheh emor
el-hakoheniym beney Aharon veamarta elehem
lenefesh lo-yittamma beammayv Vayiqra 211
(ISR) And ???? said to Mosheh, Speak to the
priests, the sons of Aharon, and say to them No
one is to be defiled for the dead among his
6When Priests Can Be Defiledand Sin Not
Vayiqra 212-4 (ISR) 2 except for his relatives
who are nearest to him for his mother, and for
his father, and for his son, and for his
daughter, and for his brother 3 and for his
maiden sister who is near to him, who has had no
husband for her he is defiled. 4 A leader does
not defile himself among his people, to profane
- Key Points/questions
- Relatives. Heb lishero, singular construct
form of sheer (H7607) flesh. Flesh who is
closest to him is understood here to mean
wife. (Rashi) - Leader. Heb baal husband.
- But a husband shall not defile himself for a
wife who causes his desecration, while she is
among his people. (JPCT) - Why are these instructions given to the priests,
the sons of Aaron?
7Mourners Kaddish
May His great Name be exalted and sanctified,
throughout the world, which he has created
according to his will. May his Kingship be
established in your lifetime and in your days,
and in the lifetime of the entire household of
Israel, swiftly and in the near future and say,
Amen.May His great Name be blessed, forever and
ever. Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted,
extolled, honored, elevated and lauded be the
Name of the holy one, Blessed is he - above and
beyond any blessings and hymns, Praises and
consolations which are uttered in the world and
say Amen. May there be abundant peace from
Heaven, and life, upon us and upon all Israel
and say, Amen.He who makes peace in his high
holy places, may he bring peace upon us, and upon
all Israel and say Amen.
8Not of the Dead, But of the Living
Luke 2037-39 (ISR) 37 But that the dead are
raised, even Mosheh showed at the bush when he
called ???? the Elohim of Ab_raham, and the
Elohim of Yitsh?aq, and the Elohim of Yaaqob_.
38 Now He is not the Elohim of the dead, but of
the living, for all live to Him. 39 And some of
the scribes answering, said, Teacher, You have
spoken well.
- Key Points/questions
- Priests are allowed to mourn and touch the dead
bodies of close relatives. They become
(temporarily) defiled, but they DO NOT SIN by
doing so. - Death is not the end, and the primary duties of
the priest are to minister to the living. This
obligation to the living outweighs the obligation
to the dead, but Yah shows His mercy by allowing
9They Do Not Profane the Name
Vayiqra 216 (ISR) They are set-apart to their
Elohim and do not profane the Name of their
Elohim, for they bring the offerings of ????
made by fire, and the bread of their Elohim, and
shall be set-apart.
- Key Points/questions
- Do not profane. Not a commandment not to utter
the Name, for it is written - Devarim/Deuteronomy 323-4 (ISR) For I
proclaim the Name of ????, Ascribe greatness to
our Elohim. 4 The Rock! His work is perfect, For
all His ways are right-ruling, An El of truth and
without unrighteousness, Righteous and straight
is He. - Rather They do not engage in idolatry, they do
not call the golden calf YHWH (Shemot/Exodus
32 Yechezqel/Ezekiel 2032) or disobey the
instruction of Elohim (Proverbs 309)
10The High Priest Does Not Defile Himself
Vayiqra 218-12 (ISR) 8 And you shall set him
apart, for he brings the bread of your Elohim, he
is set-apart to you. For I, ????, setting you
apart, am set-apart. 9 And when the daughter of
any priest profanes herself by whoring, she
profanes her father. She is burned with fire. 10
And the high priest among his brothers, on whose
head the anointing oil was poured and who is
ordained to wear the garments, does not unbind
his head nor tear his garments, 11 nor come near
any dead body, nor defile himself for his father
or his mother, 12 nor go out of the set-apart
place, nor profane the set-apart place of his
Elohim, for the sign of dedication of the
anointing oil of his Elohim is upon him. I am
- Key Points/questions
- v.8 Setting you (plural) apart. DSS
11QPaleoLeviticus and Greek LXX Setting them
apart. - Instructions are more exacting for the Kohen
11The High Priest Did Defile Himself
Vayiqra 2110 (ISR) 10 And the high priest among
his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil was
poured and who is ordained to wear the garments,
does not unbind his head nor tear his garments,
- Key Points/questions
- Tearing ones robes is fine if you are not the
high priest - Acts 1413-14 (NASB) The priest of Zeus, whose
temple was just outside the city, brought oxen
and garlands to the gates, and wanted to offer
sacrifice with the crowds. But when the apostles
Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their
robes and rushed out into the crowd, crying out. - Mat 2663-65 (ISR) But ????? remained silent.
