Title: Informing DecisionMaking Through Comparative Effectiveness
1Informing Decision-Making Through Comparative
Ronda G. Hughes, PhD, MHS, RN Senior Health
Scientist Administrator Agency for Healthcare
Research Quality University of Oklahoma,
Health Science Center Wednesday, September 16,
- Health Policy
- Health Services Research
- Driving Forces of Change Research
- Opportunities
3Improving Health Care for All
- AHRQ Focus Goals
- Health Services Research Theory
- Resources Research
- Future Research
4HHS Organizational Focus
NIH Biomedical research to prevent, diagnose
treat diseases
CDC Population health the role of
community-based interventions to improve health
AHRQ Long-term system-wide improvement of
health care quality effectiveness
5AHRQ Roles Resources
- Health IT Research
- Funding
- Support advances that improve patient
safety/quality of care - Continue work in hospital settings
- Step up use of HIT to improve ambulatory patient
- Develop Evidence Base for Best Practices
- Four key domains
- Patient-centered care
- Medication management
- Integration of decision support tools
- Enabling quality measurement
- Promote Collaboration
- and Dissemination
- Support efforts of AHIC, ONC, HRSA Centers for
Medicare Medicaid Services - Build on public private partnerships
- Use web tools to share knowledge expertise
Source FY 2007 Budget Summary for HHS and BNA
Health Care Policy Report 2-13-06
6AHRQs Mission
Improve the quality, safety, efficiency and
effectiveness of health care for all Americans
7AHRQs Focus Strategic Goals
- Quality Deliver the right care at the right time
to the right patient - Safety Reduce the risk of harm by promoting
delivery of the best possible health care - Efficiency Enhance access to effective health
care services reduce unnecessary costs - Effectiveness Improve health care outcomes by
encouraging the use of evidence to make more
informed health care decisions
8Value-Driven Health Care Principles Drive
Chartered Value Exchanges
- Health care is local national quality
improvement will occur one community at a time - Transparency accurate meaningful information on
quality cost is key to provider improvement
consumer engagement - Collaboratives involving key stakeholder groups
public private payers, providers, plans
consumer organizations hold promise to foster
requisite reforms
9Health Services Research
- HSR is a multidisciplinary field of inquiry,
both basic applied, that examines the use,
costs, quality, accessibility, delivery,
organization, financing, outcomes of health
care services to increase knowledge
understanding of the structure, processes,
effects of health services for individuals
10Cornerstones of
Value-Driven Health Care
11AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Research
12Effective Health Care Program
- Evidence synthesis (EPC program)
- Systematically review, synthesize, compare
existing evidence on treatment effectiveness - Identify relevant knowledge gaps
- Evidence generation (DEcIDE, CERTs)
- Develop new scientific knowledge to address
knowledge gaps - Accelerate practical studies
- Evidence communication/translation (Eisenberg
Center) - Translate evidence into improvements
- Communicate scientific information in plain
language to policymakers, patients, and providers
13AHRQs Role in Comparative Effectiveness
- Lead USA national agency for comparative
effectiveness research - HTA at the request of CMS
- Analyze data/options for CED and post CED data
collection - Provide translation of comparative effectiveness
findings - Promote and fund comparative effectiveness
methods research - Fund training grants focused on comparative
14Effective Health Care Program
- To improve the quality, effectiveness, and
efficiency of health care delivered through
Medicare, Medicaid, and S-CHIP programs - Focus is on what is known now ensuring programs
benefit from past investments in research and
what research gaps are critical to fill - Focus is on clinical effectiveness
15Conceptual Framework
Stakeholder Input Involvement
16Priority Conditions
- Arthritis and non-traumatic joint disorders
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular disease, including stroke and
hypertension - Dementia, including Alzheimer Disease
- Depression and other mental health disorders
- Developmental delays, attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder and autism
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Functional limitations and disability
- Infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS
- Obesity
- Peptic ulcer disease and dyspepsia
- Pregnancy including pre-term birth
- Pulmonary disease/Asthma
- Substance abuse
17Selection Criteria
- 3 criteria
- 7 criteria
- 1 criterion
- 1 criterion
- 6 criteria
Potential Impact
18The Future of CER
- A hot button topic in health care reform
- More effort to get more relevant and responsive
research - Methods, methods, methods
- Need to tackle important issues
- Ethical
- When to know when the evidence is sufficient
- Transparency
- Setting priorities and for whom
- Patient-centered, what is good for the public may
not be good for the individual
19Sources of Evidence
- Research Studies
- Randomized clinical trials
- Cross-sectional studies
- Case series studies
- Case control studies
- Systematic Reviews
- Critical analysis of the quality research studies
- Qualitative or quantitative synthesis
- Clinical Guidelines Recommendations
- Expert opinion
- Clinical decision-making
SOURCE Haynes, Devereauxs, Guyatt. ACP J Club
2002 136A11-14.
