Title: R'V' Srinivasa Murthy
1- R.V. Srinivasa Murthy
- Assistant Professor
- Dept. of E C
- A.P.S. College of Engineering
- Bangalore
2Parallel Resonance
- A parallel resonant circuit is one in which a
coil and a capacitance are connected in parallel
across a variable frequency A.C. Supply. The
response of a parallel resonant circuit is
somewhat different from that of a series resonant
31) A coil in parallel with a pure capacitor
- Consider the parallel circuit shown. Let ZL be
the impedance of the coil given by ZL R j ?
L - Then YL 1 1 R-j ? L
- ZL R j ? L R2 ?2L2
- Similarly let ZC -j / ?C
- YC 1 j ? C
- ZC
- Total admittance of the circuit YYL YC
- Y R-j ? L j ? C
- R2 ?2L2
- R j ? C - ? L
- R2 ?2L2
R2 ?2L2
4At resonance the impedance ( or admittance) of
the circuit is purely resistive( or conductive)
.For this to be true the j part of equation (1)
should be zero.
- ?o C - ?o L 0
R2 ?02 L2
?0 C ?0 L
R2 ?02 L2
R2 ?02 L2 L
?02 L/C - R2 1 - R2
L2 f0 1/ 2? v (1/LC R2 / L2 )
5Impedance at resonance We know that at
resonance the susceptive part of the admittance
is zero.
- Hence Y0 R
R2 ?02 L2 But R2
?02 L2 L/C - So Y0 RC/L or Zo L/RC
- where Zo is called the dynamic resistance.
- When coil resistance R is small, dynamic
resistance of the parallel circuit becomes high.
Hence the current at resonance is minimum. Hence
this type of circuit is called rejector circuit.
6Frequency response characterisiticsThe
frequency response curve of a parallel resonant
circuit is as shown in the figure.
- We find that current is minimum at resonance.
- The half-power points are given by the points at
which the current is v2 Ir. - From the above characteristic it is clear that
the characteristic is exactly opposite to that of
series resonant.
7 Quality factor ( Q-factor) The quality factor
of a parallel resonant circuit is defined as the
current magnification
- Q Current through capacitance at
resonance Total Current at resonance - IC0 / I0 V / ( 1/ ?0C ) V / Z0
Z0?0C (L / RC) ?0C ?0L / RHence the
expression for the Q- factor for both series and
parallel resonant circuit are the same - Also Band width f0 / Q
8A coil and a Practical Capacitor in parallel
Consider a parallel resonant circuit in which
the resistance of the capacitance is also
- Impedance of the coil ZL RL j ?L
YL 1 / ZL 1/ RLj ?L
RL j ?L / RL2 ?2L2
9Impedance of the Capacitor ZC RC j /
?C RC j / ?C Rc2 1/?2C2
- Therefore total admittance Y YL YC
(RL j ?L / RL2 ?2 L2) RC j /?C
RC2 1/?2C2 - At resonance the susceptance part of the total
admittance is zero, which gives - 1/?oC ?oL
RC2 1/?02C2 RL2 ?02L2 - 1/LC RL2 ?o2L2 ?o2 RC2 1/?02C2
- ?o2 ( RC2 L/C ) RL2/ LC 1/ C2
10 ?o2 1/LC(RL2 L/C ) ( RC2
L/C) ?0 1/v LC RL2 L/C v
( RC2 L/C) fo 1 ( RL2
L/C) 2? v LC v
( RC2 L/C)At Resonance the admittance is
purely conductive given by Y0 RL
RC RL2 ?20L2
RC2 1/?20C2
11 Example 1 Determine the value of RC shown in
figure to yield Resonance
- Solution Let ZL be the impedance of the
inductive branch Then ZL 10 j 10 - YL 1/ (10 j 10) 10 j 10 10 - j 20
- 102 102 200
Let ZC be the impedance of
the capacitive branch then ZC RC j 2 YC
1 RC j 2 RC j 2
RC2 4 - Total admittance of the circuit Y YL YC
- For the circuit under Resonance the Susceptance
part is zero ( 2/ RC2 4) - (10 / 200) 0
RC 6 ohms
12Example 2 An Impedance coil of 25 ohms
Resistance and 25 mH inductance is connected in
parallel with a variable capacitor.