So the high priest said to Him, I put You to
oath, by the living Elohim that You say to us if
You are the Messiah, the Son of Elohim. ?????
said to him, You have said it. Besides I say to
you, from now you shall see the Son of Ad_am
sitting at the right hand of the Power, and
coming on the clouds of the heaven. Then the
high priest tore his garments, saying, He has
blasphemed! Why do we need any more witnesses?
See, now you have heard His blasphemy!
12No Long Hair for the High Priest? Vayiqra 2110
(ISR) And the high priest among his brothers, on
whose head the anointing oil was poured and who
is ordained to wear the garments, does not unbind
his head nor tear his garments, (Artscroll) The
Kohen who is exalted above his brethren -- upon
whose head the anointment oil has been poured or
who has been inaugurated to don the vestments --
shall not leave his head unshorn and shall not
rend his garments (Artscroll Schottenstein
Interlinear Chumash) And the Kohen-who is
elevated-above his brethren-the one that-there
was poured-upon his head-the oil-of
annointment-and who was given authority-to don-
the garments-the hair on his head-he shall not
grow long-and his garments-he shall not rend.
13No Long Hair for the High Priest? Vayiqra 2110
(ISR) And the high priest among his brothers, on
whose head the anointing oil was poured and who
is ordained to wear the garments, does not unbind
his head nor tear his garments, (Artscroll) The
Kohen who is exalted above his brethren -- upon
whose head the anointment oil has been poured or
who has been inaugurated to don the vestments --
shall not leave his head unshorn and shall not
rend his garments (Artscroll Schottenstein
Interlinear Chumash) And the Kohen-who is
elevated-above his brethren-the one that-there
was poured-upon his head-the oil-of
annointment-and who was given authority-to don-
the garments-the hair on his head-he shall not
grow long-and his garments-he shall not rend.
14No Long Hair for the High Priest? Vayiqra 2110
(Artscroll commentary)
The hair on his head he should not grow long
because the oil of annointment was poured upon
his head his garments he shall not rend because
he was given the authority to wear the garments
of the Kohen Gadol. (Rabbi Mattisyahu Strashun
of Vilna, 1817-1885)
15Vayiqra/Leviticus Chapter 22
16Eating the Set-Apart Offering
Vayiqra 222-7 (ISR, condensed) Speak to Aharon
and his sons, that they separate themselves
(veyinnazru) from the set-apart offerings of the
children of Yisrael, and that they do not
profane My set-apart Name in what they set apart
to Me. I am ????. Say to them, Any man of all
your offspring throughout your generations who
draws near the set-apart offerings which the
children of Yisrael set apart to ????, while he
has uncleanness upon him, that being shall be cut
off from before Me. I am ????.And whoever
touches what is rendered unclean by a corpse, or
a man who has had an emission of semen, or a man
who touches any. being by whom he would become
unclean the being who has touched it shall be
unclean until evening, and does not eat the
set-apart offerings, but shall bathe his body in
water. And when the sun goes down he shall be
clean, and afterward eat the set-apart offerings,
because it is his food.
17Eating the Set-Apart Offering
Vayiqra 228-13 (ISR) He does not eat that which
dies or is torn by beasts, becoming unclean by
it. I am ????. And they shall guard My Charge,
lest they bear sin for it and die thereby, when
they profane it. I ???? set them apart. And no
stranger eats the set-apart offering. A sojourner
with the priest, or a hired servant, does not eat
the set-apart offering. But when the priest buys
a being with his money, he does eat of it. And
one who is born in his house does eat his food.
And when a priests daughter is married to a
stranger, she does not eat of the set-apart
offerings. But when a priests daughter is a
widow or put away, and has no child, and has
returned to her fathers house as in her youth,
she does eat her fathers food, but no stranger
eats of it.
- Key Points/questions
- Only the sons of Aaron priesthood and their
close kin are allowed to eat the set apart
18Is the Author of Hebrews Opposed to the Offering
Eating Instructions?
Hebrews 1310 (NASB) We have an altar from which
those who serve the tabernacle have no right to
eat. Heb 1310 (ISR) We have an altar from which
those serving the Tent have no authority to eat.
Heb 1310 (HRV) We have an altar and they do
not have permission to eat of it nor complete the
service of the tabernacle.
- Key Points/questions
- My answer is NO.
- At time of the book of Hebrews, no Tabernacle
stood. (It Herods Temple, not the Tabernacle of
the Wilderness). - Those serving at the Temple or Tabernacle were
of the Aaronic priesthood, not the Melchizedeq
priesthood spoken of in Hebrews. Different
priesthooddifferent rights.
