What to Expect - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What to Expect


Monsanto and GM ... GM Products introduced in the 1990s: ... Reason for no differentiation between gm and conventional corn data: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What to Expect

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What to Expect
  • Historical Overview
  • Financial Overview
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • GM products
  • Corn Modifications
  • EPAs Opinion
  • Pharmacorn
  • Conclusion

  • In 1901 J.F. Queeny, longtime employee in the
    pharmaceutical industry, started a company to
    produce for the food and pharmaceutical industry.
    The company was named after his wife, whose
    maiden name was Monsanto. It was located in St.
  • (Queeny had previously run a refining company,
    which burned down on its first day of operations)
  • In the beginning, the company produced saccharin.
    In 1905 it turned its first profit.
  • Interestingly, the entire product of 1903 and
    1905 was shipped to a small company called Coca

  • In 1904 Monsanto added Caffeine and Vanillin to
    its list of products.
  • In 1913 Monsanto opened offices in New York.
    World War One forced them to stop importing raw
    materials and start making their own, leading to
    massive expansion.
  • In 1915 Sales passed One Million Dollars.
  • In 1917 Monsanto begins aspirin production.
    Largest producer until 1980. Also in 1917 was the
    first test case against saccharin (according to
    the Monsanto website, the suit was dismissed in
    1925, ending the government's unsuccessful
    attempts then to prove saccharin harmful.
  • In 1918 Monsanto made its first acquisition of
    another company, Commercial Acid Company of
    Illinois. Monsanto now had two plants.

  • In 1928 Queenys son Edgar took over.
  • In 1929 expansion moved into other industries
    with the acquisition of a rubber chemical company
    and a textile, leather, and paper chemical
  • On October 10, 1929 the Monsanto Chemical Company
    was listed on the NYSE. 19 days later the market
    crashed. Monsanto continued to expand throughout
    the depression, acquiring new companies and in
    1931 moving into Canada.
  • In WWII Monsantos Dayton Laboratories were
    heavily involved with the Manhattan Project,
    working on Uranium. Monsanto continued to do
    government nuclear work until the 1980s. Monsanto
    was also heavily involved with synthetic rubber
    production, another strategic product.

  • Monsanto entered the agrochemical business as a
    result of producing DDT during WWII. By the end
    of the war they were also making products to
    control bacteria, fungi, insects, weeds and
    rodents. By 1950 Monsanto had a de-facto
    agrochemical business, and in 1951 it formed a
    research division to create proprietary
    pesticides. Further research and developments, as
    well as acquisitions, led to the formation of the
    Agricultural Division in 1960.

Expansion Continues
  • In the late 40s and early 50s, Monsanto opens
    opens offices in India, Brazil, and Japan. They
    also became involved with joint projects to
    produce Nylon, pain pills, and Corvettes.
  • In the 50s Monsanto moved into the oil and
    fertilizer business (via an acquisition). Also
    several of its herbicides are approved.
  • In 1955 Monsanto installed the first IBM data
    processing computer (the IBM 702, now housed at
    the Smithsonian institute). In 1959 Monsanto
    opened a silicon production facility.
  • In 1962 Monsanto sales exceeded one billion
    dollars. A European headquarters was established
    in Brussels.

  • In 1964 Monsanto Chemical Company drops the
    Chemical from its name.
  • In 1966 Astroturf is introduced, based on a
    Monsanto technology.
  • In 1970 a molecule that will become known as
    glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup
    herbicide, is synthesized.
  • In the mid-1970s, a third of Monsantos sales
    are outside the US. Several chemical and plastics
    ventures were introduced, including a bottle
    which was banned as posing a cancer risk by the
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1977,

  • 1981 - Monsanto entered into its first
    collaborative research agreement - with
    Washington University in St. Louis to pursue
    biomedical research.
  • 1981 - DuPonts purchase of the other half of
    Monsantos petrochemical venture forces Monsanto
    out of oil and leads to a refocusing on
    high-value proprietary products.
  • Biotechnology is firmly established as the
    strategic research focus. By the mid-1980s
    several products were underway, including bovine
    somatotropin (bST)
  • Approved in 1993 after considerable controversy,
    and sold under the trade name of Posilac. As of
    1999 Monsanto was still the only producer.
  • 1981 - Nutrasweet was approved for use in the US.
    In 1985 Monsanto bought the company (GD Searle).

  • In the late 80s and early 90s Monsanto did a
    major restructuring which included the sale of
    non-strategic businesses such as AstroTurf
    stadium surface and related businesses,
    polyethylene film, sorbate food preservatives,
    Fome-Cor foam board, Fisher Controls
    International, and others.
  • Monsanto consolidated businesses around
    high-value-added proprietary products. Emphasis
    was increasingly on life sciences' agriculture,
    pharmaceuticals and food.
  • The early 1990s saw several new products
    including GM potatoes (protected from insects),
    insomnia and arthritis medication, as well as the
    bovine sematropin mentioned earlier.

