Title: Forecasting Convective Mode and Severity
1Forecasting Convective Mode and Severity
- Mark F. BrittNational Weather ServiceSt. Louis,
2Why Am I Here?
- A Basic Review of Severe Thunderstorm
Forecasting. - Examine moisture return,instability, and shear
calculations. - Examine how the amount and distribution of
instability, vertical shear, and forcing interact
to determine cell type, convective mode (linear
or discrete), and coverage. - Determine what type(s) of severe weather to
expect for a given environment.
3Using Numbers
- There are NO magic numbers or thresholds. They
are merely guidelines. - Best to look where several key parameters overlap
instead of depending on one index. - You should look at skew-Ts and hodographs
(observed and forecast) to better understand what
the numbers mean. - Increase your situation awareness by using near
storm environment data, but do not use it solely
to make warning decisions.
4Objective Analysis
- Available on AWIPS using MSAS, LAPS, or RUC40
analysis (Thompson/Edwards (2002) found RUC
analysis is a reasonable proxy to observed
soundings in supercell environments.) - Or, the SPC Mesoanalysis Page
- http//www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/mesoanalysis/
- Displays three movable regions that is usually
available by 20 minutes past each hour - Displays a robust set of hourly objective
analysis datasets using the latest surface
observations and upper air analysis from the RUC.
Depicted contours highlight important
thresholds. - Several new parameters available this year.
5Ingredients for Deep, Moist Convection
- Moisture (Gulf of Mexico, evapotranspiration)
- Instability (Steep lapse rates either from the
Elevated Mixed Layer off the Rockies, or large
scale dry ascent ahead of a trough.) - Forcing (Surface frontal boundary, convective
outflow, 900-800mb moisture convergence at nose
of nocturnal low level jet, orographic lift over
the eastern Ozarks)
6Moisture Return
Lanicci and Warner (1991)
- Look for rapid moisture advection from the Gulf
of Mexico in strong pressure gradients ahead of a
strong storm system. - Ridging associated with surface highs in or
near the Gulf can inhibit moisture return.
7Assessing Instability
- Which is best?
8From Peter Banacos, SPC (2003)
SBCAPE Surface Based. Uses the surface
temperature and dew point. Will show large
diurnal swings. Can give significant
overestimates (an order of magnitude) in cases of
shallow moisture and underestimates in cases of
elevated convection.
9From Peter Banacos, SPC (2003)
MLCAPE Mean Layer. Uses the mean temperature
and mean mixing ratio in the lowest part of the
atmosphere (SPC uses lowest 100 mb). Less
variable in time and space, and more conservative
than MUCAPE when lower atmosphere is not well
10From Peter Banacos, SPC (2003)
MUCAPE Most Unstable Parcel. Uses most
unstable parcel in lower atmosphere (SPC uses
lowest 300mb). Helps with nocturnal or other
types of elevated convection.
11CAPE vs. Parcel Selection
April 22nd, 2004
Mean Layer CAPE
Surface Based CAPE
From Jon Davies Webpage
12Surface Based Parcels
Violent tornado outbreak over western
Missouri. May 4th, 2003
13Elevated Based Parcels
Numerous Reports of Hailin Eastern NE/ Western
IA May 4th, 2003
14How Tall is the CAPE?
April 22nd, 2004
From Jon Davies Webpage (http//members.cox.net/jd
15How Tall is the CAPE?
April 22nd, 2004
From Jon Davies Webpage
16How Wide Is the CAPE?
Larger differences between parcel temperature and
the environmental temperature means stronger
updrafts that are less susceptible to entrainment.
17Lapse Rates
- Craven (2000) found in a study of 65 major
tornado outbreaks that 6.7o C/km is a useful
lower limit. He also found low shear
environments that produce tornadoes have steeper
lapse rates. - Steep mid level lapse rates (850-500 mb) have
more conditional instability and increased CAPE. - Steep low level lapse rates (0-3km AGL) can give
a better idea on how quickly convection will
18Mid Level Lapse Rates
19Assess Vertical Shear
- Distribution of vertical shear will determine
dominant thunderstorm type. - Can be determined using either
- Traditional fixed layers (0-6km bulk shear, 0-1km
SRH) - Effective shear which accounts for sounding
dependent inflow layer through CAPE and CIN
constraints. (Large sample testing suggests that
effective layer is best defined by gt100 J kg-1
CAPE and lt250 J kg-1 CIN. (Thompson et al, 2004a
b)) - Low level curvature can determine if
right-movers, left-movers, or both kinds of
splits are favored.
20Storm Type Ordinary Cells
- Dominant Type in Weak Shear Environments
- Pulse Type Severe Storms.
