Title: Kentucky Press Association
1Kentucky Press Association
- 2008 Report to the Board
- on the Strategic Planning Project
- L. Darryl Armstrong Ph.D. APR CCMC
2What we were asked to do
- contracted by the Kentucky Press Association
(KPA) to collaborate with their strategic
planning committee. we have assisted KPAs
committee in the drafting of a new vision and
mission and have researched and developed a set
of recommendations for a strategic plan of action
for KPA that extends over the next 3-5 years
3Research undertaken
- A facilitated opening retreat with the KPA
committee and Board members to assess the
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
(SWOT) they perceive that KPA faces - The development of a KPA opportunity map using
the Innovator Computerized Polling system - Interviews with KPA staff
- A survey of the KPA membership (84 members
responded) - Survey of 49 of the 50 press associations
- Facilitation and computerized polling of the KPA
committee, staff and Board members using a set of
assessments designed from the research projects
plus the expertise and experience of ARMSTRONG
and Associates
4Value-add projects
- value-add means that these projects were not
part of the original agreement and contract. They
are provided because the organization needs this
information to advance itself on a strategic path
forward. KPA has not been charged for these
additional reports. - Survey of Kentucky newspapers with web sites and
development of a general set of recommendations
for improvement - Focus group with Murray State University Public
Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) on
social media use and critiques of selected KPA
- Based on a three year planning path
- Provides recommended actions and ideas to cover
up to 5-years - Resulting plan to be created must be written down
with designated responsibilities, metrics,
benchmarks and deadlines and published to be
effective - Will require annual objective assessment and
re-calibration - report card to membership
6Year One - Beginning November 2008 through
December 2009
- Publish strategic plan with new vision and
mission and provide complete report for all the
membership to access - Reorganize KPA to run like a business and an
association that provides specific tailored and
unique assistance to its membership focusing on
tactics and management cultural change
7Year Two - January 2010 through December 2010
- Contract for an objective evaluation of year one
accomplishments celebrate successes recalibrate
as needed to implement other recommendations as
part of the reorganization report same to
membership along with report card of assessment - Implement additional business operations
recommendations - Develop and implement extensive outreach program
to membership based on recommendations in the
8Year Three - January 2011 through December 2011
- Objectively evaluate year two accomplishments
celebrate successes recalibrate as needed to
implement other recommendations as part of the
business operations plan - Assess this entire report for additional
improvements and tactics that can be implemented
on behalf of membership report same to
membership along with report card of assessment
of previous year
9Proposed New Vision
- A vision is what you strive to become - it is
the organization at its best sometime in the
future - KPA will be its members' source of excellence in
the gathering, dissemination, and facilitation of
news and information through multiple
- The mission of an organization is resilient and
changes as needed to do those things necessary to
accomplish its vision
11Proposed Revised Mission
- The Kentucky Press Association will
- Maintain a stable, secure, and solid financial
operation to perpetuate the organization's
vision - Uphold the highest ethical journalistic and
business standards - Collaborate with its members and other media to
better understand the needs and interests of its
consumers - Be a leader in integrating and linking the
internet and social web technology with its
members and their consumers - Search out and promote new strategic partnerships
for its members' benefit - Provide a platform for relevant training,
exchange of ideas and resources - Use a marketing plan to re-brand itself and its
members to the public - Be its members' voice to the Kentucky General
12- We undertook a number of research and interactive
planning projects to develop our recommendations
for a path forward to help you achieve your new
vision and fulfill your new mission - The results from those projects and our key
findings follow
13Research Projects Conducted
- Survey Of Membership
- S.W.O.T. Analysis
- Opportunity Map
- 49 Press Association Surveys and Research
- Interviews with KPA/KPS Staff
- Membership Feedback
- Series of Computerized-Assessments
- Independent Research by ARMSTRONG and Associates
- Social Media Focus Group
- Kentucky Newspapers on the Web Reviewed
- Regular Committee Meetings
14Project One Survey Of Membership
- 84 people (28) out of 300 possible returned the
survey - National research shows that if you get 30 you
are getting an average return - There was some concern about this low return
rate, however, it is close enough to an average
return we see no need for concern or questioning
its validity - When nearly 1/3 of any organizations membership
responds the organization would be prudent to pay
attention to what is being said
15Areas Surveyed - Project One
- Lobbying
- Communication on pending legislation
- Advertising placement
- Maintaining a high code of ethics
- Providing services you need
- Meeting industry changes
- Planning KPAs work and working that plan
- Anticipating new trends
- Providing insight into customers needs
- Finding and sharing new marketing ideas
- No single category showed a Most Effective
response greater than 51 - this shows there is significant opportunity for
continuous improvement in all the categories
surveyed -
- An organization should seek to get a response
greater than 70 in the Most Effective rating
on all its programs or the programs should be
evaluated for sun-setting
17Findings ...
