Title: CMS Software Architecture
1CMS Software Architecture
Software framework, services and persistency in
high level trigger, reconstruction and analysis
- Vincenzo Innocente
2CMS (offline) Software
Quasi-online Reconstruction
Environmental data
Slow Control
Online Monitoring
Request part of event
Store rec-Obj
Request part of event
Event Filter Objectivity Formatter
Request part of event
Persistent Object Store Manager Object Database
Management System
Store rec-Obj and calibrations
Request part of event
Data Quality Calibrations Group Analysis
Simulation G3 and or G4
User Analysis on demand
3Requirements (from the CTP)
- Multiple Environments
- Various software modules must be able to run in a
variety of environments from level 3 triggering,
to individual analysis - Migration between environments
- Physics modules should move easily from one
environment to another (from individual analysis
to level 3 triggering) - Migration to new technologies
- Should not affect physics software module
4Requirements (from the CTP)
- Dispersed code development
- The software will be developed by
organizationally and geographically dispersed
groups of part-time non-professional programmers - Flexibility
- Not all software requirements will be fully known
in advance - Not only performance
- Also modularity, flexibility, maintainability,
quality assurance and documentation.
5CMS Software Architecture RD
- 95-96 RD41 --- OO Detector Reconstruction
- Detector model, Local hit cache, Pattern
recognition - 95-97 RD45 --- OO Event Model (persistent)
- Event structure, Raw data, Reconstructed objects
- 95-97 RD45 --- Calibration Database
- Time dependent data, Versioning, Experience with
Objy - 96-98 Implicit Invocation
- Event dispatching, Reconstruction on demand
- 97-98 Test-Beam (H2, X5)
- OO Daq, Online filtering, ODB population
6Use Cases
- L1 Trigger Simulation
- Track Reconstruction
- Physics Reconstruction
7L1 Trigger Simulation
Front-end trigger logic
Local trigger
Global trigger
Final trigger decision
8L1 Trigger Simulation
- Accurate simulation of real electronics
- In the real experiment only final decision data
are propagated forward - Also required
- Monitoring of single trigger units
- Comparison of L1 trigger w.r.t. full
reconstruction - ability to simulate just a part of the system
- save computing intensive intermediate results
9Track Reconstruction
For each detector element there are local
measurements of trajectory state-vector (just
position or more complex)
Local measurements are affected by the detector
element state (calibrations, alignments)
Pattern recognition navigates in the detector
to associate local measurements into a track
10Physics reconstruction
- 4-vector-like objects are built out of
trajectories and localized energy deposits - A wide range of particle identification, jet,
vertex etc algorithms can be applied to produce
others 4-vector-like objects - Access to the original detector data maybe
11Reconstruction Sources
12Reconstruction Scenario
- Reproduce Detector Status at the moment of the
interaction - front-end electronics signals (digis)
- calibrations
- alignments
- Perform local reconstruction as a continuation of
the front-end data reduction until objects
detachable from the detectors are obtained - Use these objects to perform physics
reconstruction and analysis of the Event
- Reconstruction Algorithms
- Event Objects
- Other services (detector objects, environmental
data, parameters, etc) - Legacy not-OO data (GEANT3)
- The instances of these components require to be
properly orchestrated to produce the results as
specified by the user
14CARFCMS Analysis Reconstruction Framework
Application Framework
Physics modules
Reconstruction Algorithms
Event Filter
Data Monitoring
Physics Analysis
Calibration Objects
Event Objects
Visualization Objects
Utility Toolkit
15Architecture structure
- An application framework CARF (CMS Analysis
Reconstruction Framework), customisable for each
of the computing environments - Physics software modules with clearly defined
interfaces that can be plugged into the framework - A service and utility Toolkit that can be used
by any of the physics modules - Nothing terribly new, but...
- Traditional architecture can not cope with
- LHC-collaboration complexity
16Framework Basic Dynamics
- Implicit Invocation Architecture
- No central ordering of actions, no explicit
control of data flow only implicit dependencies - External dependencies managed through an Event
Driven Notification to subscribers - Internal dependencies through an Action on Demand
17Event Driven Notification
18Active and Lazy Observers
Lazy Obs2
Lazy Obs2 obsolete
Lazy Obs2 uptodate
Lazy Obs1
Lazy Obs1 obsolete
Lazy Obs1 uptodate
19Detector Components
Sim Hit Loader
Local Geometry
Load simulated hits from MC
Global Geometry
Generates Digis from SimHits (or loads them from
Detector Element
Time Dependent Parameters
Reconstruct measured trajectory state-vector
from Digis
20Action on Demand
Rec Hits
Detector Element
Rec Hits
Rec Hits
Rec T1
Rec T2
21Detector Object Identification
- A Detector object collection is identified by
- object type (or super-type)
- detector element it belongs to
- implicitly belongs to the current crossing
- Required the detector to be in place and
operational - User entry point is a Detector Set-up Object
22Event Object Identification
- A RecObj collection is identified by
- object type (or super-type)
- name of the Reconstructor (same as RecUnit)
- event it belongs to
- Implicitly belong to the current detector
set-up - Does not require the RecUnit to be in place or
operational - User entry point is the Event Object
23Framework Main Services
- Define the events to be dispatched and link them
to the their actual source - Allow the selection among available resources
(user plug-ins) - Integration with the DBMS
- Manage the not yet removed sequential
components (coming from legacy code data)
24Framework Persistency Services
- transactions
- metadata and event collections
- define the logical persistent object structure
- physical clustering
- access to persistent event structure
- effectively shield physics modules from the
underlying technology
25Framework Ancillary Services
- User Interface
- Error Report (Exception management)
- Logging facilities
- Timing facility (statistics gathering)
- Utility library
- Notably Objy utilities, wrappers and generic
persistent capable classes
26Framework middle layer
- A CARF Application is characterized by the events
it dispatches - (events, geometry for G3 or Test-Beams)
- Implementation of generic clients to specific
services (events) - simplified API
- uniform detailed design
- uniform use of ancillary services
- Requires synergy with detectors sub-systems
27CARF layered Structure
Core mechanisms and data structures
Generic Application
Raw Data
Raw Data
Raw Data
Generic Clients
28Events currently dispatched
Start Xing
G3 Geom
Ready to build new G3 simulated event
New pile-up event ready in Zebra memory
New trigger event ready in Zebra memory
SetUp Observers are Objects which depend on
New event ready to be analyzed
29RecObj Object Model
30Results of RD
- Traditional software architectures
(mainsubroutines, pipesfilters) have been found
not to be adequate to CMS (long time-scale, large
dispersed collaboration) - An implicit invocation architecture is a
flexible software solution which can scale with
the complexity of the CMS project. - ODBMS, integrated into the framework, provides a
coherent management of persistent objects - The framework can effectively shield physics
modules from the underlying technology
- CMS has developed an AnalysisReconstruction
framework based on a implicit invocation
architecture. The present prototype - supports both detector- and event-centric
reconstruction - provides a fully integrated persistency services
based on a commercial ODBMS (Objectivity/DB) - is being validated by several applications
ranging from test-beam (Daq and analysis) to high
level trigger simulation (digitization,
reconstruction, event selection)
32CMS - Software Components