Software Implementation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software Implementation


CS-300 Fall 2005. Supreeth Venkataraman. 4. Coding Standards ... CS-300 Fall 2005. Supreeth Venkataraman. 11. Comments. Modify comments when modifying code ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Software Implementation

Software Implementation
  • CS-300 Fall 2005
  • Supreeth Venkataraman

  • Allright folks, its time to write some code!
  • The art of translating a detailed design into
    working code.
  • Software implementation if done wrong can be
  • Wrong implementations can waste perfectly good

  • Not much different from other implementation
    processes (hardware, bridges, automobiles etc.)
  • The components need to be implemented first and
    then fitted properly
  • Coding units, integrating them
  • Getting the code right can be quite difficult
    even with a good design.

Coding Standards
  • Coding standards are rules that direct a set of
    programmers while writing code.
  • Typically organizations have their own coding
  • The purpose of coding standards
  • Helps code to be in harmony
  • Readability
  • Maintainability
  • Quality (conformance to design)

Coding Standards
  • Coding standards work well only if
  • They are incorporated before coding begins
  • Everyone follows them
  • They are practical and realistic
  • Coding standards could address many issues
  • Coding style
  • Coding techniques
  • Typical routine size
  • Rules for commenting, naming

Coding Standards
  • Coding standards are very useful for open source
  • GNU has a coding standard that can be found at
  • Coding standards also help constrain the way
    programmers write code
  • Usually programmers dont like this as they have
    their own way of writing code.

Coding Standards
  • Cons
  • Unhappy programmers
  • Unrealistic coding standards reduce the quality
    of the system
  • Programmers are more worried about conforming to
    coding standards than the task at hand
  • Same thing if the coding standard is too large.
  • The pros outweigh the cons.
  • No impact on functionality. Remember this!

Naming Standards
  • Meaningful names for routines, variables and
    other program elements go a long way towards
    achieving code readability and understandability.
  • Names should indicate the what and not the
  • getNextEmployeeID()
  • getNextListNode()

Naming Standards
  • If you have difficulty in selecting a name
  • It probably means that you have too many things
    going on in a routine (coupling)
  • Your design is probably wrong
  • Well named routines are usually highly cohesive.
  • Abbreviated names are usually a bad idea
  • gtNxtChr
  • As are misspelled names

  • Comments help understand the purpose of a
  • Comments must tell a good precise story
  • Internal documentation
  • Must respect detailed design
  • Invaluable to people who maintain code
  • They are of help only if they are correct!

  • Modify comments when modifying code
  • Imperative to have a routine header comment
  • End-of-line comments are usually bad
  • The distinction between code and comment on a
    single line is hard to comprehend at first
  • They are good for variable/struct declarations.
  • Avoid entire lines of s or s to beautify the
  • Be sure to remove temporary comments!!
  • Use complete sentences for comments and dont

Temporary Variables
  • We tend to use a lot of temporary variables in
    high level code
  • These variables (temp, temp1, temp2) make
    reading code a pain.
  • The person reading the code has to be made aware
    of the context (via comments)
  • Even better, try to do away with temporaries
    altogether wherever possible.

Programming Techniques Temporary Variables
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • int main()
  • int a 4, b 3, temp 0
  • printf("a d b d\n", a, b)
  • temp a
  • a b
  • b temp
  • printf("a d b d\n", a, b)
  • Swap two variables without using a temporary
  • Standard interview question
  • Dont google!

Programming Techniques Temporary Variables
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • int main()
  • int a 4, b 3
  • printf("a d b d\n", a, b)
  • a a b
  • b b a
  • a a b
  • printf("a d b d\n", a, b)

Peogramming Techniques - Macros
  • Some identifier (with or without arguments)
    associated with a piece of code that is expanded
    in the program body whenever the identifier is
    encountered in the program.
  • In C we use define construct to define macros
  • define BUFSIZE 1024
  • The C pre-processor handles macro expansions.

define max(a,b) a gt b? a b val
max(i,j) Potential problems define max(a,b) a
gt b? a b val max(i,j) define max(a,b)
((a)gt(b)?(a)(b)) val max(i,j)
  • We can write macros to compute fairly complex
  • Eg GCD computation

  • Allow one to check the value of variables, data
    structures etc at run time.
  • They are used to check the program logic and
    control flow
  • The C library call assert() can be very
  • useful
  • assert (int expr)

  • int main(int argc, charargv)
  • int x 0, y 0, z 0
  • assert(argc 4)
  • x atoi(argv1)
  • y atoi(argv2)
  • z atoi(argv3)
  • printf("d d d\n", x, y, z)
  • If argc lt 4 then the program will fail the
    assertion and abort. It will also dump core.

