Title: Project 1640 Coronagraph
1Project 1640 Coronagraph
2The Coronagraph
Achromatized APLC, optimized for 1.65
µm Apodizer 51 throughput with astrometric
grid Focal Plane Mask 5.37 ?/D at 1.65 µm 370
mas IWA of 200 mas Lyot Stop 2 downsized
from primary, negligible impact on
throughput ADC (designed by C. Shelton) covers
1-1.8 µm from 0 to 50, double prism design in
collimated beam Pupil Viewing camera to monitor
rejected starlight from Lyot Mask Tip/Tilt
system based on Hamamatsu InGaAs quad cell. 1kHz
update Provides f/143 beam to IFU lenslet array
(21 mas/lenslet)
3Basic Architecture
Apodizer (PPM), Focal plane mask (FPM) , Lyot
Lyot Stop Final image
Apodizer transmission Throughput 50
Hard-edge stop Diameter 5 ?/D
Lyot Stop
4Apodizers, FPMs, Lyot Stops
5Updated Design Notes
- Improved the APLC design and identified issues
not previously apparent (FPM f.o.v., e.g.) - Proven the astrometric and photometric techniques
with both lab and on-sky data
6Fabrication - PPM
- Chromium alloy microdots on glass
- MEMS Optical/Jenoptik, 1um, 2um microdots
- Zero order throughput to match APLC profile
MEMS apodizer
7Fabrication PPM WFE
3.4nm rms focus-subtracted
5.7nm rms
8Fabrication FPM
5 nm focus-subtracted, 0.5 nm roughness
Superpolished Si Etched 600 µm Hole
36 nm focus
9Fabrication FPM SEM
- Edge roughness lt 2 ?m speced by GPI PDR
10Project 1640 and Palomar 5-m AO System
1640 Dewar
AO System
Coronagraph Lyot Project Heritage
Focal Plane mask
Lyot Stop
Final Sphere (above plate)
Atmospheric Dispersion Prisms
Infrasil window
AO input beam
Fast steering mirror
12(No Transcript)
13GPI Testbed Contrast
Simulated w/30 nm WFE (expected testbed
Real Testbed Data
40 nm
20 nm
10 nm
5 nm
No WFE, real ?dot greys
14GPI Results - Contrast 1.55 micron
15GPI Results speckle scaling FeII 1.64um and
Laser 1.55 um
Scaled by wavelength
Centering issue akin astrometry Lyot movement
over 2 day gap
1610 second 1640 Coronagraphic IFU Exposure
17Smoothed to remove spectra