Monsantos Worldwide Locations
Patent Expiration Leads to Lower Sales
  • According to Monsantos financial statement, one
    of the causes of lower income in 2003 was lower
    sales of Roundup Herbicide.
  • Glyphosate, the basic ingredient in Monsantos
    Roundup herbicide, became widely available
    through various generic labels soon after
    Monsantos glyphosate patent expired in 2000.
    Monsanto responded to increased competition by
    lowering the price of its Roundup products.
  • But the company may also have sought to maintain
    customers by requiring farmers to use its brand
    of glyphosate on crops grown with Monsantos
    Roundup Ready seed. Using an off-brand of
    glyphosate on a Roundup Ready crop could void
    certain warranty protections from the company.
  • Currently this issue is in the courts.

Financial Overview
When Large Corporations Get Hungry
  • In 2000 Monsanto merged with Pharmacia Upjohn
  • Pharmacia merged with Upjohn (of Kalamazoo,
    Michigan) in mid-1990s.
  • Merger of Monsanto leads to stripping of
    pharmaceutical elements followed by an IPO of
    Monsanto later in the year. Final spinoff occurs
    in 2002.
  • Later that year PNU was gobbled up by Pfizer.

  • Economic weakness and political unrest in Brazil
    and Argentina severely weakened those currencies
    and caused defaults on payments owed to Monsanto
    by growers in South America to skyrocket.
  • Analysts and investors say Monsanto's weak stock
    price and management turmoil may put the company
    in play.
  • The most suitable candidate is BASF,
  • large size of the deal in this uncertain economy
  • Monsanto's potential legal liability at its
    former Solutia subsidiary would be hurdles that
    any buyer would have to overcome.

  • DuPont and Syngenta would likely face antitrust
    barriers because of their strong position in
    seeds and herbicides
  • Bayer is in the process of integrating its recent
    purchase of Aventis CropScience and is unlikely
    to attempt a major deal
  • Dow would "love" to buy Monsanto given its stated
    desire to become a top-tier ag player, but given
    Dow's own weakened financial position and
    management turmoil, such a deal is unlikely.

Other Recent Monsanto Actions
  • Monsanto has announced that it plans to transfer
    some of its new genetically-enhancing cotton
    technology to Cotton Incorporated, the company
    funded by American cotton growers and importers,
    to increase demand for and profitability of
  • According to Monsanto, this underscores the
    company's commitment to growers, consumers and
    the ag industry, outlined in the Monsanto Pledge.
  • The Pledge is a series of commitments that
    describe the company's policies for the products
    developed through biotechnology - including
    sharing knowledge and technology to improve
    agriculture and the environment.

Monsanto and GM
  • Organic Farmers in Canada filed a class action
    lawsuit against Monsanto and Aventis, saying GM
    canola had infiltrated their crops.
  • The Farmers say this makes them vulnerable to
    suits from GM crop producers, due to a case last
    year where a farmer had to pay Monsanto 15,000
    after GM corn was found on his fields, despite
    his protests it had blown in from elsewhere.
  • Monsanto's patent for the gene inserted to make
    Roundup Ready seeds mandates that every purchaser
    of the seed sign a Grower's Agreement and a
    Technology Use Agreement
  • The farmer can use the seed for one-time planting
    and may only sell it to a commercial purchaser
    authorized by Monsanto for consumption.

  • The farmer may not sell or give the seed to
    anyone else, and he is prohibited from saving the
    seed for replanting the following year
  • The Technology Use Agreement also authorizes
    Monsanto to enter the contracting farmer's land
    to verify compliance with the agreement
  • Accordingly, the court reasoned, if any person
    knowingly "uses" a plant containing the patented
    gene without having paid for the seed or having
    signed the requisite agreements, he has violated
    the terms of Monsanto's patent
  • No determinative inquiry into how that farmer
    came to be in possession of the patented seed is

A Little More History
  • The mid 1990s introduced a host of new GM
    products, as well as the creation of a joint
    venture which became the worlds largest producer
    of Rubber chemicals. Six biotech and agricultural
    companies were acquired.
  • In 1997 Monsanto spun off the straight chemical
    businesses to focus on life sciences.
  • The current decade has shown Monsanto to be
    focusing on GM products and bioenergy, as well as
    expanding into foreign markets with GM products.

GM Products introduced in the 1990s
  • Roundup Ready glyphosate-tolerant soybeans,
  • NewLeaf insect-protected potatoes
  • Bollgard insect-protected cotton
  • Delayed-ripening tomato approved but not
  • Asgrow and Stine Seed acquired by purchase
  • YieldGard corn
  • Bollgard cotton
  • New Leaf potatoes
  • New Leaf Plus potatoes
  • Roundup Ready canola
  • Roundup Ready cotton
  • Roundup Ready soybeans

Focus GM Corn
Monsanto Protein Technologies
  • Overview
  • 20 years experience in plant biotechnology
  • Leader in plant biotechnology and recombinant
    protein technology
  • Planted on over 90 of all biotechnology acres
  • Why corn
  • Companys vast knowledge genetic structure of
    corn and corn production.
  • Experience allows it to create a development
    process that adheres to pharmaceutical and
    regulatory standards.
  • Pharmaceutical proteins are stable in maize.
  • Large amounts of proteins can be extracted.

