Title: ML: A Multilevel Preconditioning Package
1ML A Multilevel Preconditioning Package
- Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
- March 29-April 2, 2004
- Jonathan Hu
- Ray Tuminaro
- Marzio Sala
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin
Company,for the United States Department of
Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
- Overview
- Multigrid basics
- Available user options
- Configuring building
- Interoperability with other packages
- Example program
- Conclusions
3ML Package
- Provides parallel multigrid preconditioning for
linear solver methods - Current developers Ray Tuminaro, Jonathan Hu,
Marzio Sala - Former Charles Tong (LLNL)
- Main methods
- Geometric
- Grid refinement hierarchy
- 2-level FE basis function domain decomposition
- AMG (algebraic multigrid based on aggregation)
- Smoothed aggregation
- Edge-element AMG for Maxwells equations
- n-level (smoothed) aggregation domain
decomposition - Classical AMG
- Written primarily in C
- C interfaces to various Trilinos packages
- 102,411 lines of code (as of this afternoon)
- 26 example programs
- Downloadable as part of Trilinos
- CVS, bugzilla
4Recursive MG Algorithm (V Cycle)
- MG(f, u, k)
- if (k 1) u1 (A1)-1f1
- else
- Sk(Ak, fk,uk) //pre-smooth
- rk fk Ak uk
- fk-1 Rk-1 rk uk-1 0 //restrict
- MG(fk-1, uk-1, k-1)
- uk uk Ik-1 uk-1 //interpolate
correct - Sk(Ak, fk,uk) //post-smooth
- Ak, Rk, Ik, Sk required on all levels
- Sk smoothers
- Rk restriction operators
- Ik interpolation operators
V Cycle to solve A4u4f4
5ML Capabilities
- MG cycling V, W, full V, full W
- Grid Transfers
- Several automatic coarse grid generators
- Several automatic grid transfer operators
- Coarse grid visualization capabilities
- Smoothers
- Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, Hiptmair, Krylov methods,
sparse approximate inverses, Chebyshev - Variety of Serial Parallel Direct Solvers
- SuperLU, Umfpack, KLU, MUMPS, etc.
- Kernels matrix/matrix multiply, etc.
6Smoothed Aggregation
- Developed for linear elasticity (Vanek, Mandel,
Brezina) - Construct tentative prolongator tP
- Aggregation group unknowns together
- Augment interpolate null space (e.g., rigid body
modes) - Construct final prolongator P
- Smooth P (I ? D-1A)TP
- lower energy in basis functions
7Smoothed Aggregation
8Uncoupled / MIS Aggregation
9Graph partitioning aggregation
- Global graph partitioning
- Operates on global domain
- Aggregates can span processors
- Local graph partitioning
- Processors work independently
- ? 1 aggregate per processor
10ML Smoother Choices
- Jacobi, Point/Block Gauss Seidel
- Based on Chebyshev polynomials of smoothed
operator. - Serial competitive with true Gauss-Seidel
- Parallel Performance is independent of
processors - Hiptmair
- Distributed relaxation smoother for Maxwells
Eqns. - Other smoothers used within each projection step
- Aztec solvers
- Krylov methods, incomplete factorizations
- Direct solution (via Amesos interface)
- UMFPACK, KLU (serial)
- SuperLU
11ML and Other Packages
12Configuring and Building ML
- Builds by default when you configure build
Trilinos - By default, you get
- Epetra Aztecoo support
- Example suite (Trilinos/packages/ml/examples)
- Some options of interest (off by default)
- MPI support
- Graph partitioning aggregation (METIS, ParMETIS)
- Direct solvers (Amesos)
- Profiling
configure --with-mpi-compilers/usr/local/mpich/bi
n --with-ml_amesos \ --with-libs-lamesos
13A Small Exampleml/examples/ml_example_epetra_pre
Solve Axb A advection/diffusion
operator Linear solver gmres Precond. 2-level
AMG, graph-partitioning
Solution component
Example methods
Packages used
Linear Solver
AztecOO (Epetra)
ML multi- grid pre- cond.
ML (Teuchos)
- Trilinos_Util_CrsMatrixGallery
Gallery(recirc_2d", Comm) - Gallery.Set("problem_size", 10000)
- // linear system matrix linear problem
- Epetra_RowMatrix A Gallery.GetMatrix()
- Epetra_LinearProblem Problem
Gallery.GetLinearProblem() - // Construct outer solver object
- AztecOO solver(Problem)
- // Set some solver options
- solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver, AZ_gmres)
- solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 10)
- solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_kspace, 160)
15example (contd.)
- // Set up multilevel preconditioner
- ParameterList MLList // parameter list for ML
options - MLList.set("max levels",2)
- MLList.set("aggregation type", "METIS")
// graph partitioning - MLList.set("aggregation nodes per aggregate",
16) - // set up aztecoo smoother
- MLList.set("smoother type","aztec")
- int optionsAZ_OPTIONS_SIZE double
paramsAZ_PARAMS_SIZE - AZ_defaults(options,params)
- optionsAZ_precond AZ_dom_decomp
- optionsAZ_subdomain_solve AZ_ilut
- MLList.set("smoother aztec options", options)
- MLList.set("smoother aztec params", params)
- MLList.set("coarse type","Amesos_Superludist")
- MLList.set("coarse max processes", 4)
16AMG for Common Problem Types
- Trilinos_Util_CrsMatrixGallery
Gallery(laplace_3d", Comm) - Gallery.Set("problem_size", 100100100)
- // linear system matrix linear problem
- Epetra_RowMatrix A Gallery.GetMatrix()
- Epetra_LinearProblem Problem
Gallery.GetLinearProblem() - // Construct outer solver object
- AztecOO solver(Problem)
- solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver, AZ_cg)
- // Set up multilevel precond. with smoothed
aggr. defaults - ParameterList MLList //
parameter list for ML options - ML_EpetraSetDefaults(SA,MLList)
- ML_EpetraMultiLevelPreconditioner MLPrec
new // create preconditioner - ML_EpetraMultiLevelPrecondition
er(A, MLList, true) - solver.SetPrecOperator(MLPrec) // tell solver
to use ML preconditioner - solver.Iterate(500, 1e-12) // iterate at
most 500 times
- Within Sandia
- Radiation
- Maxwell
- Electrostatic potential
- MPSalsa (Shadid, et al.)
- External users
- EM3D (Lawrence Berkeley NL)
- P. Arbenz (ETH Zurich)
- R. Geus (PSI)
- J. Fish, H. Waisman (RPI)
- Potential Users
- PREMO (Sandia)
18Getting Help
- Website www.cs.sandia.gov/tuminaro/ml
- See Trilinos/packages/ml/examples
- See guide
- ML Users Guide, ver. 3.0 (in ml/doc)
- Mailing lists
- ml-users_at_software.sandia.gov
- ml-announce_at_software.sandia.gov
- Bug reporting, enhancement requests via bugzilla
- http//software.sandia.gov/bugzilla
- Email us directly
- jhu_at_sandia.gov
- rstumin_at_sandia.gov
- msala_at_sandia.gov
- ML 3.0 release this May
- Part of next Trilinos release
- Existing options
- Uncoupled / MIS aggregation
- Smoothers
- SuperLU
- New options with ML 3.0
- Graph-based aggregation
- parameter list setup
- Amesos interface to direct solvers
- Visualization, aggregate statistics
- Use ML with Trilinos!
- ML as preconditioner is trivial
- Rich set of external libraries