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They have either a disc flower or a ray flower. ... it stands there so proudly, with its head erect, always turned towards the rays of the sun. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Seminar presented by:

  • Seminar presented by
  • MD ( Hom Materia Medica)

Remedies in Compositae Family
  • Abrotanum.
  • Absinthium.
  • Ambrosia Artemisiaefolia.
  • Anthemis Nobilis.
  • Arctium Lappa .
  • Arnica.
  • Artemisia contra Judaica. ( cina )
  • Artemisia vulgaris.
  • Bellis perennis. Brachy glottis
  • Carduus Benedictus.
  • Carduus Marianus.
  • Centaurea Tagana.
  • Chamomilla.
  • Cichorium.
  • Cinereria Maritima.
  • Echinaceae Angustifolia.
  • Echinaceae Purpurea.
  • Erechthites.
  • Erigeron.
  • Eupetorium Aromaticum.
  • Eupetorium Perfoliatum.

  • Nabalus. Parthenium Hysterophorus.Pyrethrum
    Parthenium.Senecio Aureus
  • Senecio Jacobea. Silphium.
    Solidago.Tanacetum.Taraxacum. Tussilago
    Farfara. Tussilago Fragrans. Tussilago
    petasites. Wyethia.   
  • Eupetorium Purpureum. Gnaphalium.
    Grindelia. Guaco. Helianthus Annus. Inula
    Helinium. Lactuca Virosa. Lapsana communis.
    Liatris spicata. Millefolium

  • All members of the Composite family are
    sun-lovers. They are sensitive to the light of
    the sun and react to it. Some turn their heads to
    follow it others draw in their petals at sundown
    remaining closed during the night and also during
    the day when the weather is overcast.
  • Cloudy weather agg. ( Arn, Calen, Cham.)
  • Foggy weather agg. ( Abrot, Calen, Cham.)

  • They have either a disc flower or a ray flower.
  • The fruits are dry, and hard, a type known as
    achenes. The fruits often have plumes of hairs to
    aid in wind dispersal.
  • Leaves are alternate, occasionally opposite
    usually toothed, lobed, or divided. They have a
    strong rib anchoring them to the stalk or to the
    heart of the plant.

Some interesting facts about the Composites
  • The name Artemisia is probably derived from
    Artemis, the Greek Goddess of hunting and
    chastity. Women in labor also enjoyed her
    protection. Species of Artemisia, particularly
    Artemisia absinthium promote menstruation and
    facilitate parturition
  • Hippocrates very frequently mentions Artemisia of
    use in promoting uterine evacuations. Dioscorides
    and Galen used it as a fomentation for amenorrhea
    and hysteria.

  • Artemisia vulgaris Since 1992, research has been
    concentrated on the alkaloid, Artemisinin, which
    has also been shown to reduce the availability of
    iron to the malarial parasite, but much more
    effectively than quinine
  • Their proving symptoms embrace those associated
    with Cinchona off and suggest that these
    remedies should be studied in relation to future
    homoeopathic treatment of malarial symptoms as a
    matter of urgency.

  • Arnica is known as leopards bane, fall herb. Its
    value in relation to wounds was indeed known to
    Greeks and Romans it was reported of the
    dwellers in the Andes that it was customary in
    the event of an accident to gather the herb,
    which grows conveniently at high altitudes, pour
    on boiling water and give the resulting infusion
    to the injured person.

  • Arnica has large handsome, golden flowers, which
    grow in the Alpine meadows, but Arnica is unique,
    it stands there so proudly, with its head erect,
    always turned towards the rays of the sun. It
    seems to know that it is something apart from
    other herbs even the cattle never touch it, they
    also know it is something too precious fro them
    to take. (Dictatorial, haughty)

  • Eup- per is probably not a plant in American
    domestic practice that has more extensive or
    frequent use than this. The attic, or woodshed,
    of almost every country farm house, has its
    bunches of the dried herb hanging tops downward
    from the rafters during the whole year, for
    immediate use for member of the family or a
    neighbor, taken with the cold.

