Title: R'V' Srinivasa Murthy
1- R.V. Srinivasa Murthy
- Assistant Professor
- Dept. of E C
- A.P.S. College of Engineering
- Bangalore
2Resonant Circuits
- Resonance is an important phenomenon which may
occur in circuits containing both inductors and
capacitors. -
- In a two terminal electrical network containing
at least one inductor and one capacitor, we
define resonance as the condition, which exists
when the input impedance of the network is purely
resistive. In other words a network is in
resonance when the voltage and current at the
network in put terminals are in phase.
3Resonance condition is achieved either by keeping
inductor and capacitor same and varying frequency
or by keeping the frequency same and varying
inductor and capacitor.
- Study of resonance is very useful in the area of
communication. - The ability of a radio receiver to select the
correct frequency transmitted by a broad casting
station and to eliminate frequencies from other
stations is based on the principle of resonance.
4The resonance circuits can be classified in to
two categories 1. Series Resonance Circuits2.
Parallel Resonance Circuits
- 1.Series Resonance Circuit
- A series resonance circuit is one in which a coil
and a capacitance are connected in series across
an alternating voltage of varying frequency as
shown in figure.
5The response I of the circuit is dependent on
the impedance of the circuit, Where Z R
j XL - j XCand I V at any value of
frequency Z
- We have XL 2 p f L ? XL varies as f
- and XC 1 ? XC varies
inversely as f - 2pfC
- In other words, by varying the frequency it is
possible to reach a point where XL XC .
In that case Z R and hence circuit will
be under resonance.
6Hence the series A.C. circuit is to be under
resonance, when inductive reactance of the
circuit is equal to the capacitive reactance.
- The frequency at which the resonance occurs is
called as resonant frequency ( fr)
7Expression for Resonant Frequency ( fr )At
resonance XL XC i.e. ? r L
1 ? r C ?2 r L C
1 ?2 r 1 L C
f 2 r 1
4p 2LC
8Salient Features of Resonant circuit
- At resonance XL XC
- At resonance Z R i.e. impedance is minimum
and hence I V is maximum Z - The current at resonance (Ir) is in phase with
the voltage - The circuit power factor is unity
- Voltage across the capacitor is equal and
opposite to the voltage across the inductor.
9Frequency response of a series resonance circuit
- For a R-L-C series circuit the current I
V ______ - R j ( XL- XC )
- At resonance XL XC and hence the current
at resonance (Ir) is given by Ir V/R - At off resonance frequencies since the impedance
of the circuit increases, the current in the
circuit will reduce. At frequencies f gt fr , the
impedance is going to be more inductive.
Similarly at frequencies f lt fr , the circuit
impedance is going to be more capacitive.
10Thus the resonance curve will be as shown in
11Qualify factor (or Q factor)
- Another feature of a resonant circuit is the
- Q rise of voltage across the resonating
elements. - If V is the applied voltage across a series
resonance circuit at resonance, I r V - R
- The voltage across the inductance L V L
I r XL - V L V ? r L
- R
- V L Q V where Q ? r L is the
Q factor - R
- From the above equation it is seen that the
voltage across the inductive coil is Q times the
applied voltage (V) The response of the series
resonant circuit is largely dependent on Q of the
12Band width concept
- Any circuit response, which is frequency
dependent, has certain limitations. - The output response during limited band of
frequencies only will be in the useful range. - If the out put power is equal to or more than
half of the maximum power output, that band of
frequencies is considered to be the useful band.
13If I r is the maximum current at resonance
thenPower at resonance Pmax I2r R
- But If I I r then corresponding power is
given by - v2
- I2 R 1 I2r R 1 ( Max Power)
- 2 2
- Hence the useful range of frequencies will be
frequencies where current will be equal to or
more than Ir 0.707 Ir v2
14Consider the frequency response characterstic of
a series resonant circuit as shown in figure
15In the figure it is seen that there are two
frequencies where the out put power is half of
the maximum power. These frequencies are called
as half power points f1 and f2
- A frequency f1 which is below fr where power is
half of maximum power is called as lower half
power frequency (or lower cut off frequency).
- Similarly frequency f2 which is above fr is
called upper half power frequency (or upper
cut-off frequency) - The band of frequencies between f2 and f1 are
said to be useful band of frequencies since
during these frequencies of operation the out put
power in the circuit is more than half of the
maximum power. Thus their band of frequencies is
called as Bandwidth. i.e Band width B W
f2 - f1
16Selectivity Selectivity is a useful
characteristic of the resonant circuit.
Selectivity is defined as the ratio of band
width to resonant frequency
- Selectivity f2- f1
frIt can be seen that selectivity is the
reciprocal of Quality factor. Hence larger the
value of Q , smaller will be the
selectivity.The Selectivity of a resonant
circuit depends on how sharp the out put is
contained with in limited band of frequencies.
The circuit is said to be highly selective if the
resonance curve falls very sharply at off
resonant frequencies.
17Relation between Resonant frequency and cut-off
- Let fr be the resonant frequency of a series
resonant circuit consisting of R, L and C
elements . - From the Characteristic it is seen that at both
half frequencies f2 and f1 , the output
current is 0.707 Io which means that the
magnitude of the impedance is same at these
0.707 Ir
18At lower cut-off frequency f1Impedance is given
by v R2 (XC1 XL1)2At upper cut-off
frequency f2 Impedance is given by v R2 (XL2
XC2 )2
- But these impedances are equalHence v
R2 (XC1 XL1)2 v R2 (XL2
XC2)2 XC1 XL1 XL2 XC2 XC1
XC2 XL1 XL2 1 1 1
L ?1 ?2 C
? 1 ? 2 ? 1 ? 2
1 LCWe have f
r 1 ? ? r 1
vLCHence ?r2 _1__ ? ?r2 ?1 ?2
or fr2 f1 f2 f r v f1 f2
LC - i.e. Resonant frequency is the geometrical mean
of half power frequencies.