21Storm Type Multicells
Moderate to strong shear is confined mainly to
the lower levels (0 to 3 km AGL)
22Organized Multicells
- gt40kt 0-6 km shear
- gt30kt 700-500mb wind
- Dry (low theta-e) midlevel air (strong cold)
- Downshear SBCAPE max
- System relative convergence acting downshear to
enhance forward propagation
23Storm Type Supercells
- A storm that possesses a persistent mesocyclone
that can be sustained on the order of tens of
minutes. - 90 of this type associated with some kind of
severe weather (Burgess and Lemon, 1991)
240-6 km Shear Magnitude
- General deep layer shear thresholds
- 40 kt suggests if storms develop -- supercells
are likely (provided convective mode favors
cellular activity) - 30-40 kt supercells also possible if
environment is very or extremely unstable as
storm can augment local shear (gt5,000 J/kg
(Burgess (2003)) - About 15-20 kt shear needed for organized
convection (multicell or supercell) with mid
level winds at least 25 kt - While 0-6km shear is a good discriminator between
cell types, it isnt a good tornado forecast tool
(Thompson et al, 2002).
250-6 km Shear Magnitude
Supercells Non-Supercells
From Thompson et al (2002)
26BRN Shear
(Weisman and Klemp (1982), and Thompson (2000
BRN Shear is the vector difference between the
density weighted mean winds in the lowest 6 km
and the lowest 500 m above ground level. BRN
shear can be a used as a good predictor of storm
type and severity.
Supercells Non-Supercells
40 m2/s2 35 m2/s2
From Thompson et al (2002)
27Supercell Composite Parameter (Thompson et al,
- The Supercell Composite Parameter (SCP) is a
multi-parameter index that includes 0-3 km SRH,
CAPE, and BRN Shear. Each parameter is normalized
to supercell threshold values. - SCP (muCAPE/1000 J/kg) (0-3km SRH/100
m2/s2) (BRNShear/40 m2/s2) - Computed every hour on the SPC Mesoanalysis Page.
28Supercell Composite Parameter (Thompson et al,
May 4th, 2003
29What Causes Supercell Type
Rasmussen and Straka (1998) found in an
observational study of 43 isolated supercells
that supercell type is much more dependent
precipitation efficiency based on its ingestion
of hydrometeors.
30Classic Supercells
- The real value of a CL supercell is that it
appears to be the most efficient of the three
types to produce significant tornadoes. - Can occur nearly anywhere in U.S. when NSE
supports them.
31High Precipitation (HP) Supercells
32High Precipitation (HP) Supercells
- Lower mid-level and anvil-relative flow.
- Interactions with other storms seeding, more
storms can occur with weak caps. - Typically associated with weaker tornadoes, but
can produce significant tornadoes (Plainfield
IL). - More of a severe wind (Pakwash), hail, and flash
flooding threat. - Are the more-common supercell type east of the
Mississippi owing to NSE conditions there (weaker
caps, etc.), and may be the most common type
everywhere in the U.S.
33Supercell Dimensions
Burgess (2003)
34Supercell Movement
Bunkers et al (2000)
A physically based, shear-relative, and Galilean
invariant method based on 290 supercell
35Supercell Movement
Bunkers and Zeitler (2000)
- There are some caveats to this method
- Stronger deep-layer vertical wind shear (0-6 km)
leads to a stronger mesocyclone and thus to
greater deviation from the mean wind. - Weaker mid-level storm-relative winds allow for a
stronger cold pool, and thus a tendency for the
supercell to move rapidly downshear. - Depth of thunderstorms need to be considered.
- Supercell motion can be altered by wind shear
from boundaries and orography.
36Storm Coverage and Mode
- Whats the Problem?
- Evans (2003) noted Strong Forcing Derechoes and
discrete, significant tornadic supercells (F2-F5)
can occur in similar environments. - Unfortunately, differences can be very subtle and
difficult to diagnose operationally.
37What Controls Storm Coverage?(Thompson, 2004)
- Widespread coverage expected with
- Rich moisture influx and steep lapse rates
- Combination of Q-G and mesoscale ascent
- (Differential CVA and WAA with surface
frontogenesis) - Little CIN (Everything goes up.)
- Isolated (or no) storms with
- Marginal moisture and lapse rates (weak CAPE)
- Neutral to subsident large-scale environment
(Rely on small-scale/shallow processes for
initiation) - Large CIN (Confine storms to strongly forced or
in areas of most persistent ascent)
38What Causes Convective Mode?