Maize Production
  • Total world maize production for 1999/2000
    exceeded 604 million tons.
  • 11.5 was traded internationally
  • US dominates worlds maize production and is
    largest exporter.
  • European Union maize purchased from US is less
    than 1 of total US export.
  • World markets will be effected by
  • Technical change - genetically modified maize and
    value-enhanced maize
  • Reason for no differentiation between gm and
    conventional corn data
  • Even non-gmo crop likely isnt completely free
    of gmo germaplasm.

GM Breakdown
Genetic Modifications Not Approved in EU
Corn Modification Why?
  • Two of the main reasons
  • Resistance to European Corn Borer
  • Tolerance to the herbicide glufosinate
  • Bt Corn Bacillus thuringeinsis
  • Soil bacteria that creates the insecticide when
    the corn pollen is released.
  • Can also release smell that attracts feeding
  • Toxin produced is depended on target insect, ie
    moths or butterflies
  • Toxin ingested by larva, toxin paralysis mouth
    and stomach
  • Resistance is slow to build up.
  • In 1998 20 of total corn acreage planted was
    Bt Corn.

Negative Effects of Bt Corn
  • Destruction of bystander species
  • Monarch butterflies killed
  • Fed on the milkweed that was contaminated by Bt
    corn pollen.
  • Green lacewings died
  • Ingested European corn borers that had eaten Bt
  • Their death is counter productive since they are
    insect predators
  • Soil contamination
  • Toxin produced by genetically modified corn can
    remain in soil for up to 234 days.

Conventional Corn Growers Legal Response
  • Conventional corn growers must state
  • that no seed represented by the seed company as
    GMO seed was planted.
  • that seed represented by the seed company as
    non-GMO seed was planted.
  • that care was taken in avoiding contamination in
    bins, augers, and in the combine.
  • In no uncertain terms should they state
  • that the crop in question has no GMO germplasm.
  • that no contamination has occurred from
    mechanical handling and storage of the crop.
  • that no contamination has occurred from pollen

Monsantos Newest GM Corn
  • Corn was designed to resist rootworm.
  • Approved by the EPA in February.
  • Also a Bt variety.
  • Sold as YieldGard Rootworm corn.
  • EPA requires Monsanto to ensure that 20 of the
    acreage where the seeds are planted is kept as a
    buffer zone.
  • Reason to reduce the risk of the rootworm
    developing a tolerance to the corns pesticide.

EPAs Take on GM
  • EPA is confident that it does not pose risks to
    human health and environment Stephen L.
    Johnson, Assistant Administrator of EPAs Office
    of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
    these corn varieties show no signs of adverse
    effects to human health.
  • Therefore, the EPA approved Bt corn sales until
  • It does require insect resistance management
    (IRM) and grower education. Monsanto is also
    required to provide a validated analytical method
    for detection of the Bt protein in corn.
  • Test kits are available to test corn quickly for
    modifications can be used on the corn itself or
    on the corn plant.

EPAs Opinion of Bt Corn
  • no adverse human health effects
  • no insect resistance after five years of
  • no adverse effect to non-target wildlife, plant
    or beneficial invertebrates under typical
    agricultural conditions
  • have provided significant benefits to growers,
    the public and the environment

EPAs Requirement of Monsanto
  • collect data on soil retention of the Bt protein
  • conduct studies on the long-term effects of Bt
    corn on the Monarch butterfly population
  • conduct studies on the effects of Bt corn on
    birds and other insects
  • file annual reports on insect resistance plans,
    and any signs of insect resistance development
  • prepare remedial action plans to use if insect
    resistance occurs

Quality Protein Maize
  • Created to provide the nutritional needs (amino
  • Particularly children being weaned
  • QPM is created for both human and animal
  • Highest impact areas would be Africa, but also
    important in Central America and some South
    American countries.
  • Production and distribution concerns
  • Must be grown in areas where other QPM is grown.
  • Due to recessive gene requiring activation during

Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals
  • Corn Modification
  • Goal is to maximize therapeutic protein in corn
  • Therapeutic proteins are used as pharmaceutical
    antibodies to treat viral infection, cancer,
    heart disease, etc.
  • Additional benefits
  • Lower capital investment
  • Process is environmentally sustainable
  • Plants are natural and processes and wastes are
  • Plants are isolated and after harvest, the
    proteins are extracted
  • Proteins are delivered to pharmaceutical

Monsantos Commitment to Plant-Made
  • Full compliance to all applicable laws,
    regulations, and guidelines.
  • Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada, US
    Department of Agriculture, and Canadian Food
    Inspection Agency
  • Grow and process these plants separately from
    food and feed
  • All corn is grown west of the Rocky Mountains -
    away from the Midwest Corn Belt
  • Protect people, food, and feed, and the
  • Conduct internal audits of their processes
    regarding their confinement procedures.

  • Monsanto has remade itself repeatedly in its 102
    year history. Although its current focus is on
    Transgenic agricultural products, it clearly has
    the assets and know-how to accommodate the next
    big thing in any of the fields they currently
    work in (and probably many of the ones they do
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