19Relation between resonant frequency (f r), Band
width and quality factor (Q)
- At lower cut- off frequency (f 1)
- I V
- v R2 (Xc1 XL1)2
- But I1 Ir /v2 V / v2 R
- Hence V V
- v2 R vR2 (Xc1 XL1)2
- vR2 (Xc1 XL1)2 v2 R
- i.e. Xc1 XL1 R (1)
At upper cut-off frequency, I2 V
v R2 (XL2 XC2)2 But I2 Ir /v2
V/ v2 R V
V v2 R v R2 (XL2 XC2)2 v R2
(XL2 XC2) 2 v2 R XL2
XC2 R (2)
20Adding equations (1) and (2),we get Xc1 XL1
Xc2 XL2 2R
Band width f r / Q
21Resonance by varying Inductance Resonance in RLC
series circuit can also be obtained by varying
resonating circuit elements . Let us consider a
circuit where in inductance is varied as shown in
- At resonance XL Xc , ? L r 1/ ?C
- L r 1/ ?2C , where L r value of inductance
at resonance.
22At lower half pointLet L1 be the value of
inductance. I Io/ v2 and Io V / R
23Resonance by varying capacitance Consider an RLC
series circuit in which capacitance C is varied.
At resonance Xc XL 1 ? L
? Cr
Cr 1 CrCapacitance value
at resonance. ? 2 L
24At lower half point 1 - ? L R
1 R ? L ? C1
? C1 C1 1 Farad
? 2L ?RAt upper half point? L -
1 R 1 ? L - R
? C2 ? C2 C2 1
Farad ? 2L - ?R
25Expressions for maximum capacitor voltage and
maximum inductor voltage
f L max
- From the figure it is clear that voltage across L
and voltage across C are not maximum at resonant
frequency (fr). Rather voltages VL and VC are
equal in magnitude and opposite in phase at fr.
The voltage Vc is maximum at a frequency fc max
which is less than fr and the voltage VL is
maximum at a frequency fL max which is greater
than fr
26Expression for fcmaxVoltage across capacitor Vc
is given by Vc I Xc I .1/ ? C But I
V/Z. So Vc V
? C vR2 ?L 1/ ?C
- To find the frequency at which Vc is maximum we
have to differentiate Vc with respect to ? and
equate it to zero VC2
_________ V2 __________
?2 C2 R2 ( ?L 1/ ?C )2
V2__________ ?2 R2 C2 ( ?2 L C 1 )2
27d VC2 V2 2 ? R2 C2 2 ( ?2 L C 1 ) (
2 ? L C ) 0d ? ?2 R2 C2
(?2 L C 1)2 2 2?R2C2 2( 2?LC)
(?2LC- 1) 0 2 ?2 L2 C2 2 LC - R2
C2 ?2 1/ (LC - R2 / 2L2 )
?Cmax v 1/LC R2/2L2
rad/sec fCmax 1/2? v
1/LC R2 / 2L2 Hz
28(No Transcript)
29Example 1 A series RLC circuit shown in figure
is connected across an A.C. variable frequency
supply of 200 Volts. Calculate the resonant
frequency and half power frequencies.
- Solution
- fr 1 1_____
35.6Hz - 2pvLC 2p v0.5x40x10 6
- Q ?r L 2px35.6 x0.5 1.86
- R 60
30B.W fr 35.6 19 Q
1.86 f2- f1 19
(1)Also fr 2 f1 f2 (35.6) 2
f1 f2 1266 (2)Solving equations
(1) and (2) we get, f1 27.33 Hz f 2
46.33 Hz
31Example 2
A 20 ohm resistor is connected in series with
an inductor, a capacitor and an Ammeter across 25
volts variable frequency a.c supply .When the
frequency is 400 Hz the current is at its
maximum value of 0.5 A and the potential
difference across the capacitor is 150 volts
.Calculatei) The capacitances of the capacitor
ii) The resistance and inductance of the
Solution Given Ir 0.5 A, fr
400Hz i) We have V C I o X C X C V
C 150 300 ohms I o
0.5 1 300O or C 1
3.33 microfarad ?o C
300 ?o
32(ii) At resonance circuit impedance is pure
resistance given by Z R r V
25 50 O Io 0.5 Where
r Internal resistance of the inductorR 50
R 50 - 20 30 OhmsAt resonance XL XC
300 ohmsL 300 300
0.119 henry ?0 2p x 400
33Example 3A Series RLC circuit consists of R 100
ohms L 0.02H and C 0.02 µF. Calculate
frequency of resonance. A variable frequency
sinusoidal voltage of rms value of 50 volts is
applied to the circuit. Find the frequency at
which voltage across L and C is maximum
- Solution Given R100 ohms
- L 0.02 H , C 0.02 µF
- Resonant frequency
- fo 1 1
- 2p vLC 2p v0.02x0.02x10-6
- fo 7.957 KHz
34The frequency at which voltage across C is
maximum is given byfC 1 /2p v 1/ ( LC R2 /
2 L2 )
1 /2p v (1/ 0.02 X 0.02 X 10-6 ) ( 1002 ) /
2( 0.002)2 7.937 KHz (iii) The
frequency at which voltage across L is maximum is
given by fL 1
2p v
LC (R2 C2 / 2) 1 /2p v (0.02 X
0.02 X 10-6) (1002) (0.002 x 10-6)2 /2
7.977 KHz