19YHWH is Not Goodwill
Vayiqra 22 17-21 (ISR) 17 And ???? spoke to
Mosheh, saying, 18 Speak to Aharon and his
sons, and to all the children of Yisrael, and
say to them, Any man of the house of Yisrael,
or of the strangers in Yisrael, who brings his
offering for any of his vows or for any of his
voluntary offerings, which they bring to ???? as
a burnt offering, for your acceptance, is a
male, a perfect one from the cattle, from the
sheep, or from the goats. 20 Whatever has a
defect, you do not bring, for it is not
acceptable for you. 21 And when a man brings a
peace offering to ????, to complete a vow, or a
voluntary offering from the cattle or the sheep,
it is to be perfect to be accepted, let there be
no defect in it.
- Key Points/questions
- You dont offer junk or what you have no use for
or do not want. You dont offer a two-legged
chair to a houseguest what is offered to YHWH
who lives in your House must be perfect.
20Do NOT Profane
- Vayiqra/Leviticus 2232-33 (ISR) And do not
profane My set-apart Name, and I shall be
set-apart among the children of Yisrael. I am
????, who sets you apart, 23 who brought you out
of the land of Mitsrayim, to be your Elohim. I am
- Key Points/questions
- What are practical ways to NOT profane Yahs
holy Name?
21Vayiqra/Leviticus Chapter 23
22YHWHs Appointed Times
Vayiqra 23 2-3 (ISR) 2 Speak to the children of
Yisrael, and say to them, The appointed times
of ????, which you are to proclaim as set-apart
gatherings, My appointed times, are these 3 Six
days work is done, but the seventh day is a
Sabbath of rest, a set-apart gathering. You do no
work, it is a Sabbath to ???? in all your
- Key Points/questions
- These are the appointed times of YHWH. He
says they are MY Appointed Times. You can make
them yours, but they are YHWHs own feast days.
(This is why the term the Jewish feasts is both
inaccurate and misleading). - Sabbath leads off Yahs listing of feast days.
YHWH Himself observed it following His 6th Day of
creating. - The phrase chuqqat olam (KJV a statute
forever) appears 4 times in this chapter (verses
14, 21, 31, and 41).
23YHWHs Spring Feasts
- Passover (Pesach) Evening of Aviv (Nisan) 14
- Ruth 1 22 (Aramaic Targum Ruth) So Naomi
returned, and with her was Ruth, the Moabitess,
her daughter-in-law, who returned from the field
of Moab. And they came to Beth Lehem on the eve
of the Passover, and on that very day the
Israelites began to harvest the Omer of the
heave-offering which was of barley. - Feast of Unleavened Bread (Chag HaMatzah)
Begins on Aviv 15, lasts 7 Days. First and Last
Days are a Yom Tov, no laborious work.
Pilgrimage Feast. - First Fruits (Bikkurim)
- - Omer (wave sheaf) Count 50
- Feast of Weeks (Shavuot), aka Pentecost. Yom Tov,
no laborious work. Pilgrimage Feast. - - According to the traditional
(Pharisaic) counting, always comes out to be the
6th Day of the 3d Month (Sivan 6)
24When is Shavuot?
Vayiqra 2311 (ISR) And he shall wave the sheaf
before ????, for your acceptance. On the morrow
after the Sabbath the priest waves it. Vayiqra
2311 (Artscroll) He shall wave the Omer before
Hashem to gain favor for you on the morrow of
the rest day the Kohen shall wave it Vayiqra
2316 (ISR) Until the morrow after the seventh
Sabbath you count fifty days, then you shall
bring a new grain offering to ????. Vayiqra
2316 (Artscroll) Until the morrow of the seventh
week you shall count, fifty days and you shall
offer a new meal-offering to Hashem.
Seven weeks
Devarim 169
Seven weeks
25YHWHs Fall Feasts
- Feast of Trumpets /Yom Teruah (Day of Shouting),
aka Rosh Hashanah (Head of the Year) 1st day of
the 7th Month (called Tishri). A High Sabbath.
The ten days from Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur are
called the Days of Awe. Jubilee Years are
counted from Yom Teruah. - Day of Atonement(s) /Yom Kippur/ Yom HaKippurim
(Day of Atonement(s) 10th Day of the 7th
Month. A High Sabbath. - Feast of Tabernacles /Sukkot/Booths Begins 15th
Day of the 7th Month, lasts for 7 Days (Tishri
15-21). First Day is a High Sabbath. - Shemini Atzeret (8th Day Solemn Assembly) The
Day after Sukkot, the 22rd day of the 7th Month.
A High Sabbath. -
26Fig LeavesWhy Believers Do Not Keep YHWHs
- Those are Jewish holidays, and I am not Jewish.