Discrete Squall Line
stronger and/or deeper (or confined near
boundary) less greater more parallel
weaker more weaker more perpendicular
Strength and Depth of Boundary Forcing Amount of
CIN compared to Boundary Forcing Potential for
Cold Pool Shear Vector w.r.t. Boundary
39Initiating Boundary w.r.t. Deep Layer Flow
(Bluestein and Weisman, 2000 Dial and Racy, 2004)
- Parallel (lines dominate, with end supercells)
- 45o (discrete supercells, little storm
interaction) - 90o (colliding storm splits, but depends on
storm spacing and hodograph shape)
40Progressive Trough
May 4th 2003 Tornado Outbreak, Progressive Flow
0-6 km shear across dryline, and storm motion
faster than boundary motion
From Rich Thompson, SPC
41High Amplitude Trough
April 6th 2001 Great Plains High Risk Squall
0-6 km shear largely parallel to dryline, and
storm motion slower than boundary motion
From Rich Thompson, SPC
42Derechoes or Tornadoes?
Anvil SR Winds may show some discrimination
(Evans 2003).
43Surface Pressure Changes
- 1-2 hourly pressure changes help identify
- Mesolow /mesohigh couplets and boundaries
- Concentrated fall/rise couplet enhance low- level
convergence/shear by backing surface winds
(enhancing tornado threat) - Clouds associated with surface pressure falls may
be linked to a dynamical feature - Implications on thermal advection
- Rise/Fall couplets may indicate severe wind
threat in marginal CAPE environments
44Convective Severity
From DLOC Hazards Assessment
45Tornado Parameters
- Mesocyclonic Tornadoes
- Low Level Shear Vector and Storm Relative
Helicity - Low Level Thermodynamic Profile
- Height of LCL
- Height of LFC
- Low Level CAPE and CIN
- Boundaries
- Non-Mesocyclonic Tornadoes
460-1km Shear Vector
Brooks and Craven (2002)
Supercells associated with significant
tornadoes Non-Tornadic
20 kts 15kts
- Markowski et al (2002) states this is a measure
of the amount of horizontal vorticity available
near the earths surface. - The shear magnitude in the lowest 1 km
discriminates well between tornadic and
non-tornadic supercells, and is a good proxy for
0-1km helicity (Thompson et al, 2002). - Does not require knowledge of storm motion.
470-1km Storm Relative Helicity
Thompson et al (2002)
Supercells associated with significant
tornadoes Non-Tornadic
- SRH can vary up to two orders of magnitude within
100km and 3 hrs. - No good threshold, but 100 m2/s2 is considered a
good lower number with increasing threat as the
numbers grow. Outbreaks 200-300 m2/s2. (Rasmussen
and Blanchard, 1998 and Thompson et al, 2002).
480-1km Storm Relative Helicity
May 4th, 2003
April 22nd, 2004
From Banacos (2003)
From Jon Davies Webpage
49Height of the LCL (Mean Layer)
Markowski (2000) speculates that lower LCL
heights mean high boundary layer RH and increased
buoyancy in the RFD.
50Height of the MLLCL
From Thompson et al (2002)
From Brooks and Craven (2002)
51Lets Take a Look
Classic supercells which produced several strong
52Height of the LFC
- Why is this important?
- Lower LFCs (below 2km or 750mb) have more
instability above the LFC and less CIN above that
higher LFCs. - Lower LFCs require less lift for the parcel to
reach convective initiation - In a study of over 300 soundings associated with
supercells, most tornadoes are found with LFCs
below 6,600 ft, though may occur as high as
7900 ft with large amounts of vertical shear.
(Davies, 2002) - Rasmussen and Blanchard (1998) found that 75 of
tornadic classic supercell environments had CIN
lt25-50 J/kg) and 60 of non- tornadic supercell
environments had values greater than this
53Lets Take a Look
Several supercells, one producing a F3 tornado.
54Lets Take a Look
Several classic supercells along I-44, including
a F3.
55Lets Take a Look
Several supercells in central MO, producing F2
56What About Boundaries?
- Boundaries serve two important functions
- Local forcing mechanisms for convective
initiation. - As a source of vorticity augmentation in
mesocyclones. - Significant tornadoes usually require higher
quantities of SRH than is normally provided.
They often require augmentation from boundaries.
(Markowski et al (1998a))
57Forward Flank Downdraft
- Streamwise vorticity occurs along the boundaries
of the FFD. - Parcels generally only acquire 0.001 s1 shear
because of small residence times. - For FFD boundaries to be the primary source of
streamwise vorticity, it is speculated that the
environment must be highly helical (I.e. SRH gt
500 m2 s2 or 0-10 km shear of 100 kts per
Markowski et al (1998b).
