Title: Introduction to Psychology
1Introduction to Psychology
2Fact or Fiction Exercise
31. Full Moons affect behavior
- No effect when studied scientifically
- Ex. of illusory correlation if you believe it,
you notice odd behavior
42. We use 10 of brain.
- Motor and sensory cortex comprise 10.
- Association areas within each lobe account for
90 and are used.
53. There is a lot of evidence that even animals
- We all dream, even animals.
- For humans, 20-25 of the night is spent
dreaming. - Some dont remember the dreams well
64. IQ tests measure intelligence.
- Have to define intelligence, and there isnt much
agreement on that. - IQ tests do predict school achievement well.
75. We all learn differently.
- Probably FICTION.
- Advertising works on everyone.
- Behaviorism (operant conditioning) also works on
86. Most people have low self-esteem.
- Self-serving bias we love us.
- Depressed people may have low self-esteem or
really more realistic view of themselves.
97. Per the AMA, the most dangerous drug is
- Per the AMA, the most dangerous psychoactive drug
is alcohol.
108.People would obey an authority figure and harm
another person.
- Milgram study in 1960s.
- Most famous experiment of all times.
- With little encouragement, participants went
right on shocking people.
119. Schizophrenia means a person has several
- FICTION. Multiple personality disorder means a
person has several personalities. - Schizophrenia means a split mind, or shattered
mind. - Term referred to the fragmentation of thought
processes and emotions found in schizophrenic
1210.Phobias may be cured by exposure to feared
- One treatment for a phobia is flooding, or
confronting the person w/ the feared situation. - Person can not keep body responding at a high
level of anxiety and gradually calms down.
13A brief history of Psych
- Wundt, Hall, James et al.
14The Founding Father of Psy
- Wilhelm Wundt, German Professor
- Established psychology circa 1874
- 1879 established first psych lab in Leipzig
- Careful, systematic self-observation of ones own
conscious experience - Main method of structuralists
- Edward Tichener studied under Wundt
- Called his school structuralism
- complex structures broken down into component
parts of feeling/sensation
171st school of thought
- To appear and
- To disappear rather limited
- couldnt be used to study children
- or animals
- responses varied on trials
18Functionalism William James
- Main proponent of psych in U.S.
- Supposed to be teaching physiology anatomy, but
worked it into a Psy course by c. 1875
19What is Functionalism?
- Studied the purpose, or function, of behavior and
mental experiences - How do people and animals adapt to their
environments? - Expanded scope of psy direct observation of
living things
- Big debate at the time
- Structuralists were in their labs, functionalists
were more applied - Both schools are really gone
- But functionalism has 2 descendants behaviorism
and applied psychology
21 now the Ladies
- Mary Whiton Calkins
- Earned first female Ph.D. in Psy at Harvard
- She didnt receive the degree
- 1905, elected head of APA
22Margaret Floy Washburn
- First official pink Ph.D. (errfirst woman Ph.D.)
1894. - Ticheners first doctoral student
- The 2nd female APA president
23Kenneth Mamie Clark
- Documented harmful effects of prejudice
- Black doll study presented the results to the
U.S. Supreme Ct in 1964 - lst Afro-American president of APA
24The Biggest Influence
- Sigmund Freud
- Psychoanalytic Period
- 1895-onward
25Sigmund Freud 1856-1939
- An Austrian physician
- Psychoanalysis is a theory of personality
- Unconscious conflicts cause behavior and
personality - Radical ideas conflicts were at root sexual or
26The Behaviorists
- Pavlov, Watson, Skinner
- 1906 onward
27Ivan Pavlov
- Classical conditioning
- Paired associations
- Won Nobel Prize in 1904 for digestion
28John Watson behaviorism
- Rejected consciousness
- Really, really rejected unconscious influences
- Focused on OVERT behavior (beh that could be
measured, verified, etc.) - Mostly studied animals (enter the rat)
29B.F. Skinner
- Behaviorist
- Studied the effects of reward/punishment on
behavior - Decided people ( animals) learn from the
consequences of their behavior.
30Carl Rogers
- Humanistic Psychology (3rd Force)
- 1950s onward
- Client center therapy
- Emphasized free will and choice
- Human nature is positive, growth-seeking
31Abraham Maslow
- Maslow is famous for the hierarchy of human needs
- Started the idea of self-actualization
- Human potential movement
32Other perspectives
- Cognitive psychology
- how people process information (memory)
- develop language
- solve problems
- 1950s onward
- Genetics and biology may impact behavior
- Study relationship of biology to sexuality,
abnormal beh, learning - 1950s onward (hot topic right now).
- 1980s onward
- Social interaction and the cultural determinants
of behavior and mental processes
35News Flash
- Newest branch of psychology -
- Evolutionary Perspective-1980s onward
- What if our minds evolved w/ our bodies?
- 1. random mutation occurs
- 2. non-random natural selection occurs
- Not so much survival of the fittest but the fit
- Adaptive traits survive, non-adaptive you have
fewer relatives