- The categories with 50 Most Effective response
were - Maintaining a high code of ethics 50
- Communication to members on pending legislation
51 - Lobbying 34.5 Most Effective Response
- The categories showing the greatest opportunity
for improvement were - Anticipating new trends
- Providing insight into customer needs
- Finding and sharing new market ideas
- Providing advertising placement
- Planning the work of KPA and working the plan
- Meeting the changes of the industry
- Accessibility to all newspapers (in the state)
- Forward-thinking, responsive and diligent
leadership supported by KPA staff - Excellent Executive Director and its advertising
sales force - Legislative voice
- Member services (advertising network)
- Effective communication with membership
- Programs not specific
- No strategic plan
- Board members too busy to contribute
- Need for separate weekly and daily focus
- Need to overhaul revenue programs
- Lack of collaboration/communication among members
- Internet
- Digital advertising
- Online directories
- Leadership role for newspapers to move into
digital age - Become effective advocate for all newspapers in
state - Develop strong web presence
- Declining revenues
- Inability to quickly access members for lobbying
purposes - Shifting dollars from print
- Online publications that are not part of KPA
- Readers want to be entertained as well as
informed - Public opinion that journalists fall into same
categories as politicians and used car salesmen
when it comes to ability to trust them
23Major Concerns
- A new business model to make money using the
Internet audience - Changing newspaper operations to meet audience
news and information needs - Continuing need to attract quality journalists
- Tradition - always done it this way
- Fear of the unknown
- A business model that dates to the 1970s
- Inbreeding
- Failure to understand and embrace the importance
of collaborating internally and externally
25Greatest Needs
- Web assistance in design, training and sales
- Bridging print and digital models
- Hiring and retaining good employees
- For KPA to be a major tool in marketing
newspapers and digital products - For KPA to develop online news, sports and
information content for its members
26Project Two KPA Opportunity Map
- 1. Succession planning for KPA Executive Director
- 2. Transition from print to digital media
- 3. Dealing with organizational change
- 4. Training and development for membership to
help move them from print to digital - 5. Developing, creating and improving revenue
streams - 6. Dealing with outside threats Ky General
Assembly - 7. Pooling resources to collaborate and reduce
expenses, share expertise - 8. Developing better communications between KPA
and its customers - 9. Convincing readers of value of newspapers
- 10. Identifying new ways of doing business
- 11. Attracting people to the profession
27Opportunity Map
28Project Three Associations Surveys Ideas and
Models to Consider
- Community Newspaper Tune-up
- Community Technology Tune-up
- Taking training into the field
- Town Hall collaborations with cable, radio, and
TV on areas of importance to community - New public notices web site
- Training webinars
- Online training videos
- Statewide news portal - news aggregator
29What Other Association Members Are Requesting
- Online advertising and placement network
- Member-focused training
- Online classified network
- More ways to generate revenue online and print
- More online sales all forms of ad sales
- Helping members develop online presence - easier
- Assistance with USPS issues
- Classified ad portal for print products
30Project Four Interviews, Facilitations,
Membership Feedback And ARMSTRONG And Associates
- The final Innovator questionnaires and
assessments provided significant insight from 15
participants including members of the strategic
planning committee and KPA/KPS staff members.
Four of the 15 surveys were conducted by mail
following the session in Lexington and
incorporated. - The participants were asked to rank statements on
a scale of 1 to 9 with 1 being Completely
Disagree with the statement and 9 being
Completely Agree with the statement
311. Assessing Organizations Instrument - 32
- ...often times unintentionally members of
organizations may actually prevent the
organization from trying new ideas - change is inevitable
- .. members of organizations too often compete
with each other - ... newspapers are seeking to monetize the
Internet while maintaining the same or better
revenue streams from the traditional newspaper - fear is fundamentally changing how many
different organizations do their business. - ...associations should be run like a business
- successful organizations exceed the needs of
their members - ... training programs should be offered based on
need and not on the expectations of a Board
member or two.