58Outflow From External Thunderstorms
Rasmussen (2000)
Cool side of outflow boundaries Look for
modified outflow (gt6 hrs old) where theres
sunshine and growing CAPE (a.k.a. cooked
outflow), and surface dewpoints are great than
the warm sector. .
Markowski et. al. (1998b)
Tornadic development most likely from 10 km on
warm side of boundary to 30 km on cool side of
60Local Example
May 6, 2003
61Local Example
From of Fred Glass
April 21, 2002
62Anvil Boundaries
Preferred direction for longer parcel residence
- Requires limited cloud coverage around
periphery of storm. - May be more important than the FFD because of
much long parcel residence times in the boundary
depending on the inflow vector.
63Significant Tornado Parameter (Thompson et al,
- The Significant Tornado Parameter is a
multi-parameter index that includes 0-6-km shear
magnitude, 0-1km storm-relative helicity, 100-mb
mean parcel CAPE, and 100-mb mean parcel LCL
height. - SCP (mlCAPE/1000 J/kg) ((2000 -mlLCL)/1500 m)
(SRH1/100 m2/s2) (SHR6/20 m/s) - Computed every hour on the SPC Mesoanalysis Page.
64Significant Tornado Parameter (Thompson et al,
May 4th, 2003
65Non-Supercell Tornadoes
- Typically associated with ordinary cells
- No CIN
- Steep low level lapse rates
- Sharp boundary with low level vertical vorticity.
- Rapidly developing CBs
66Non-Supercell Tornadoes
May 25, 1997
From Wakimoto and Wilson (1989)
67Wind Parameters
- Microbursts
- Bow Echoes and Derechoes
- Atkins and Wakimoto (1991) found wet
microbursts occurred on days when the delta
theta-e between the surface and mid-levels is
gt20K. Null days occurred when this value is
lt13K. - Dry microburst tend to occur with high LCLs and
steep low level lapse rates.
69Bow Echoes and Derechoes
- Bow echoes and derechoes are associated with
moderate to strong shear in the low levels
(Przybylinski, 2001) - lt23 kts Weak Shear (Bow echoes less likely)
- 22-37 kts Moderate Shear (Bow echoes likely
with the greatest threat of damaging winds) - gt37 kts Strong Shear (Bow echoes likely with
strongest winds remaining above the surface.
70Bow EchoesTypical Morphologies
Squall Line Bow Echo (LEWP)
Bow Echo
Cell Bow Echo
Bow Echo Complex
Bow Echo
71Forward Propagating MCS
72Forward Propagating MCS
Low Level Boundary
73Back-building and Quasi-Stationary MCSs
74Classic Bow EchoWind Shear Profiles
75Elevated Hail Storms
- Steep mid level lapse rates (850 500 mb lapse
rates 7 deg C/km or greater) - MUCAPE gt 1000 J/kg
- Large CAPE in the -10 to -30oC /-20 to -40oC
range on a sounding - Strong deep shear (through mean cloud layer wind)
- Minimized melting effects (lower Freezing levels
, WBZ lt 10K ft)
76Surface Based Storms
- Mid level updraft rotation (need enough deep
shear gt 35 kts between 0-6 km AGL) - Need steep lapse rates , sufficient low-level
moisture, sufficient lifting mechanism (related
to CAPE in hail growth zone) - Note in absence of 1., greater dependence on 2.)
77Supercell Hail Forecasting
- Large CAPE in the layer from -20 to-40oC (-10 to
-30oC) favors rapid hail growth. - 0-6-km shear in excess of 30-40 knots supports
supercells with persistent updrafts that
contribute to large hail production - Lower freezing level heights suggest a greater
probability of hail reaching the surface prior to
78Hail Forecasting Parameters
- Hail Parameters depicts three forecasting
parameters used to predict hail. They are CAPE in
the layer from -20 to -40oC, 0-6-km shear vector,
and the freezing level height. - The Sig. Hail Parameter (SHIP) was developed
using a large database of surface-modified,
observed severe hail proximity soundings to
determine the potential of hail gt2" diameter. - SHIP (MUCAPE j/kg) (Mixing Ratio of MU
PARCEL g/kg) (700-500mb LAPSE RATE c/km)
(-500mb TEMP C) (0-6km Shear m/s) /
44,000,000 - Both are computed every hour on the SPC
Mesoanalysis Page.
- Steps for severe weather forecasting
- Will I have TSRA? (Moisture, Instability, and
Forcing) - What will be my primary convective mode and
coverage? (Instability, Shear, and Forcing) - What kind of severe weather will I have?
(Tornadoes, Hail, Winds)
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