  • In the C language, assert() is actually
    implemented as a macro.
  • The assert() call is usually replaced by an if
    else statement.
  • Linux versions of assert()are not limited to an
    integer expression.
  • void assert(scalar expression)

  • You dont need assert() to ensure the value of
    some program element at run-time. You could
    simply use if else statements yourself.
  • These are very very useful especially when
    validating inputs.
  • Always fail safe!

Defensive Programming
  • The art of programming carefully, and cleaning up
    after youre done.
  • Defensive programming tries to ensure that we
    process only valid data, and if we do encounter
    invalid data, do not process it, and fail safe
  • Input validation
  • Authentication
  • Initialization

Input Validation
  • Validate all input
  • All input is evil Howard and LeBlanc
  • It is vital that inputs not be assumed as valid.
  • Inputs from all sources must be validated
  • While validating input, always check for legal
    values and reject illegal values
  • if ((age lt 0) (age gt 150))

Input validation
  • Whats wrong with this code?
  • define MAXELEMENTSIZE 10000
  • int main()
  • int i
  • scanf(d, i)
  • if (i gt MAXELEMENTSIZE)

Input validation
  • Never ever trust command line input
  • This includes the program name or argv0
  • Command line inputs are low hanging fruit for
  • Check every command line argument for validity.
  • The same goes for HTML form elements.

Input Validation
  • int main (int argc, char argv)
  • char i
  • i argv1
  • doSomething(i)

Input Validation
  • It is not enough to merely validate external
  • Every input to all functions must be validated.
  • The arguments to functions are the function
  • Check each such argument.

Input Validation
  • int prepare(char input)
  • char buf10
  • strcpy(buf, input)

Input Validation
  • When dealing with HTML forms, all form elements
    must be validated
  • Users can enter pretty much anything in text
  • If you were expecting an integer value, and you
    got a string instead, youll be in trouble if you
    dont look for this problem.

Input Validation
  • !/usr/bin/perl
  • use CGI
  • print "Content-typetext/html\n\n"
  • query new CGI
  • amt query-gtparam("effort")
  • amt contains the name of some program that
    must be executed
  • amt

Data Types
  • Be extremely careful with data types especially
    in C
  • int main()
  • int i, float f 2.35467899
  • char a A
  • i a
  • printf(d\n, i)
  • i f
  • printf(d\n, i)

  • What is initialization?
  • The process of assigning an initial value to a
  • Initialization of variables is very important.
    Improper initialization or no initialization of
    variables could lead to unpredictable results!

Initialization problems (some)
  • Variable has never been assigned a value.
  • The value of the variable is not valid anymore
  • You allocated memory for a pointer but
  • didn't initialize the variable it is pointing

int foo() int z,y y z return y int
main() int x x foo() printf("d\n",
x) x foo() printf("d\n", x)
Know how to initialize variables
  • int a 0
  • char string100 0
  • float x 0.0
  • char str ?

Guidelines for Initialization (Code Complete)
  • Check input parameters for validity.
  • If invalid inputs find their way into
    initializing code (especially C code)
    unpredictable results can occur.
  • main(int argc, char argv)
  • int y atoi(argv1)
  • printf("d\n", y)
  • What will be the output of the printf()?

Guidelines for Initialization (Code Complete)
  • Initialize each variable close to where it's used
  • Variables like i, j, and k are common loop
    counters, and
  • it is quite possible that these could be
    used many times
  • within a function.
  • Variables are usually initialized in a block at
    the start of
  • the function. Always initialize variables
    close to where they will be used so that the
    variables have valid values when they are used.

Guidelines for Initialization
  • Pay special attention to counters and
  • This is very important because we want our loop
    counters to have the right initial values. Not so
    necessary with "for" loops since "for loops have
    an initializing expression
  • for(i 0 i lt 10 i) ...
  • What about "while" loops?

Guidelines for Initialization
  • Initialize working memory at the beginning of
    your program.
  • Do the needful memory allocations as
  • early as possible so that you don't run into
    uninitialized memory later in the program.