322. Assessing KPA as an Organization - 100 Items
- Develop and follow strategic plan with goals,
metrics, benchmarks, deadlines - Review and sunset on annual basis programs not
producing revenue or providing value-add to
members - Run KPA like a business with responsible
managers, programs budgets, goals, metrics and
report regular basis to Board - (reward and
incentive program designed in advance) - Find new digital models and offer digital
training programs - Provide technological assistance to members
- Promote and market KPA services to members
- Provide social media, videography and related
mini-seminars at annual meetings - Develop and market a statewide newspaper
marketing campaign
333. Vision and Mission Assessment - 32
- KPA needs a vision that includes social media
- Newspapers need to be watchdogs of government
- Editors should ensure fair and balanced
coverage - Newspapers need to learn how to collaborate
internally and externally - Newspapers must learn to collaborate with their
competitors to remain relevant - KPA facilitate the collaboration process of
sharing ideas and information between its members - Newspapers should use the Internet as the medium
to break instantaneous news
34- Future newspapers will be multi-media platforms
for the delivery of news, information and
opinions - Readers should have a role in determining news
coverage or content - KPA has the opportunity to be seen as a Source
of Excellence in its new incarnation
354. Strategic Themes Assessment
36Strategic Themes - 8
- Annually conduct a round table meeting with all
competitors to discuss how collaboration can be
better achieved - Establish KPA as the Source of Excellence in
leading the way into the new digital age for its
membership - Align KPA and its work program to evolve into the
public relations firm for all the newspapers in
the state - Establish a collaborative working group with
interested members of the legislature to resolve
the public meeting and legal notices issue - Invite professionals from the radio, television,
public relations and Internet areas to present at
each conference - Take the information from the value-added report
Review of KPA member web sites and use it to
help the membership improve their sites
375. Board Actions Assessment - 8
- Ranked high
- Establish a system of reporting where the Board
hears from the Directors responsible for their
programs on a regular basis - Establish and implement 360-degree performance
evaluations for all department managers - Establish a committee to review the charter of
KPA and all its existing bylaws including the
size of the Board and length of service of the
President - Establish a standing strategic planning committee
38Not Ranked High Yet Important
- Establish a standing committee to annually review
new revenue, program and membership
opportunities, and make specific recommendations
to the strategic planning committee. - Work with the Commonwealths universities and
colleges to establish a think tank that meets
at least twice annually to brief the Board on new
ideas and programs they are finding and problems
they are experiencing.
396. Organizational Change Assessment 9
- Re-brand KPA using the best of its old brand but
projecting a newer, more informative, dynamic and
modern image - Re-organize KPA so that special needs of dailies
and weeklies are specifically discovered,
programs developed and implemented by responsible
team managers - KPA has been run by newspaper people like it was
a newspaper, more or less, since its beginning.
But the organization is not a newspaper and that
can be used for the betterment of the
organization. Change paradigm to more of an
association assistance organization - Reorganize KPA to run like a business in todays
environment. Establish departments with managers
who have written plans of actions with metrics
and budgets for which they are accountable. Let
them make the decisions as to how best to use
their budgeted money in keeping with the agreed
upon plan of action.
40- Establish an online advertising sales policy that
supports online sales personnel with computer
equipment, graphic artists expertise and the
ability to negotiate rates with the customer - Work with appropriate parties to develop and
provide leadership training course for KPA
managers and for the membership - KPA should be reorganized to run more like a
business with distinct profit centers
established wherever possible - Establish an ongoing management cultural
change-counseling program for KPA staff and
membership. Work with universities to find the
best available resources and counsel. KPA cannot
change as an association until the management
culture changes from top down driven to
417. Business Operations Assessment
- The participants ranked 46 suggested business
operational issues - 27 of the 46 ranked in or above the 70
percentile. - This means that these 27 should first be
considered in making any changes operationally - The remaining 19 should be considered within the
5-year time frame as time and circumstances allows
42Just A Few Highlights ...
- Setup and run the association like a business
with goals, metrics and profit centers - Become a Source of Excellence for its
membership - Develop a marketing plan to sell KPA and its
services - Face-to-face regular meetings out in state with
members - KPA become state news aggregator
- Change internal KPA management culture to
collaborative instead of top down autocratic -
get counseling and training needed to do this - Find a web service company to help make
transition easier from print to digital - Sunset programs that are no longer productive
- Offer contemporary needed training such as
Working with Next Gen Videography Web site
sales training
438. Management Issues Assessment 7
- Hire dedicated and experienced sales people for
online sales who have the capability of training
others - Review current staffing needs against members
expectations and calls for new programs and
assistance, and determine how best to use the KPA
professionals - Write job descriptions for each position with
appropriate metrics to be used for annual written
performance evaluations. Work with the people
filling these positions to establish measurable
goals. Report performance annually to Board. - Recruit expertise and professionals for
consultations in making the transition from the
print to the digital venue
449. Social Media Issues Assessment 5
- KPA should arrange and offer a social media
experience and training session for annual
conference. - KPA ED should establish a blog and regularly
share his ideas, opinions and advice with
membership to demonstrate the move to being more
social media friendly. - KPA must better understand how to use and help
its membership capitalize on Twitter, Face Book
and My Space, etc. in order to advance the
organization into the future. - KPA should hire a social-media-experienced Next
Gen employee dedicated to selling online ads. - KPA has the opportunity to become a national
leader in understanding the new social media
application to the business.