- For what value of Capacitor C will the circuit
resonate. - If 90 volts,400 Hz source is used, what will be
the line Current under these conditions?
13Solution ?0 2 ? f0 2? (400)
?0 2 1 - R2
LC L 2 6.316 x
106 1 - R2
LC L 2 1 ?0 2
R2 LC L 2
6.316 x 106 252 / (25 x
10-3)2 7.316 x 106 C 5.467
?F Z0 L/RC (25 x 10-3)/ 25 x 5.467 x
10-6 182.89
ohms I0 V0/ Z0 90/ 182.89 0.492 ampere
14Example 3 In a parallel resonant circuit R, L
and C are all in parallel Half power
frequencies are 103 and 118 rad / sec
- The magnitude of impedance at 105 rad/ sec is 10
ohms. - Find R,L and C
- Solution The given circuit is an ideal
- parallel resonant circuit.
- Total admittance Y YR YL YC
- YR 1/R
- YL 1/ j XL
- YC 1/ -j XC
- So Y 1/R j (1/ XC - 1/ XL)
15At Resonance the j part of the equation is zero
(1/ XC - 1/ XL) 0 or XC XL
1/ 2 ? f0 C 2 ? f0 L
- Or f0 1/ 2?v LC
- Q IC / I or IL / I is the current
magnification - At Resonance Y0 1/ R or Z0 R
- Since (?2 - ?1) ?0/ Q 118 103 105
/ Q Q 7 - But Q ?0L / R 7 105 x L / 10 L 0.67 Henry
- ?0 1/v LC 105 1 / v 0.67 x C C 1.35 x 10-4
16Effect of Generator resistance on Bandwidth and
- Consider parallel resonant circuit driven by a
generator having internal resistance Rg as shown
in figure. - At anti- resonance the parallel resonant circuit
behaves like a resistive network Zr L / CR - Q
?rL / R 1 / ?rRC
17And B.W f2 f1 fr / QBut now as the
parallel circuit is driven by a generator having
internal resistance(Rg)
- Which comes in parallel with Zr at resonance.
Hence the total impedance becomes Zr Rg
Zr Rg ( L / CR)
RgL L / C(
R L/ CRg) -----------(1)
RgCRL - From equation (1) it is clear that driving a
parallel resonant circuit with a Generator having
internal Rg is nothing but to increase a
resistance in series with an inductor by value L
/RgC - Hence Quality factor of parallel circuit driven
by generator with internal Resistance Rg is given
by Q ?rL (?rL / R) -
R L / RgC ( 1 L/CR) - Rg
18 Q Q0 ( 1 Zr /
Rg)Bandwidth B.W fr / Q fr ( 1 Zr / Rg
) QB.W B.W ( 1 Zr / Rg)
19Example 4 A coil of 10 henry and Resistance of
10 ohm is in parallel with 100 picofarad
capacitor. The combination is connected across a
generator of 100 Volts, having internal
resistance 100 k? Determine (i)Voltage across
the circuit (ii) Band-width
20Solution fr 1/ 2? v (1/LC R2 /
L2 )
2?v( 1 / 10 x 100 x 10-12 ) (102 / 102)
- 5.032 kH
- Dynamic resistance Z r L / CR
- 10 / 100 x 10-12 x 10 1010 ohms
- Q ?rL / R
- 2? x 5.032 x 103 x10 31617
- 10
21- Voltage across parallel circuit at Resonance
- 100 x 1010 100 Volts
- 1010 100 x103
- (ii) Band width fr / Q 1 Zr / Rg)
5.032 x 103 1 1010 / 100 x 103 - 31617
- 15.91 kHz