Title: P1246990938HNdVf
1The six-pointed star on the Jewish flag is a
A ladybug is a hexapod, an animal with six feet.
What does the stem hexa mean?
Draw a picture of a swimming pool that is shaped
like a hexagon.
What type of compound is a hexahydrate? Clue
remember the stem hydro
2When you break a whole number into parts you get
a fraction.
An infraction of the law can put you in jail
because it means you are breaking the rules.
What does the stem fract mean?
What happens if you fracture a bone in your arm?
How would a fractious relationship make your
current boyfriend an Ex?
3A platyhelminth is a very flat worm. One example
would be a tape worm.
It is easy to eat off of plates because they are
What does the stem platy/plat mean?
Describe the landform that we call a plateau.
What body part gives the platypus its name?
4Theology is the study of God.
An atheist does not believe in God.
What does the stem theo/thei mean?
Greek mythology includes polytheism. What does
that mean?
Name a religion that is monotheistic.