  • The explanation of the species name Millefolium
    is more prosaic. It refers to the countless
    leaves, which are as finely branched as

Sphere of action
  • Mind
  •  Nervous system
  • q  Cerebro-spinal
  • q  Sensory
  • q  Motor
  • q  Abdominal
  •    Muscles
  •   Blood and blood vessels
  • q   Veins
  • q   Arteries
  • Mucous membranes
  • q       GIT
  • q       GUT
  • q       Eyes
  •  Spleen
  •   Liver
  •   Women
  •    Children

  • Acting on the blood vessels? produces a state of
    relaxation and vasodilatation with tendency to
    hemorrhages. The main action is on the venous
    circulation. The hemorrhages can be bright red or
    even dark red in color. The hemorrhages can lead
    to anemia and impoverishment of the constitution.
  • On the nervous system? they produce a state of
    hyper excitability and hypersensitivity leading
    to convulsions, jerking, and hypersensitivity to
    touch, neuralgia, cramps and twitching. The state
    of weakness and paralysis follows this state of

  • They affect the mucous membranes? giving rise to
    increased secretions. This is especially seen in
    the form of diarrhea, dysentery, urethral
    discharges, etc.
  • They affect the liver ?causing inflammation and
    altering the liver functions, which leads to

  • Mental irritability.
  • Nervous excited, fidgety, worried .
  • Hysterical tendency
  • Sadness, mental depression. 
  • Nervous affections
  • Affections of children
  • Injuries,bad effects of injuries including
    blows, falls, bruises.
  • Generally left sided affections. Complaints
    associated with coldness. 
  • Marked action upon the blood , muscular fibers of
    the bloods vessels
  • Action upon the respiratory mucus membrane
    causing allergic

  • Predominant action on liver and spleen
  • Rheumatic affections
  • A general sensation of soreness, lameness, and
    bruised feeling. 
  • Most of the remedies of this group is useful in
    cancerous affections. 
  • Sensitive to cold open air. 
  • Has a general action upon the urinary system. 
  • Marked action upon skin
  • Marked action upon eye

  • Injury is the important theme of Compositae.
  • One has to understand the meaning of injury at
    the mental and physical level.
  • Physical harm or damage to a person, property
  • Offense against a persons feeling, dignity,etc
  • Loss in value inflicted on a business, reputation
  • A violation of rights.

MIND Contd
  • A sore, bruised feeling can be understood not
    only at the physical level after the injury but
    also at the mental level. Sore also means a
    source of continuous irritation, grief or
    resentment. This is also seen at the level of
    subconscious mind.
  • Due to the past experiences, they feel a sense of
    danger from the environment that is expressed at
    the conscious as well as subconscious level.
  • A person who has received such an injury and
    feels sore about it will definitely get
    aggravated from touch. To be touched indicates an
    arousal of emotions i.e. a mental or moral
    sensitivity. They are extremely sensitive to any
    kind of mental or physical suffering as they are
    in a hyper excitable state.
  • They dont want to visit a doctor because they
    dont want to be touched or examined mentally and

  • The reaction to any kind of stimulus that touches
    their hyper excitable state will be out of
    proportion to the expected normal reaction. They
    will complain bitterly about their sufferings but
    at the same time they want to deal with the
    problem in their own way. Nobody can please them
    in any way.
  • Millefolium has a characteristic symptom of
    striking himself in anger. Striking, knocking his
    head against wall and things.
  • The hyper excitable state produces a change of
    moods very frequently. Because of this
    changeability, they cannot decide what is good
    for them or what they really want out of life.
    They dont want any kind of suggestions, which
    are against their wishes, as it tends to stir up
    their emotions. In fact, they can land up doing
    the exact opposite of what is suggested to them.
    They can become violently angry if they are not
    allowed to act according to their whims. They get
    offended and feel insulted very easily.

  • After a prolonged phase of struggle, they start
    losing hope and leave everything to God. All the
    hypochondriasis, hysteria and violence ultimately
    end in a stage of apathy. Nothing pleases them
    any more. The mind is sluggish, dull, and seems
    unable to arouse itself.
  • At the other end of the scale of vulnerability is
    a strong feeling of well-being, contentment,
    strength and enjoyment of life. This is a theme
    of vitality, feeling good, being hopeful of
    recovery, or not believing one to be ill even
    when seriously or obviously so.

Thank you
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