Title: How to Implement an Effective Facility Maintenance Program
1How to Implement an Effective Facility
Maintenance Program
2Results of Typical Programs
- ? Almost totally dependant on Maintenance
person. - ? Maintenance person determines
- - Tasks
- - Frequencies
- - Priorities based on their
- observation and discretion
- - Most of the schedule
3Results of Typical Programs
- ? Contractor determines most of what work is
performed. - ? Durability items tend to be overlooked
- ? Methods tend not to improve.
- ? Routine can give staff the illusion of
efficiency and effectiveness.
4A Chief CulpritOver time, the Work Line Tends
to Straighten Out
5Long Term Result of Typical Program
- Some tasks get dropped from the program.
- Some tasks are performed more often than
- needed.
- Snow Blindness sets in
- - I walk by that every day and didnt notice
6General Weaknesses of a Typical Program
- Inability to substantiate performance.
- Inability to substantiate staffing costs.
7Program ObjectivesNeeds
- An efficient, workable schedule that maximizes
results. - Flexible plan that provides for tasks outside
the normal routine. - A plan that includes specific durability
maintenance items.
8Program ObjectivesNeeds
- Ability to deal with unexpected problems or
assignments. - A good means to monitor and evaluate
performance. - Good documentation that maintenance requirements
are being met.
9A very tall order,
10How to maximize efficiency.
- The following are steps to develop a maintenance
program that will increase efficiency and
effectiveness and provide a better means of
monitoring performance
11Step 1Define areas of responsibility
- Clearly identify maintenance areas.
- - State in instructional documents.
- - Tour the areas with responsible parties.
- - Review written plan periodically
- change and update when necessary
12Step 2Identify tasks to be performed
- Work with provider to develop comprehensive list
of tasks. - Identify type of task
- Group by location
13Step 2 (cont.)Identify tasks to be performed
- Have an engineering consulting firm examine major
facilities and identify specific durability
maintenance items based on your structural
system, its current condition and local
environmental conditions.
14Step 2 (cont.)Identify tasks to be performed
- Quantify tasks in each area based on
- - Size of task item / area
- - Number of task repetitions (number of parking
spaces, length of curb, number of trash cans,
15Step 3 Determine time needed for each task
- Estimate by size of area or number of repetitions
x time needed for each unit. - Paint gate islands 15 x 30 min. each
- Wipe down bollards 60 x 45 sec. each
16Step 3 (cont.)Determine time needed for each
- Be reasonable consider
- The pace that has to be maintained for a full day
- Effect of weather conditions
- Traffic and customer interruptions
17Step 3 (cont.)Determine time needed for each
- Include start-up and shut down time for equipment
changes between tasks - Include travel times between areas
- Between work areas
- To restrooms
- To break
- To the time clock
18Step 4 Assign a frequency to each task
- Use industry standard schedules.
- Use manufacturers recommended maintenance
intervals and - techniques
19Step 5 Compute total task hours
- Time requirement X Quantity X Frequency
- Organize by area
20Step 5 (cont.) Compute total task hours
- Not complete without an initial estimate of
- Daily start-up time
- Travel time to and from work area
- Significant travel time within work area
- Add 15 in developing initial estimate of hours
21Step 6 Balance Total to Available Staff Hours
- Compare total task hours to staff hours
- Balance by adjusting task frequencies
- Evaluate frequencies and
- identify shortfalls
22Step 7 Develop Actual Schedule
- Base on 4-week cycle
- Distribute items to individual schedule lists
- Organize tasks by type and area to minimize
- Travel time between tasks
- Time and frequency of equipment changes
23Step 7 (cont.) Develop Actual Schedule
- Include
- 15 minute daily start-up time
- 30 minutes (minimum) for unscheduled tasks
- Special Projects time each week
- Schedule concurrently with multiple team members
to allow for team projects - Tasks better accomplished by a team
- Consider safety requirements
24Step 7 (cont.) Develop Actual Schedule
- Distribute periodic tasks not part of the normal
weekly schedule. - Group related tasks into Time Blocks
- Allow individual discretion within time blocks
whenever possible - Provides more freedom to control their day
- Can result in process improvements
25Step 8 Develop Equipment and Materials List
- Examine each task to determine equipment and
materials needed - Attach equipment / materials list to task lists
- Use equipment and materials lists for
- Budget projections
- Accurate ordering
26Program Benefits
- 1) Process Development
- All necessary tasks are identified and included
in the program - Less chance of being overlooked
- Better understanding of full task set
- Time requirements are more clearly identified and
27Program Benefits
- Processes are refined and improved during program
development. - Adjusting task frequencies allows work to be
balanced with available staff hours. - Everyone agrees on tasks and frequencies
- Facilitates and substantiates budget and cost
planning and justification
28Program Benefits
- 2) Staff Management
- More effective training due to specific methods
developed during program implementation. - Staff is more confident knowing what is to be
done each day and how to do it. - Staff is more accountable
- Task schedule is specific
- No excuses about forgetting materials
- Easier to locate staff during workday
29Program Benefits
- 3) Program Management
- Schedule can be adjusted as better work methods
are developed. - Periodic tasks can be better planned
- Special tools or supplies needed
- Cars cleared from work area
- Advanced preparation of the work area
30Program Benefits
- 4) Materials Management
- Supplies can be ordered in proper order.
- Better assured to have sufficient supplies on
hand when needed. - Staff know what equipment and materials are
needed for each set of tasks.
31Program Benefits
- 5) Documentation
- Program plan and schedule is documented
- Completions of tasks is recorded and filed
- Can be reviewed by supervisor
- Permanent record of process
- Potential protection against liability claims
32Program Benefits
- Well Maintained, Safe and Attractive Facilities!
33Everything Speaks
34Everything Speaks
35Everything Speaks
36Everything Speaks
37Everything Speaks
38Everything Speaks
39Everything Speaks
40Everything Speaks
41Everything Speaks
42Everything Speaks
- When was the last time you looked at your
facilities through - The Lens Of YOUR Customer?
- Everything Speaks!!!