Title: Financial Report to the Faculty
1Financial Report to the Faculty
- Committee on Administrative Financial Policy
(FAP) - Professor Allen Hoffman, Chair
- Provost ad interim John Orr
- Vice President CFO Jeffrey Solomon
March 22, 2007
- 1. Overview of FAP Activities 2006-07 Professor
Hoffman - 2. Benchmarking of Faculty Salaries Provost ad
interim Orr - 3. Financial Update for FY07 FY08
- Vice President Solomon
- 4. Questions
3FAP Membership 2006-2007
- Allen Hoffman, Chair
- James Hanlan, Chair FBC
- Suzanne Weekes, Secretary
- Jeffrey Solomon, VP Finance CFO
- Judith Trainor, Budget, Planning IR
4FAPs Charge
- To inform the Faculty on administrative and
financial policies affecting the Faculty and the
academic affairs of WPI - To ascertain the interests and views of the
Faculty concerning such policies and represent
these interests and views to the Administration
5Major FAP Activities 2006-07
- Staff Opinion Survey
- Faculty Phased Retirement Program
- Faculty Salary Benchmarking
- Fringe Benefit Issues
- Budget Status Development
6Report on Faculty
- Investment in New Faculty for FY08
- Benchmarking of Faculty Salaries
- Determination of Peer Group
- Data Comparison by Rank
- Development of Compensation Philosophy
7Investment in Faculty
- 19 searches authorized for FY2008
- To replace faculty who retired in FY2005
- To build areas of strategic importance
- To support enrollment growth
- To establish new robotics program
8The WPI Faculty-Fall 2006
- Instructional Faculty 205
- Tenured 159 (78)
- Assistant Professors 44 (22)
- Associate Professors 74 (36)
- Full Professors 87 (42)
9The WPI Faculty-Changes
10New Approach for Salary Analysis
- Identification of broader peer group
- Benchmarking based on AAUP data
- Development of salary philosophy plan
11Sources of Faculty Salary Data
- Association of Independent Technological
Universities - Fall 2006 AITU data now available
- Limited group of 20 schools
- Includes RPI, CMU, MIT, RIT
- Reported by faculty rank and by discipline
- American Association of University Professors
- Fall 2006 AAUP data not yet available
- Covers most institutions
- Not segregated by discipline
12Reminder of 2006 ReportEngineering and CS
Salaries, Fall 2005 - Professors
13Engineering and CS Salaries - Professors
14Peer Group Characteristics
- Number of Institutions 34
- Doctoral I 27 (80)
- AITU Schools 15 (44)
- Public Institutions 11 (33)
- New England 9 (27)
- Average Enrollment 14,500
15Peer Group
- Boston College
- Boston University
- Brandeis University
- Brown University
- California Institute of Technology
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Case Western Reserve University
- Clarkson University
- Cornell University-Public
- Cornell University-Endowed
- Drexel University
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Georgia Tech
- Harvey Mudd College
- Kettering University
- Lehigh University
- Michigan Tech
- Milwaukee School of Engineering
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Northeastern University
- Penn State University Park
- Polytechnic University
- Purdue University-West Lafayette
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Tufts University
- University of Connecticut
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Maryland at College Park
- University of Massachusetts-Amherst
- Virginia Tech
16Average Salaries-Assistant Professors
17Average Salaries-Associate Professors
18Average Salaries-Full Professors
19CFO Report
- FY07 Financial Status
- FY08 Approved Budget Parameters
- The Structural Deficit
- New Debt Structure
- Endowment Update
- New Building at Gateway Park
- Other Major Capital Projects
- Green Campus
20The Budget Status of FY07
- Projected surplus of 1M at 6-30-07
- Projected total revenue to equal budget
- Undergraduate net tuition at budget
- Shortfall in graduate tuition
- Increase in Corporate Education
- Increase in short-term investment income
- Projected total expense to be below budget
- Vacancy savings
- Utilities savings
- New building at Gateway Park to open in April
21The FY08 Budget Themes Objectives
- Prudently continue growth of net revenues
- Provide faculty support by authorizing searches
for 19 tenure/tenure-track faculty - Provide adequate salary increases and affordable
health insurance for faculty and staff - Fully integrate Gateway Park life sciences
building into operating budget - Constrain the rate of tuition increases
22The FY08 Budget Approved Parameters
23The FY08 Budget Sources of Revenue
- Net undergraduate tuition fees 67.3M
59 - Net graduate tuition 8.7M 8
- Summer session tuition 2.8M 2
- Subtotal net tuition fees 78.8M
69 - Auxiliary operations 13.1 M 12
- Endowment/investment income 10.2 M
9 - Corporate/professional education 4.6 M
4 - Indirect cost recovery 3.4
M 3 - Unrestricted gifts 2.5 M
2 - Other revenue 1.6 M
1 - Total revenue 114.2 M 100
24The FY08 Budget Uses of Funds
- Salaries 52.6M 46
- Health insurance 4.2M
4 - Other benefits 10.2M 9
- Subtotal compensation 67.0M 59
- Other operating expenses 25.8M 22
- Debt service/depreciation 11.9M 10
- Utilities 5.6M 5
- New building at Gateway Park 2.9M
3 - Contingency 1.0M 1
- Total 114.2M 100
25The Structural Deficit
- In a balanced budget, the structural deficit
refers to items that are not being fully provided
for or the use of resources to a greater extent
than what might be ultimately sustainable. - Examples
- Inadequate deferred maintenance funding
- Too high endowment spending rule
- Not funding faculty salaries to adequate levels
- Insufficient financial aid to meet tuition
increases for upper class students - Develop plan to address structural deficit over
26Debt Structure
- Restructuring of existing debt
- More strategic debt structure
- Extend average life
- Create level debt service
- Create additional debt capacity
- New debt for residence hall (40M)
- To be issued June 2007
- Rates locked in at 4.7 for 40 years
- Total debt at approximately 145M
- Overall annual debt service cost not increased
significantly - Public Credit Ratings
- Standard and Poors A (Outlook upgraded
to stable) - Moodys Investors Service A1
27Endowment-Market Value History
381M as of Feb 28, 2007
28Endowment-Market Value Comparison
For private institutions to which the greatest
number of WPI students apply for admittance
Values as of June 30, 2006 per NACUBO
29Endowment-Performance History
30Endowment-Asset Allocation
Fixed Income 10.6
Fixed Income 12
Real Assets 4.6
Public Equity 40
Real Assets 18
Public Equity 50.3
Hedge Funds 27.4
Hedge Funds 25
Private Equity 5
Private Equity 7.1
31Life Sciences Building at Gateway
- Scheduled to open April 2007
- 31 faculty to have labs in new facility
- Operations committee determined initial level of
required support - 11 new staff to be hired in FY2008
- Transportation to be provided
- Corporate professional education
- Café
32Major Capital Projects-FY07 FY08
- New residence hall garage
- Alumni Field renovation
- Salisbury Goddard Hall renovations
- Founders Hall
- restaurant/pub convenience store
- Alden Hall air conditioning
- Recreation center planning to continue
33The Green Campus
- Why Go Green?
- Trends in Higher Education
- Cost/Benefit Analysis of Going Green
- Green Buildings at WPI
- Bartlett Center
- New Residence Hall
- Policy Adopted by WPI Board
This presentation is available on the Office of
Faculty Governance web page http//www.wpi.edu/Cam