Guidelines for Initialization
  • Check the need for reinitialization.
  • Based on discussions so far, why is this
  • Initialize each variable as its declared
  • Take advantage of compiler warning messages
  • How would we get C to print out warning messages
    that variables are uninitialized?

Common Coding errors to avoid
  • int foo(int x, int y)
  • int z
  • if (x y)
  • z 1
  • else if (x 4)
  • z 2
  • return z

How to be safe?
  • If you have a constant in the comparison
    statement, then have the constant on the LHS.

Unsafe C Library functions
  • gets()
  • strcpy()
  • strcat()
  • sprintf()
  • scanf(s, )
  • Never ever use these functions. If you do,
    include input validation of your own!!

What to use instead?
  • fgets()
  • strncpy()
  • strncat()
  • snprintf()
  • At least with these functions, one can specify
    the number of bytes to be read
  • Dont forget to ensure that your buffer has
    enough space to hold the string youre reading

Return values
  • Functions typically return the status of
    computation as an integer value
  • For example, strncmp() returns 0 if a perfect
    match was found, and specific error codes if
    errors occurred.
  • It is imperative that the return values be
    checked so that we know it is safe to proceed.

Find the bug in this code
  • int main(int argc, char argv)
  • FILE fp
  • char buf1024
  • fp fopen(myfile.txt, r)
  • fread(buf, 1, 1024, fp)
  • printf(s\n, buf)
  • fclose(fp)

Find the bug in this code
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • main()

Return Values
  • Sometimes, just checking for some particular
    return value is not enough. Whats wrong with the
    code below?
  • int authenticate()
  • int err
  • err checkAccess()
  • if (err ACCESSDENIED)
  • exit(1)
  • else
  • / do the needful task /

Too Much feedback is not good
  • Dont get carried away into printing error
    messages that are too friendly
  • You might be giving away information that could
    be used to exploit your code
  • Save the detailed information into your log files
    and print a cryptic message for the user.
  • For example, when someone tries to log in and
    fails, just say that the operation failed
  • Do NOT say anything like Invalid password

Buffer Overflows
  • Public Enemy Number 1 Howard and LeBlanc.
  • A buffer overflow is an array gone out of bounds.
  • That is, information has been written past the
    end of the array.
  • Buffer overflows in programs can lead to
    unpredictable results.

Buffer Overflows
  • int prepare(char input)
  • char buf10
  • strcpy(buf, input)
  • Attackers love buffer overflows.
  • Buffer overflows are remarkably easy to exploit.
  • Morris worm.

Buffer Overflows
  • According to CERT, more than 50 of all known
    attacks exploit buffer overflows.
  • Are buffer overflows avoidable?
  • You bet they are!
  • Dont use C is not the solution
  • Program responsibly. Its fundamental stuff

Fail Safe by Default
  • If the program fails, then care must be taken to
    see that the program fails safe
  • If you know that you have an exceptional
    situation that is critical
  • Exit if needed.
  • Before exiting, clean up
  • Free all allocated memory
  • NULL all critical variables
  • If deployed program fails, make sure core is not
  • If you know how, wipe out all traces of sensitive
    information from user memory.

Fail safe by default
  • Again, dont exit for every possible failure.
  • secureChat() story.
  • Know when to fail safe ?

Least Privileges
  • Always run with least privileges unless
    absolutely necessary to elevate.
  • What happens if youre running as root and a
    buffer overflow is exploited?
  • No need for escalation of privilege!
  • You dont need root privileges at all times do

Obscuring code does not help
  • The secureness of your program does not depend on
    your code being kept secret! Secrecy ! Security
  • The secureness of your system depends upon you
    keeping sensitive items like passwords or private
    keys secret.

Why do we write bad code?
  • Plain irresponsible
  • Ego
  • I cant possibly write bad code
  • Just get it done. We can worry about bugs and
    security later
  • Magic pixie dust?

  • Program responsibly
  • Properly initialize program elements
  • Always check the bounds of arrays
  • Always validate all input
  • Never assume that your program will not fail
  • And all the other good stuff in this lecture

  • LINUX and UNIX Secure Programming HOWTO David
  • http//
  • Coding standards and Techniques
  • http//
  • Writing Secure Code Mike Howard and David
    LeBlanc Microsoft Press, 2nd edition
  • Code Complete Steve McConnell Microsoft Press,
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