4510. Web-based Issues Assessment 5
- Bring KPA information distribution including
listing of our services and how they can help our
membership online so they can be readily accessed
and consistently and quickly sent to members - KPA should regularly schedule and offer its
membership webinars and online training to
demonstrate its commitment to the integration and
application of the Internet to the association - Work with the web experts to develop a prototype
for an online legal and public notice-advertising
site as an alternative to the printed product.
Use this proactive approach to collaborate with
the Ky. Legislature. - KPA should develop noncompetitive web-based and
print products as a value-added service and make
them available on their web site for the
46Project Five Value-add Report - Web sites of Ky
- We reviewed the web-based Kentucky newspapers
- We made 30 observations for consideration to help
you improve the web sites - We will provide a handout on this to KPA
47Project Six Social Media Focus Group -
Value-added Project
- Conducted at Murray State University
- 13 Students from MSU - PRSSA
- Web cast arranged - will be uploaded to Google -
copy of videos to be provided - Provided insight into social media use
- Provided critiques of daily and weekly
48Demographics of group
- My Space - 5
- Linked In - 0
- Face book - 11
- Twitter - 0
- Flickr - 0
- You Tube - 11, 1 uploads
- E-mail - 11
- Blogs for research - 5
- reflects only 11 participants - 2 came in late
49Demographics ...
- One person has their own blog.
- Blackboard used by everyone for school.
- How many read your hometown newspapers when
youre at home? 5 - How many read their hometown newspaper on line
regularly? 2/3 - How many read weekly newspaper when they go back
home? 4
50Key Points On Social Media Use
- How many text? ALL
- How many times a day text? A lot. More than
talking on phone. 200 text messages a month.
Unlimited -- 200 messages a day - If a newspaper offered a text messaging service
that sent you news and events happening would you
use it? Theyd like to pick out what they want
to see. - Just do it! Use Face Book to get started
- More likely to read if ... could receive topics
by email
51- List newspaper as a group on Face Book so you
could join and learn about the paper that way. - Offer something more unique, hopefully news that
actually matters to me as a Gen Next. - Integrate (your newspaper) through the existing
social media. Dont re-invent the wheel! - The only way to reach college students
regardless of social economics is through Face
Book. - When you put your links on Face Book offer the
headlines the top stories ... offer a
personalized homepage ... with text messaging. - 27-year old Hire young people educated and
knowledgeable to know what their generation
wants. They need to change the language or style
of news. - I use Yahoo or CNN and Id like to have access
more local things or if newspapers would step up
and be more available Id use them. -
52Critique of The Newspapers
- Create a newspaper geared towards us ... We dont
read the paper because our parents do... I dont
want to do what my parents do. Need edgy design,
such as www.cnn.com or www.yahoo.com (on line)
and print make a big deal about it nationally. A
large enough audience will make their friends
read it. - 8 out of 11 respondents said they would pay for
online services and newspaper subscriptions after
graduation - Offer incentives to parents - student discounts
who can then pass the information along to us - Devote a page to college students, editorials,
features of interest to our age group - Offer a classified section where we can reach the
advertiser not just send in our resumes and offer
professional jobs that we would have interest in
53- In general on newspapers reviewed
- Need clean front-page layout - some were awful
- Fewer stories and really good photography to pull
in reader - Write local slant to national stories - i.e.
What does bailout mean to me? - Dont load up front-end of paper with advertising
- Lead with bad news to pull me in
- Why would you want readers to read obits first?
- Like the menus and boxes telling whats
inside the newspaper - Larger budget larger staff better newspaper
- Have one story at least per page that applies to
all demographic groups you want to reach - Bigger paper has more credibility than smaller
newspapers - Newspapers should be fair and balanced
- Many newspapers are biased in their reporting
54Social Media Focus Group Video
55- Questions?
- Contact us at
- Dr. L. Darryl Armstrong
- drdarryl_at_aol.com
- 1.888.340.2006
- www.armstrongandassociates.org