Title: Welcome to UH Golden Key's First General Meeting
1Welcome to UH Golden Key's First General Meeting!
Please Note Leadership Opportunities Available
on the UHGK Officers' Team-- we would love if you
could join us to help make this an exciting,
enriching and unforgettable year!
2 Source goldenkey.org
3- Why Attend?
- Professional Development
- Leadership Workshops
- Networking with other Highly Motivated
Students, Honorary Members, and Alumni Across the
U.S. - Spring Break Trip!
- Important Conference Details
- Registration Fee 90
- Registration Deadline February 16, 2007
- Hotel Accommodations Humphreys Half Moon Inn
Suites - Hotel Rates Each room is 129 10.5 tax per
night - Hotel Reservations Must be made by February 14,
2007 to receive this discounted rate.
4Fundraiser Events
5More Upcoming Fundraiser Events
- MayGraduation Flowers' Fundraiser
- OctoberHaunted House
- OngoingBetter World Books Drive
6Social Events
- March 24, 2007Party on the Patio/Talent Show
- April 14, 2007Spring Dance-Hawaiian Theme
- November-- Exact Date TBDGala Honoring our
Exemplary Members, Chapter Advisor, and Alumni
(Generous Prizes for Exemplary Members-- New
Member Rewards System)
7Golden Key Aiming to Promote Literacy
- Situation A Global Illiteracy Pandemic
- Globally, an estimated 781 million adults
are illiterate. Of that number, approximately 64
percent are women - UNESCO Institute for
Statistics - In the United States, 30 million adults
possess below-basic literacy skills. Eleven
million are non-literate in English -
National Assessment of Adult Literacy - In Sub-Saharan Africa, 42 million children
are not enrolled in school- WhiteHouse.gov - Asia is home to 73 percent of the worlds
illiterate population - UNESCO Institute for
Statistics - In Latin America, most children attend
school an average of 5.4 years. -U.S. Agency for
International Development
Mission Statement Better World Books capitalizes
on the value of the book to fund and support
literacy initiatives locally, nationally, and
around the world.
Source betterworldbooks.com
8More Volunteer Opportunities
- Begin Better World Books Drive--
Education-Focused Service Activity--- Ongoing--
Scholarships Available - Students with DisABILITIES Awareness Program--
Ongoing-- Scholarships Available - Achieve ProgramCollaboration with MVP-- Ongoing
- Give Kids a Smile Volunteer Opportunity
- Star of Hope Mission
- Children's Art Project M.D. Anderson Cancer
CenterVolunteer to help support programs
designed to benefit the educational, emotional
and recreational needs of patients.
Sources childrensartproject.org, sohmission.org
9Members' Choice Events
- Premed Conference Feb. 9 10
- Texas Job FairMarch 27th, 10am - 4pm
- More Events that will Benefit Fellow UH Golden
Key Members to Be Announced by You!
10Thanks for Joining Us!
Don't forget to check our website
www.uh.edu/gknhs It is currently under
reconstruction, but it will be updated soon!
Please contact us about joining the UHGK
Officers' Team, questions, concerns, and
suggestions at UHGoldenKey2007_at_gmail.com
Don't forget to sign in and to sign up! We look
forward to seeing you all again soon at our
exciting UHGK Upcoming Events! Remember, the
most active members will be awarded for their
participation. Kulsum Ali, President,
kulsum135_at_gmail.com Mary Robinson, Vice
President, maryrob12_at_aol.com Regina Villasana,
Treasurer and Fundraising Director,
villasanamail_at_yahoo.com Ting Ting Yiu, Webmaster,