- Jesus did away with all those things.
- Jesus fulfilled them, and so I dont want to be
ensnared in legalism and bondage by doing them
myself. - Keeping those Jewish feasts now is trampling on
Gods grace. - Jesus did away with the animal sacrifice that
these feasts require. - He who keeps one commandment and stumbles in
another is guilty of violating all the Law. - Jesus did away with the Law and we dont keep
those Old Testament commandments because now we
have grace. - God destroyed the Temple and abolished old Law
and the feasts because God hated them and
repudiated them for all time - Isaiah 114a (NKJV) Your New Moons and your
appointed feasts My soul hates.
27Vayiqra/Leviticus Chapter 24
28Tamid Continually
Vayiqra 242-8 (ISR) 2 Command the children of
Yisrael that they bring to you clear oil of
pressed olives for the light, to make the lamps
burn continually. 3 Outside the veil of the
Witness, in the Tent of Meeting, Aharon is to
arrange it from evening until morning before
???? continually a law forever throughout your
generations. 4 He is to arrange the lamps on the
clean gold lampstand before ???? continually. 5
And you shall take fine flour and bake twelve
cakes with it, two-tenths of an ephah in each
cake. 6 And you shall set them in two rows, six
in a row, on the clean table before ????. 7 And
you shall put clear frankincense on each row, and
it shall be on the bread as a remembrance
portion, an offering made by fire to ????. 8 On
every Sabbath he is to arrange it before ????
continually, from the children of Yisrael an
everlasting covenant (brit olam).
29Tamid Continually
- Key Points/questions
- Tamid Continually appears 4 times in the first
8 verses of this chapter. The well-known use of
Tamid is for the continual (daily) morning and
evening sacrifice. - Everlasting Covenant The two houses of
Yisrael are so fresh and uppermost in YHWHs
heart that He made sure the people understood
that they would be continually renewed through
the years. The changing of the Bread of His
Presence, displayed that all Yisrael stays fresh
in His presence, as they enter into His Shabbat
rest. Therefore the Shabbat was appointed as the
day of refreshing, as there remains therefore
rest to Yisrael according to Hebrews 49. (R.
Moshe Koniuchowsky Text Note on v.8 in
Restoration Scriptures).
Vayiqra 24 11-16 (ISR) 11 And the Yisraelite
womans son blasphemed the Name, and cursed. So
they brought him to Mosheh. Now his mothers name
was Shelomith the daughter of Dib_ri, of the
tribe of Dan. 12 And they put him in under guard,
that it might be declared to them at the mouth of
????. 13 And ???? spoke to Mosheh, saying, 14
Bring the one who has cursed outside the camp,
and all those who heard him shall lay their hands
on his head, and all the congregation shall stone
him. 15 And speak to the children of Yisrael,
saying, Anyone who curses his Elohim shall bear
his sin. 16 And he who blasphemes the Name of
???? shall certainly be put to death, and all
the congregation certainly stone him, the
stranger as well as the native. When he
blasphemes the Name, he is put to death.
- Key Points/questions
- Read these verses
- Mark 322-30
- Yochanon/John 852-59
- Yochanon/John 1029-31
- Was Yeshua accused of Blasphemy?
32Blasphemy in the Mishnah
33Lex Talionis?
Vayiqra 24 17-21 (ISR) 17 And he who smites the
life from any man shall certainly be put to
death. 18 And he who smites a beast repays it,
body for body. 19 And when a man inflicts a
blemish upon his neighbour, as he has done so it
is done to him 20 Fracture for fracture, eye
for eye, tooth for tooth as he inflicts a
blemish upon him, so it is done to him. 21 And
he who smites a beast repays it, and he who
smites a man to death is put to death.
- Key Points/questions
- Is this the Lex Talionis, Law of Retaliation,
and is it meant to be applied literally (plucking
out eyes, breaking bones, knocking out teeth)?
34Compensation, Not Retaliation
Mishnah Baba Qamma 81
Talmud Bavli, Baba Qamma 83A
35No Double Standard
Vayiqra 2422 (ISR) You are to have one
right-ruling (mishpat), for the stranger (ger)
and for the native, for I am ???? your Elohim.
- Key Points/questions
- There is not a double standard of judgment
between the ger and the native born Israelite. - They are both to live up to the same Torah.
36The Traditional Blessing After Reading the Torah
Baruch atah Adonay, Eloheynu melech ha'olam,
asher natan lanu torat emet, vechayey olam nata
betochenu. Blessed are You Adonai our Elohim,
King of the universe, who has given us the Torah
of truth, and has planted everlasting life in our
Baruch atah Adonay, noten hatorah Blessed are
You - Adonai, Giver of the Torah.