20Source of Evidence
1000 people
800 have symptoms
327 consider seeking medical care
217 visit a physicians office 113 visit
primary care physicians office
65 visit CAM provider
21 visit a hospital OPD
14 receive home health care
13 visit an emergency department
8 in a hospital
lt1 in an academic health center
SOURCE NEJM 2000, Green et al.
21Evidence-based Clinical Decisions
Patient Preferences Actions
Clinical state, Setting Circumstances
Clinical Expertise
Research Evidence
Health Care Resources
SOURCE Haynes, Devereauxs, Guyatt. ACP J Club
2002 136A11-14.
22Evidence-Based Guideline Clearinghouses
- The National Guidelines Clearinghouse is a
comprehensive database of evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines related documents - The National Quality Measures Clearinghouse is a
database Web site for information on specific
evidence-based health care quality measures
measure sets - The goal of both is to promote the dissemination,
implementation use in order to inform health
care decisions
23Research Priorities for Value Where We Need
- Measures of value, cost, efficiency within and
across sites of care - Methods, modeling, and data sources for measuring
and tracking value and efficiency, projecting
impact of policy, payment, organizational change - Impact of consumer incentives on consumer
behavior, costs and ROI for multiple stakeholders - Impact of Federal and State regulatory and legal
changes on organization, financing,
accessibility, delivery, quality and cost of
health care - Impact of Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP benefit
provisions management on enrollment,
utilization, costs, and quality - Impact of public reporting strategies
24How Can We Enhance Our
The Evolution of Translational Research
25 You Can Only Improve What You Can Measure
26(No Transcript)
27The 3Ts Road Map to Transforming U.S. Health
Improved health care quality and value
and population health
Basic biomedical science
Clinical efficacy knowledge
Clinical effectiveness knowledge
Key T1 activity to test what care
works Clinical efficacy research
Key T2 activities to test who benefits from
promising care Outcomes research Comparative
effectiveness Research Health services
Key T3 activities to test how to deliver
high-quality care reliably and in all
settings Measurement and accountability of
health care quality and cost Implementation of
Interventions and health care system
redesign Scaling and spread of effective
interventions Research in above domains
Source JAMA, May 21, 2008 D. Dougherty and
P.H. Conway, pp. 2319-2321. The 3Ts Roadmap to
Transform U.S. Health Care The How of
High-Quality Care.
- Generating big impact research
- Building public/private partnerships that include
representative stakeholders - Developing the capacity to track long-term
outcomes of training programs - Ensuring that more informed actually means better
informed - Rewarding the leading edge and bringing others
- Use best available evidence for decision making
- Generate evidence for practice policy
- Compare evidence best practices
30Future Challenges
- Downstream effects of policy applications
- Diffusion of technology
- Effects on innovation
- Unintended consequences
- International collaboration
- Understanding the role of costs in the U.S.
- Determining where comparative effectiveness
should reside
31Funding Opportunities
- Dissertation Grants
- Conference Grants
- AHRQ has funds available for convening
professionals to effect change - AHRQ Tools/Resources
- http//effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
- www.innovations.ahrq.gov
- http//psnet.ahrq.gov
32Ronda G. Hughes, PhD, MHS, RN Senior Health
Scientist Administrator Senior Advisor for
End-of-Life Care Center for Primary Care,
Prevention, Clinical Partnerships Agency for
Healthcare Research Quality 540 Gaither Road,
Suite 6000 Rockville, MD 20850 Phone (301)
427-1578 Fax (301) 427-1595 E-Mail